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I don't understand what came over me the night Emilia and I were at the wedding. I just suddenly got angry, With myself with everybody and everything. I felt bad I wasn't able to explain it to Emilia but she kinda deserved it.. and when I left all I could think about was how angry and frustrated I was. And most of the anger was towards Emilia. I don't regret blowing up but I do regret leaving like I did..

Josh and Tara didn't deserve that.. and would it be weird to think that Saturday night might be the only time I ever really see Emilia so dress up and.. sorta pretty? and I ruined that by being a jerk..? Ugh i don't know. I shouldn't even care what she thinks..

Sometimes I wonder why I like to annoy Emilia tho but the more I think about it the farther I get.. is there really a reason why I like to do it? I honestly don't think I have romantic feelings towards her because she doesn't make me feel the same way Lexi does.. b-but Lexi doesn't spark as much enjoyment as Emilia does.. I don't understand anything nowadays.


We have baseball practice Monday and I'm kinda dreading it.. I told Asher. "Bro why? You love baseball" Asher said with a confused look, I know and I do. It's just I've had a lot on my mind recently and don't think I'm gonna be able to concentrate. And if I don't concentrate I'm no good. "What's been on your mind? Girls. The upcoming game?"

Hm both I guess. It's just the upcoming game is stressing me out and well girls are girls and always stresses me out so it's just like what does a guy do when he's stressed over slightly dumb stuff and stuff that's valid to be stressing over huh?

"Well bro just take one thing at a time. Focus on the most Important thing right now. If that's girls focus on that. if it's the game focus on that. You can't let your mind wonder.. it'll ruin good things for you Nate"

thanks dude you're a lot of help. "Anytime dude and uhh do you think you could help me on the math test because I'm definitely gonna fail if I don't study a little" Asher said scratching his head and smiling. *I laugh* *this guy can only be serious for so long* Sure Asher. We can study later okay. "Sick! Yea okay!"


Soon I help Asher with his homework, "so uh how was the wedding you had to go with that bookworm right?" He said looking at me then back down at his homework. Emilia? yeah it was fine I guess. I've been to better weddings before tho. "How was it spending an evening with the girl you despise so much huh?" I wouldn't say I despise her I just don't personally like her and plus annoying her is all I really do.

"Be so honest with me dude. Do you have a thing for her? Because we've been hating on her for years with no real reason of to why. Not to say I like that chick or anything but she's smart so I could see how one of us could have a thing for her." Nah bro she's solely an enemy. Any anyways me and Lexi have a thing going on right now so I don't even wanna think about anything like that.. "right you and Lexi" he said tightening his jaw, "I didn't think y'all were that serious." Yea we're not. but I don't know if I could be serious with anyone right now Asher.

"I know bro, it's fine. I'm just sayin she's a real catch" He said laughing. Who? Lexi or Emilia. "Lexi, I think she's cool" oh right, yeah she is.. anyways my mom needs me home before 7 for some family meeting or something. So do you think you can finish this on your own, I said pointing down at the homework.

"Uhhh yea it doesn't seem that hard. Thanks dude!" No problem. I'll see you Monday alright. I said smiling at him, "Sure, see you Monday" I got up and left his house.

I wonder if he has a thing for Lexi?.. I wonder if I have a thing for Emilia...

Yea definitely not. Nooo. Let's just stick to one thing at a time nate. One thing at a time..

Later I got home and my mom sat me down and basically told me I needed to get my grades up or I'd have to quite baseball and god knows I'm not about to do that.. I'll just study harder it shouldn't be that hard right...right?

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