Spawn of a Bloodsucker

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On a frigid winter evening in Boston, the last school day before Christmas break, Andrew found himself lounging at his buddy's place. After a solid few hours diving into board games and Xbox in Justin's dimly lit game room, Andrew decided to head home. A mere two blocks separated Justin's abode from his own. He exchanged farewells with Justin and his kin, promising to drop them a line once he made it back.

Out yonder, the streets lay shrouded in a dense, ghostly fog. Snow blanketed the ground, making it an eerie journey. But Andrew trudged forth, hugging the curb where tire tracks faintly showed the way. That car tailing him seemed sluggish, likely due to the treacherous conditions. He paid it no mind.

As he continued on his journey, that car crept closer—far too close for comfort. Andrew whirled around to lock eyes with the driver, a young fella donning a bright red cap.

"You need a ride, kid?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I'm good, thanks. My place's just around the bend," Andrew replied.

"Let us lend a hand, kid. The roads ain't lookin' too good," the driver insisted.

The car came to a halt, and the passenger door creaked open. A burly man stepped out and rushed towards Andrew in an instant. Before Andrew could react, the man seized him and dragged him into the car. Andrew struggled and fought, but the man's grip was unyielding. The door slammed shut, and the driver hit the gas. That night marked the last time anyone saw Andrew.

When Andrew's folks got word of his disappearance, they were naturally in a panic. But his father, a man named Edgar Fields, assured his wife that he'd find their boy. You see, what the Fields family kept concealed was a hefty secret. Old Edgar was a vampire from the get-go, right from when he married Louise. Now, after they had a son, Louise wanted to join the ranks of the undead so they could be together for all eternity. But here's the kicker: Andrew turned out different. He was a hybrid, born with vampiric blood coursing through his veins, yet he didn't inherit the standard vampire weaknesses. No burning in the sun for him, and garlic? Just a seasoning.

The lad didn't thirst for blood, but he did possess some extra muscle and quick healing powers. So when Andrew vanished, Edgar embarked on a nightly hunt, and Louise delved into the spate of kidnappings occurring in their town. They adhered to a code, see, not to harm innocent folk. They had their ways of obtaining their crimson sustenance without causing a fuss. It was all part of their vampire network, known as the V-Guild.

But the twist here was that these kidnappings weren't the doings of their own kind; they were the work of humans. Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no sign of Andrew. His folks feared the worst.

Yet Louise started detecting a peculiar pattern in her investigations. The number of disappearances dropped, but there was a sudden surge in animal attacks, and it was alarmingly high. She used her connections to secure gruesome photos, and what she saw had her double-checking. The bite marks were like nothing she'd ever seen, but she knew them all too well. They were vampire tooth marks.

So, Edgar and Louise reached out to their V-Guild contacts to snoop around for any new vampire activity in town, but word was, there were no new members or newcomers. That got them curious, and that night, they started narrowing down on this mystery vampire causing chaos in their quiet town.

It was a chilly midnight when a young man drove his car down the road. The Fields couple noticed someone hitching a ride. When the driver rolled down the window, the fiend yanked him out with vengeance and went in for the bite. The Fields sprung into action, seizing the mysterious vampire by the neck, and that's when Edgar took a good long look at the bloodsucker.

"Andrew!" Louise cried out, trying to give her son a hug, but he broke free.

"Let me go!" he yelled. "I can't control this anymore."

"Son, please, you gotta calm down," Edgar pleaded.

"I can't! I don't know what happened to me, but this hunger, it's driving me crazy. Those thugs did something to me"

"It wasn't those thugs, Andrew."

"What do you mean?" he asked, all ears and impatient.

"You were born this way. This part of you has been lying dormant."

"Dormant? And you knew all along?"

"Of course, we did. We're just like you," Edgar said, still clutching Andrew tight.

"But, how? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"We wanted you to have a normal childhood, son. We weren't sure if you got the gene. You're the first hybrid in our guild."

Andrew, still reeling from the shocking revelation, found himself in a state of bewilderment. That fateful night of his abduction, he had put up a valiant struggle against the hefty man in the backseat. Yet, despite his newfound strength, Andrew lacked the necessary finesse and was swiftly overpowered by his captor. However, in an unexpected twist, as the man attempted to secure Andrew with ropes, Andrew seized the moment and sank his teeth into the man's hand, savoring his first taste of blood.

In that very instant, something changed within Andrew. A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins, setting him free from the clutches of his captor. The flavor of blood danced upon his senses like sweet nectar, igniting a primal craving within him. All thoughts of danger and escape faded into insignificance; he was consumed by the desire for that tantalizing taste. Andrew launched himself at the man, and in that horrifying moment, sharp fangs erupted from his jaws, tearing into the kidnapper's chest. He had become a monstrous entity that night, and the two kidnappers met their end in their own lair, vanishing without a trace, much like their victims before.

The following day, when Andrew regained his senses, he was burdened by the gravity of his actions. He believed that some sinister infection from the kidnappers had transformed him into a nightmarish creature. Consumed by self-loathing, he deemed himself a threat and chose to stay away from his family, fearing for their safety. However, his insatiable hunger would not be denied. While he concealed himself during the day, Andrew ventured out into the night, hunting for his prey. Lacking the training or knowledge to resist, he attacked and claimed the lives of his victims.

When Andrew mustered the courage to narrate his harrowing story to his parents, they embraced him with care and love. Slowly, they embarked on the arduous journey of training him and imparting the ways of their kind.

A few days after his return, a video emerged on the internet, depicting Andrew mercilessly pursuing one of his hapless victims. The V-Guild, upon discovering this incriminating evidence, took extensive measures to erase the video. However, the Fields family found themselves in grave jeopardy, as the V-Guild issued a dire ultimatum - Andrew must be eliminated. In defiance, the Fields waged a fierce battle against the V-Guild, but their actions came at a steep cost. They were deprived of their daily source of sustenance, facing the agonizing dilemma of whether to return to their violent ways or to ultimately drive a stake through their own son's heart.


What would you do if you were in the shoes of the parents? 

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