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I can't believe that guy just smiled at me.. like I'm gonna fall right into his arms after that.. he's so annoying. I head home and as I walk inside I see my brothers car is parked outside which means he's home from college. I throw my bag on the ground and go hug my brother. Elliot! You're back! I sure am Em. How was school?

The usual. Except I got invited to a wedding by Nate Harrison smith.. woah the guy that you supposedly hate? That's sick Emilia!

No, no it is not "sick" it's horrible and you wanna know whose wedding it is?
Who's? Is it Josh and Tara's? What how did you know? Am I the only one who didn't know? I don't think so. Mom and dad don't know. Josh told me when we went out a couple weeks ago.. soo are you going to the wedding?!? Because if so I can go with you and stick with you and not Nate..

sorry Embug I'm gonna be away in like London or something for some trip our school is making us take.. I already told Josh this so he knows I won't be attending.. WHAT?! That's sucks.. you get to go to London and i have to go to your high schools best friends wedding with the guy I hate most.. GREAT.

Look Embug you don't have to go.. just tell Nate you can't go and I'll tell Josh you got sick or something.. heck no.. I know Nate.. he'll tell Josh and Tara that I'm actually at home not sick just didn't want to come because my enemy is going..oh and not to mention that they think we're besties now and got over our conflicts which hasn't happened..
oh Emilia.. I'm sorry. It's just for a couple of hours..you'll be okay right?

*I sigh* probably. I can just show up looking really hot and Nate will be so amazing he'll have to leave haha! Good thinking Em you should totally do that. But be smart about it yea? Of course Eli who do you think I am? I'm not gonna look hotter than the bride but I'll look just enough to catch his eyes! Ok ok. You do that. I'm gonna go get some stuff for later.. I'll see you when I get back. He said and waved bye as he went out the door.


I decided to read a book since I'm behind. I sit down on my bed and start reading. Suddenly I get a text. It's from freaking Nate. Does he always have to ruin my happy moments.. I swear he's gonna be there for my first kiss and my first everything if he keeps this up *I said rolling my eyes and checking my phone*

It read:
" Hey peaches have you decided whether you wanna go with me to this wedding or not? "

I respond:

" what's with the nicknames. Stop. And I have decided actually. "

"So what is it? What's your decision my lady"

"Hm I don't know if I should tell you so.."

"bunny Boo don't play this game, just be honest with me so I know. "

"Someone's mad?"

"When did I say I was mad? I just need to know. It'll be one thing off my plate."

"Since when are you the stressed type of guy. Whatever I'm going with you but we'll need to establish rules ok smith?"

"Sure Thompson. Go ahead, establish your rules"

"Well first, when Saturday comes we'll be reasonable and try and act like we care about each others wellbeing. Then later in the night we'll tell everyone the truth about our uhh relationship and it'll be the end of that.. you'll take me home and we're back to being enemies deal?"

"Sure munchkin. I'll pick you up at 5:30 it takes about 20 minutes to get to the rehearsal place and the theme is cool/ calming colors or something idk.."

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT.. but okay whatever I'm leaving you to yourself now goodbye Nate."

"Bye sugar cookie"

"God help me not strangle you tomorrow"

"Why I think you're awesome too blueberry ;)"

I put my phone down and roll my eyes and continued to read..

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