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I wake up getting dressed and head downstairs to eat breakfast. As I eat i think about my upcoming audition for the role of red riding hood. I wonder if I can't actually get the main role.. I've never gotten many actual popular main roles before. But I do believe I can get it if I try.

I finish my food and head for the bus. Apparently amy can't pick me up today so bus it is.. I hate taking the bus it's always so loud and slightly smells? I don't know maybe my nose isn't working right today.. And there is always this one kid that's gonna be all up in your face at 6:30 in the morning. Like what gives you the power to be like you are? Did you drink 50 cups of coffee this morning? *I roll my eyes thinking about it* sooner or later we arrive at school everyone get off and heads inside.

the halls are unbelievably busy and chaotic for it it be 7:00 but what do I know. I get to my first class early and not may people are here yet. Manly just the vice president and some nerds that live for school. So I just pull out a book and start to read.

I must have dosed off because soon someone shook me awake. I Think it was Amy but I don't really remember. Sadly a few minutes later class started and I HAD to have history as my first period. Like I suck at history. Besides math and science, history is my worst subject.

20 minutes into the class the teacher drops a bomb on us. Apparently we have a project that we have to team up for. And obviously I was gonna pick Amy but NOoo the teacher had to pick our partners..

And I already saw it coming.. The darn teacher knows I hate Nate and Is purposely gonna put us together..

And God so have it we ended up getting partnered. GOODNESS I wish I could wipe that smug smile right off Nate's face..

He knew it was coming too.. Ugh that idiot. Mr Martin is literally the definition of evil. He will be my least favorite teacher starting today..

After class Nate comes over to me grinning so big it makes me wanna puke. "Hey peaches, looks like we're partners." yep looks like it.. Im so freaking happy about this.  I said sarcastically throwing my hands in the air, "Oh I'm sure you are bunny boo. I'm sure you're just lovin this right?"

right. I said frustrated. Whatever I'm leaving. I said storming out of the class room.

I look behind me and see Nate smile. I swear I'm gonna punch him when I get the chance too.
Later on I'm in detention with Amy for being late yesterday.

So how does it feel to be partnered up with Nate? She said grinning at me. Horrible. Like I swear the teacher is out to get me of something. Em, any girl in this whole school would die to be partnered with Nate.. This Is a GIFT.

Well for most girls it might be like that but not for me. Nate can go partner up with Lexi.. We all know they're hooking up.. Even if they try and keep it on the low. You're right about that.. she said crossing her arms in sadness. It's always the popular girls that get the popular guys. So unfair. But Lexi isn't even in our history class..

I agree, Amy but you know how the world works.. It's just like that.. And probably always will be and I know she's not in our class I'm just saying.. Yea yea.. But wait did you decide to go to that wedding with him?

Yes I did. I'm gonna go to make the bride and groom happy that's the only reason okay. I-okay yeah just make sure to look super! She said smiling at me. Duh girly I can't let Nate outshined ME! We both start to laugh out loud.

SHH- the teacher stated and we both shut up.


4:30 pm..
That's what the clock says. So I Have 2 hours to get ready. Should be plenty. I went to the mall Friday afternoon with Amy to find a dress to wear too the wedding. We made SURE to find a cute but also slightly sexy dress that could catch nate Smith's eyes but also one that's appropriate for a wedding. And to be honest, I think It just might work. I pull out the dress. It's a cool blue colored dress that's flowy and open In the back.. And a medium size rip at one end. And I got some white heals to go with it. And a cute purse too.

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