A Gasp Of Surprise

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"Prem, where are you?" Preeti asks as she walks into the room.

"Bathroom mein," Prem replies, his voice carrying a hint of exotic allure.

Prem steps out of the bathroom, his presence commanding attention as he emerges with wet hair glistening in the soft light. A towel is casually draped around his waist, accentuating his toned physique and adding to his mysterious charm. With a confident stride, he approaches her, a faint smirk playing on his lips.

"What's up?" he asks, his voice deep and velvety, sending shivers down her spine.

"Breakfast is ready, the staff made eggs," Preeti tells him, her voice betraying a hint of excitement.

"Mmm, why didn't you make it?" Prem inquires, his gaze lingering on her as he takes in her beauty.

"Because I made halwa," Preeti whispers, her words carrying a subtle seductive undertone, igniting a spark of desire in Prem's eyes.

Prem lets her go and quickly gets ready out of excitement. Preeti giggles and stares in awe. Forgetting that Preeti is there, he takes the towel off and turns around to face Preeti. Preeti gasps and turns around in haste, she covers her face with her hands and stands there in embarrassment. Prem chuckles and takes less than a minute to get ready. He looks at her back and waits till she moves. Preeti, still covering her face, tries to leave the room so he can change without being uncomfortable. Uncovering her eyes, she tries to push the door open, but Prem takes two steps and closes the door from behind her. He turns her around and sees that she's tightly closed her eyes.

"Preeti," he whispers right next to her ear. "Open them."

Preeti shakes her head and turns back around. Prem nears closer to her ear and whispers to her to open them. Feeling his breath on her neck sends shivers down her spine. She still refuses to open her eyes. Prem sighs and pulls back, thinking how he could get her to open her eyes. An idea came to mind, but he contemplated if it's gonna work or not. Prem nears closer to her neck again and waits. Preeti is still standing with her eyes shut. Prem moves his nose up her neck and kisses her sweet spot. Preeti then opens her eyes in shock and lets out a surprise gasp. Prem turns her around, moves back, and watches her cheeks turn red. He chuckles and wraps his arm around her waist. As he pulls her closer he whispers,

"Tumhe haqq hai."

Prem nears closer to her neck again, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Preeti gasps again as she feels the warmth of his lips against her skin, igniting a fiery passion within her. She can't help but let out a soft moan, her body leaning into his touch involuntarily. Feeling her response, Prem's desire intensifies, his fingertips tracing delicate patterns along her waist.

With a whispered breath, he murmurs against her ear, "Open them, Preeti."

Her heart racing, Preeti finally succumbs to his plea, slowly opening her eyes to meet his intense gaze. The air between them crackles with anticipation as they stand locked in a moment of unspoken desire. Caught in the spell of their shared intimacy, Prem's gaze softens, a tender smile playing on his lips. Without breaking eye contact, he leans in to capture her lips in a passionate kiss, their bodies entwining in a dance of longing and love. As they finally pull away, breathless and exhilarated, Preeti's cheeks are flushed with a rosy hue, her eyes sparkling with newfound ardour. With a silent understanding passing between them, they share a knowing glance before Preeti breaks away, her footsteps echoing down the stairs, leaving Prem with a lingering sense of longing in her wake. She looks back and sees Prem smirking at her. Blushing, she runs away into the kitchen. She bumps into Sapna, who's holding the plates. Preeti gasps and apologises. Prem emerges from the corner and watches them both.

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