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Mumbai, India

Parvati was working in her office cubicle when a notification sound from her mobile device disrupted her focus. She shifted her gaze from her desktop to her mobile and immediately dialed her home number.

"Nani!" Parvati exclaimed with excitement as her grandmother answered the phone.

Nani smiled as she heard her granddaughter's cheerful voice and said, "Parvati, my dear, what's the good news?"

Parvati took a deep breath to calm herself before sharing the news. "Narayani auntie and Sanjay have arrived in Mumbai. I just received an email from them."

Nani's smile grew even wider. "That's wonderful news, my dear. I can't wait to see you as a bride."

Parvati blushed at the mention of her possible wedding. "I'll talk to you later, nani."

"Okay, beta. But come back home early today. We have to make some preparations to welcome them," Nani instructed. "And don't forget to talk to your manager about taking a day off. Narayani and Sanjay might come to visit us tomorrow and you have to stay at home."

Parvati nodded in agreement. "Yes, nani. I'll take care of everything."

With that, Parvati disconnected the call and returned to her work with a sense of excitement for the start of a new phase in her life.



Suyash leaned back in his plush office chair, a small smile playing on his lips as he gazed at the photo frame on his desk. It was a picture of Rajeshwari, his fiancée, who would be leaving for a three-day adventure trip with her girl gang tomorrow, and Suyash yearned to join her. Alas, it was a girls-only trip, so there wasn't any chance for him to accompany his sweetheart. But he had decided to take her out for dinner tonight at least to spend some quality time with her before she would leave.

As he was lost in his thoughts, a knock on the door jolted him back to reality. Suyash sat up straight, his demeanor dignified and charming as always. "Come in," he said in a calm yet authoritative tone.

His father's secretary entered the room and informed him, "sir, Lalit sir wants to see you in his cabin."

Suyash nodded and made his way to his father's office.

Lalit barely glanced up from the file in his hand as Suyash knocked on the door and entered the cabin. "Three-day summit for the Homeland 2040 project will be held in London from tomorrow..." he said, getting straight to the point.

Suyash was well aware of the Emir of Dubai's ambitious plan to build a brand new town, expanding the city by 2040. This colossal project would require the construction of new homes, schools, colleges, hospitals, and all the necessary amenities for residents. Construction companies from all over the world would be invited to bid on the project at the summit. Suyash had been working alongside his father for several months, and he knew every detail of the project like the back of his hand. He was confident that their company would be selected to participate in this massive undertaking, which would bring in substantial profits and goodwill.

"You'll go there instead of me. And you are leaving tonight..."

Suyash was thrilled by his father's orders as it was a significant responsibility, and his father had entrusted him with it.

"Make sure we get the project,"
Lalit said as he looked up from his file.

"Yes, dad," Suyash replied with a confident smile, assuring his father that he would do everything in his power to win the bid.

Lalit nodded his head with a hint of pride in his eyes and said, "I knew I could count on you, son." With that, Suyash left the room, his mind already buzzing with ideas and plans for the summit.

However as he walked back to his own office, he couldn't help but think of Rajeshwari and felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving for London without seeing her. He would have to wait four or more days before he could spend time with her.

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