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Mallika couldn't contain her excitement as she exclaimed, "wait, are you really in India?" Her beaming face caught the attention of the guests in the hotel lobby. Realizing the sudden attention, Mallika, being a poised employee of a luxurious and renowned hotel, quickly composed herself with grace and dignity.

Sensing Mallika's happiness, SD smiled and replied, "tonight, I am all yours, babe."

Mallika was beaming with excitement.

A servant came to SD's door and informed him that Narayani wanted to see him in her room.

"Well, I have to go..." SD said, ending the call.

He made his way to Narayani's room and found his mother happily flipping through an album. He gently knocked on the door to get her attention.

Narayani turned her gaze towards him, and said, "Sanjay, come here and take a look at this..."

SD went over to her and looked at the photograph and a smile appeared on his face. The photograph was of his mother during her younger years, standing alongside a woman of similar age who was cradling a baby in her arms.

"This is Jyoti, my dear friend, and her daughter Parvati," Narayani said, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia as she pointed towards the little baby. "When Parvati came into this world, we were overwhelmed with happiness and we made a decision to change our friendship into familial ties one day. Although Jyoti is no longer with us today, I have never forgotten my promise."

"What do you mean, mom?" SD asked, growing anxious. A dreadful feeling began to creep into his heart, fearing his mother was hinting at a potential marriage between him and Parvati.

Narayani had a smile on her face as she said, "tomorrow we are going to Parvati's house to talk about your marriage with her."

What! SD was taken aback as he finally understood why his mother had returned to India after such a long time.

"Don't make any plans with your friends for tomorrow," Narayani said.

SD was left in a state of complete shock, unable to find the right words to express himself at the moment. Feeling unsure of what to do, he went back to his room to gather his thoughts. Restless and distressed, SD walked back and forth in his room. He truly loved Mallika and hated the idea of marrying the girl his mother had chosen for him. Desperate for support, he reached for his phone and dialed the number of someone who always patiently listened to his rants and gave him valuable advice.

Meanwhile, Suyash was at the airport lounge, completely focused on his laptop, working until his flight departure. Just as his mobile phone started ringing, he quickly answered it. Before he could even utter a word, SD went on...

"Suyash, I'm facing a huge problem!"

Intrigued, Suyash asked, "what happened?"

"I had a gut feeling that something was bound to happen when mom wanted to return to India after such a long time..." SD said. "How could mom possibly do this to me?!"

Suyash, feeling clueless, tried to calm SD down, saying, "wait a minute, SD. What exactly are you talking about?"

"Mom had arranged my marriage with her friend's daughter when I was a child, so now she has come to India to fulfill her promise. She didn't even think it's necessary to ask me once if I agree to this relationship..." SD expressed his frustration. "Who does such things in today's time! My life feels like a ridiculous episode of an Indian soap opera now."

Suyash chuckled and reassured SD, saying, "relax SD. If bua has made a decision, it's probably for the best."

SD rolled his eyes and said, "you always take mom's side."

"Give it a try and meet that girl once. Who knows, you might actually end up liking her. And if not, then you can politely decline the proposal," Suyash suggested. "It seems like this marriage alliance means a lot to bua, and if you reject it without meeting the girl, she won't be happy with you."

SD listened to Suyash's words attentively and couldn't deny that Suyash had a point. He made up his mind to personally meet Parvati and look for any valid reasons to turn her down.

Suyash realized that it was time for his flight and said, "it's time for me to board my flight. Let's catch up later."

"Where are you going?" SD asked.

Suyash informed him that Lalit had asked him to attend the summit that would be held in London.

SD recalled how Suyash had mentioned his desire to hang out with Rajeshwari, but sadly, his cousin was asked to work. "Mama ji should give you a chance to enjoy your life for once. Anyhow, have a safe journey," SD said warmly before ending the call.

On the other hand, Parvati was in her room, she blushed as she gazed at the SD's photo. The mere thought of spending her entire life with him brought joyous butterflies to her stomach, causing her to blush even more.

Nani caught sight of the delightful smile on Parvati's face and cleared her throat, interrupting Parvati's deep thoughts. "Ahem! Ahem!"

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Parvati swiftly tucked the photo underneath her pillow, and asked, " nani, are you still awake?"

Nani walked in and sat on the bed beside Parvati. "I was heading back from the kitchen after getting some water and thought of talking to you when I noticed the lights on in your room," she said and then playfully teased Parvati, saying, "you don't have to hide Sanjay's photo from me. Sanjay is your would-be husband, you can admire him as much as you like."

Feeling bashful, Parvati buried her face in her granny's lap and pleaded, "nani, please stop teasing me."

Nani chuckled and affectionately stroked Parvati's hair. "My dear, are you happy with this marriage proposal?"

Parvati rose up and smiled at her grandmother. "Yes, nani. This marriage is a promise made by maa, and I want to honor it. I am genuinely happy because I know that neither maa nor you would ever decide anything wrong for me."

However, SD was extremely upset and desperately wanted to avoid marrying Parvati.

Hey, I'm home! When are you planning to come over?

Mallika sent him a text.

SD's mood was completely ruined by his mother by pressuring him to accept a girl he didn't love. He didn't feel like meeting Mallika at the moment, so he replied to her text.

Hey babe, not tonight. Let's meet up tomorrow instead.

Mallika felt a bit sad after reading his message but chose not to express it.

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