Creatures Of The Night

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On a bitterly cold Christmas Eve, a chilling wind whispered the news of a deadly pandemic making its way into the United States. It was a sinister biological warfare plot attributed to the Chinese government, yet they refused to claim responsibility. Instead, an Iraqi terrorist organization brazenly took credit for the horror. Panic swept through the nation like wildfire, and borders were hastily closed, but it was already too late.

In a quiet town near Vancouver, Neville and his grandmother were preparing to celebrate Christmas. The people of Canada remained undeterred by the turmoil south of their border, continuing their holiday traditions only within the safe confines of their homes. Neville sat beside the crackling fire, his faithful dog, Bruno, nestled beside him, the warmth of the flames a comfort in these troubled times.

After a sumptuous Christmas dinner lovingly prepared by his grandmother, Neville retreated to his room, eager to delve into the unfolding crisis in the United States. His passion for biology fueled his thirst for knowledge, particularly regarding the virus that transformed animals into grotesque creatures and inflicted people with a slow and gruesome autoimmune disease. Governments scrambled to contain the situation, but the cause and method of transmission remained shrouded in mystery. Neville scoured the internet for answers, losing track of time as he delved deeper into the mystery.

In the solitude of his room, Neville's concentration was broken by the muffled sobs of his grandmother from the living room. Worried, he rushed out and found her seated on the couch, a heavy burden etched across her aged face.

"Neville, my dear," she said, her voice quivering. "It's just all so overwhelming, this news from the States. I worry about my nephew there."

Neville knelt beside her, offering solace. "I understand, Grandma. It's a scary time, but we'll get through this together."

As Neville reassured his grandmother, he noticed Bruno nuzzling her hand. The dog had a calming presence, and his mere presence seemed to alleviate the tension in the room.

After some time, Neville returned to his room, intent on finding answers about the virus. He spent hours reading about different theories and experiments that attempted to unravel the origins of the deadly outbreak. The more he read, the more intrigued and frightened he became.

Suddenly, in the middle of the night, a haunting howl pierced the air, echoing like a mournful wolf's cry. It was so chilling that it could have roused the entire town. Neville's heart raced as he peaked outside the window by his bed. Two dogs sprinted across the road into the dark woods beyond, and a shiver ran down his spine.

Then he heard a clatter downstairs.

"Bruno", he called out.


There was no response.

Neville descended the stairs, and upon reaching halfway, a sinking feeling settled in his chest. Bruno's leash lay abandoned on the floor, and the front door remained securely shut. How could Bruno have escaped on his own?

He looked for Bruno in the backyard, but a bewildering sight awaited Neville in the backyard. A small burrow had appeared overnight, leading to the other side. He couldn't comprehend how it got there, but it seemed to offer a way out for Bruno.

Without hesitation, Neville grabbed his phone and a flashlight and ventured outside in search of his beloved dog. The woods were eerily silent, except for the occasional rustling of leaves in the frigid breeze. He noticed a few cats slinking into the darkness, their eyes gleaming with an unnatural glow. Suspecting that something sinister was afoot, Neville followed them, his anxiety growing with each step.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, the eerie sounds of clicks, clatters, dog howls, and cat chatter enveloped him. His anxiety heightened, and he began to question the wisdom of his decision. The woods seemed to close in on him, shadows dancing in the dim light.

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