Call From the Past

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Tring. Tring.

In the midst of this serene setting, Beth's voice echoed from the kitchen, her words carrying a hint of exasperation. "Sean! Can you please pick up the phone? I've got batter in my hands!"

Sean, his steps hurried, rushed to answer the phone mounted on the wall that separated the living room from the dining area. His movements betrayed a sense of urgency as he plucked the receiver from its cradle.

"Pops," a sweet, distant voice whispered from the other end of the line, tinged with both nostalgia and longing.

Sean's curiosity piqued, he leaned in closer, his voice hesitant as he inquired, "Who is this?"

"Don't you remember me? Oh well, it's been so many years since we last spoke; you could barely recognize my voice," the voice replied, laced with a sense of melancholy.

A furrow deepened on Sean's brow. "Um... I'm afraid you might have called the wrong number. Who are you looking for?"

"Isn't this Sean Slater?" the voice inquired, filled with a strange mix of playfulness and mystery.

"It is Sean Slater, but I don't know..."

"Oh! You do know me. You just forgot about me. Like I said, it's been so long. I hardly recognize myself," the voice continued, its tone softening.

Sean's confusion grew. "I'm really confused..."

"Okay, let me not waste your time anymore. I just wanted to ask you something."

His frustration began to creep in as Sean questioned, "Are you from the media? I've already told you people that I didn't take that money. Now leave me alone."

A reassuring chuckle emanated from the other end. "Oh no! I'm not from the media. I wanted to ask if you remember what today is?"

"What about today?" Sean's voice quivered with a growing sense of unease and impatience.

The voice on the other end continued to tease, "Well, I want you to remember on your own."

"Who are you? What the hell do you want?" Sean's voice rose, his patience running thin.

The voice, undeterred by Sean's frustration, countered, "Pops! Pops! Calm down. We don't want your blood pressure to shoot up and get you to the hospital holding your chest like 6 months ago."

A cold sweat broke out on Sean's brow as he muttered, "How... How do you know about that?"

"I told you. I know everything. I see everything," the voice whispered ominously. Sean's eyes darted around the room, realizing the curtains were drawn open, allowing prying eyes to peer inside. He rushed to close them and called for his wife.

"Beth, come over here!" he shouted, his voice trembling.

Beth, her hands still coated in clumps of batter, approached him cautiously. "What is it?" Her irritation was apparent, but a hint of fear lingered beneath her courteous demeanor.

"Some creepy girl knows everything happening in this house. Did you tell someone where we kept the money?" Sean's words tumbled out, laced with suspicion.

"No! No, Sean. Why would I do that?" Beth cried out, her eyes welling with tears.

"How else does this girl know about it?" Sean's voice wavered with anxiety.

Beth took the phone from Sean, her fingers trembling. "Let me speak to her," she said softly and then addressed the mysterious caller, "Who are you?"

"Mum... mum... Why do you always keep so mum," the voice taunted with a sing-song sarcasm.

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