Bloody Neighbors

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"Elsie!! Hurry up!" echoed her mother's voice from downstairs. "We don't want to keep our neighbors waiting."

"I'm coming!" Elsie dashed down the stairs, stomping along her way, her irritation evident in her hurried steps.

"Keep that attitude down," Jodie cautioned her.

"Leave her alone for one day," Mr. Baker interjected as he made his way from the living room to the staircase.

"I will, if she behaves," Jodie replied, still keeping a watchful eye on Elsie.

"I'll keep my mouth shut, if that's what you want," Elsie muttered as she grabbed her jacket and headed out the door. Jodie followed suit, and John helped Elsie put on her coat before they all exited the house.

The party was being hosted in a nearby manor, its radiant lights casting a stark contrast against the surrounding darkness. As the Baker family approached the grand house, they couldn't help but marvel at its opulence.

Elsie couldn't help but voice her curiosity, "Why are we even going? It's not like they personally invited us. We don't even know them."

"They sent us an invitation, dear," Mr. Baker explained. "It would be rude not to go. Plus, it's an excellent opportunity to get to know our neighbors. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, whatever," Elsie replied dismissively.

They entered the manor's compound, taking note of the peculiar decorations that filled the front lawn. The abundance of grotesque pumpkins and headstones made it resemble a miniature cemetery. Since the manor was even larger, the bizarre decorations extended beyond their line of sight, hidden in the darkness. Elsie decided to explore the rest of the Halloween decor on her own.

Approaching the massive wooden door adorned with a distinctive door knocker, Mr. Baker gave it a firm knock. The knocker's clang echoed within, and the door swung open to reveal a stoic butler.

"They've got servants?" Jodie whispered to John, who couldn't help but smile in response.

As the door opened wider, the Baker family was greeted by a warm and inviting family standing inside. In the center stood a middle-aged woman in a deep red corseted ballgown with black laces, presumably the mother. To her right was a man of similar age, dressed in a tuxedo. Flanking them were two young boys who looked like twins, both wearing knight costumes reminiscent of medieval times.

"Mr. Remington," John said, extending his hand to the man.

"Stop with the formalities. Call me Rufus," he replied with a warm smile, pulling John into a friendly hug. "I'm John Baker," Mr. Baker introduced himself.

"Oh, I know. I know everything that happens in this neighbourhood," Mr. Remington winked.

Meanwhile, Jodie approached the woman, extending a friendly hand with the casserole she had meticulously prepared since the morning. Jodie had been anxious since receiving the invitation from the manor, and her eagerness to make a good impression was evident. She had even prepared a speech, but the sight of the manor's interior left her speechless. The house exuded a distinctive 1920s ambiance, illuminated by electric candle replicas that cast an unyielding, moody glow. Ornate paintings, tapestries, and hunting trophies adorned the walls.

"Your house looks beautiful," Jodie complimented Mrs. Remington.

"Just wait until you see the rest of the house," Mrs. Remington replied with a smile, turning her attention to Elsie. "And what's the name of this young lady?"

"I'm Elsie, Mrs. Remington."

"Call me Lola, dear. Mrs. Remington makes me feel too old," she chuckled, then directed them to the living room.

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