Chapter 8: The Mayor Blimp (Aug 10th)

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"It's August 10th, and it's only 2 days until the 10th anniversary. See what I did there? 10th of August and the 10th anniversary."

(Cricket noises)

"Whatever, anyways it's August 10th and in Mayor Humdinger's secret lair, Cat Noir was sleeping in the crate as it was now noon in Adventure City. The villains entered out of the door and inside to where Cat Noir was sleeping."

Mayor Humdinger: Rise and shine, black cat.

Cat Noir: Huh? Oh no, it's you guys again...

Harold Humdinger: Yep, I hope you're happy to see us because you've got work to do.

Cat Noir: I don't want to work

Codi Gizmody: Fine, no work means no problem at all.

Cat Noir: Thank you (Goes back to sleep)

Codi Gizmody: It also means you won't get your food or water ever.

Cat Noir: (Opens his eyes quickly, ears perks up) Okay, maybe I do feel like doing work today. (Nervous chuckle)

Mayor Humdinger: Excellent, let me show you something outside.

Cat Noir: Okay?

[Shows the Kitten Catastrophe's logo and cuts to the next scene where the villains, kittens and Cat Noir were outside]

Mayor Humdinger: Feast your eyes on this

"He pulls away the big cloth and shows to them a blimp that was not painted with any color, it was completely colorless from the top to the bottom."

Cat Noir: A blimp?

Mayor Humdinger: Yep, the Mayor blimp that we're gonna use.

Cat Noir: What are you gonna use a blimp for?

Mayor Humdinger: I'll tell you later, but first you need to get to painting.

Cat Noir: Seriously?

Codi: Yep, so get to it

"Harold gives him two paint cans that were purple and gray, two buckets and two paint rollers, one each to use for different colors."

Mayor Humdinger: I want you to paint the top parts purple, and the passenger car gray inside and out below.

Cat Noir: Do I really have to?

Mayor Humdinger: You don't really have to, unless you want to eat food again then yes, you have to anyway.

"He leaves including the other villains, Mayor Humdinger said for the kittens to keep an eye on him. The kittens didn't want to, but they had to."

Cat Noir: Alright, I guess I better start painting huh?

Cat Chase: Meow, meow.

Cat Noir: Okay, fine. Don't rush me, I'll get the work done ASAP.

"He pulls over the paint cans one with his mouth and the other with his paw, pulls over the rollers by using his paws and pulls over the buckets same for what he did with the paint cans."

Cat Noir: Since that they're watching me from afar, I might as well have to work without using my powers.

"He puts out his golden claw on one paw, and uses his index to try and open up the lid. He removes the lid and pours it into the bucket. After that, he retracted his claws."

Cat Noir: (Grabs the paint roller) Did they really had to make this paint roller long? Oh well.

"He dipped the paint roller into the bucket about two or three times, and went to work. He started to paint the passenger car from the outside, turning it from white to gray. Some time passed by and he was now finished painting the passenger car on the outside, then he had to do the inside. He took the bucket and the paint roller inside and started to do the work, more time passed by and he was finished with the inside already."

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