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At nani's house, Narayani, Suyash, and nani were  at the dining table waiting for Parvati to join them. Parvati, standing at the entrance of the house, made several attempts to reach SD on the phone, hoping he'd finally pick up her call. 

"Parvati!" Nani called out affectionately.

"I'm coming right away," Parvati replied. She stopped making her phone calls to SD. It was a little disheartening for her as her husband was not picking up her calls, but she managed to put on a brave smile before stepping into the house.

“Did you talk to SD?" Narayani asked. "Is he planning to come here or not?"

"Yes, maa," Parvati replied, feeling a pang of guilt for lying. "He said that he won't be able to make it as he's caught up with some work."

Nani felt upset and found it strange how SD always seemed to maintain distance from Parvati. It got her worried.

“Well, he must be really busy,” Narayani said reassuringly. “Come, sit down, beta. The food you cooked is absolutely delicious.”

"I completely agree with bua, food is so delicious!" Suyash chimed in. 

Her family's compliments brought a big smile to Parvati's face.

Narayani said feeling sad, “I wish maa and Parvati could join us, but unfortunately, they have to stay back due to the passport and visa paperwork.” A feeling of gloom surrounded them, and Parvati felt sad as well.

“I won't be able to come to Dubai with you and SD tomorrow,” Suyash dropped the news, leaving everyone surprised. Parvati, too, was taken aback but also felt relieved knowing Suyash won't be leaving for Dubai. “There are some issues at work, so I'll have to stay in India for a few days,” Suyash added. 

Narayani inquired about the situation at the company, and Suyash went on to explain it to everyone.

When an employee in a higher position commits fraud, it's not something minor. It could actually harm the company's reputation and cause investors and shareholders to lose trust in the company. Suyash had a lot on his plate dealing with this matter, yet he still found the time to have lunch with her upon her request. Whereas her husband completely ignored her calls. Parvati couldn't help but admire Suyash for his actions.

After lunch, Suyash helped Parvati in tidying up the table by clearing the dishes. Parvati was alone in the kitchen when he walked in and placed the plates on the counter.

“Thanks!” Parvati smiled at him.

"I should go now," he said, eager to attend to office matters.

"Suyash, just a minute..." she interrupted. "There's something I'd like to talk to you about."

Suyash waited for her to continue.

“About what happened last night…" Parvati began with remorse. "I shouldn't have behaved rudely with you like that. I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me."

With a comforting smile, Suyash said, "now I've gotten to know you well, I could never be angry with you. I had already forgotten about it last night."

Parvati looked at Suyash with admiration, feeling relieved that he wasn't upset.

"I just hope everything is okay between you and SD," Suyash said with concern.

She nodded her head and said, "everything is fine between us. SD was remorseful about last night and apologized. He gave me these two diamond bangles as a wedding gift."

Parvati forward her hands where the two diamond bangles along with other bangles adorned her wrists. 

Suyash couldn't help but smile. “Beautiful," he complimented. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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