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I get to class Monday morning and sit down at my desk. Kids start to pour into the classroom and soon I spot Amy, I wave and she comes to sit down next to me. A couple minutes later class starts and I'm lowkey dreading it since it's history..

Mr Martin tells us how we need to start on our history project and that I'm dreading even more. I have to be in the same room as Nate just to get a better grade. It's ridiculous. But if I don't turn in this project my parents are gonna kill me. Sooner or later class ends and I get my stuff to head out the door.

I meet Amy down the hallway. Wait so who did Mr Martin partner you up with? I asked curiously. "Ugh it's Robby" she groaned unhappily, Robby from 5th grade the one that told the whole school he could cure cancer in a week?. I said laughing, "yes that one. Geez how come you get so lucky and I get sooo UNLUCKY.."

well first, I'm not lucky in any way.. and second maybe Robby can give you some tips on like hormones or something. I said grinning at her, "right because being able to look at Nate smiths face all day isn't lucky?" She scoffed while rolling her eyes, I already have to see him everyday. And not to mention he lives right across the street from me so that doesn't help anything.

Annnd now I have to group up with him for a dumb history project? I'd say my luck doesn't exist at this point. "Whatever girly I'm just saying you're hella lucky from my point of view. But you don't see him much if you think about it. Since he's at baseball practice a lot and you only have like 2 or 3 periods together so you have that Right.? " she said opening her locker, I guess so...

ugh I don't know. He's at practice today so we can't work on the project until he's done, which apparently is around 5ish or so.. I just wanna do this project and get it over with so we don't ever have to speak again for awhile.. "yea I guess so. But if anything happens you have to tell me alright!" She exclaimed, yea like I'll ever let "something" happen But sure.

Soon we went to second period.

Later -

School ends and I head home. I get on the bus and sit thinking about the next 2 hours and how it's gonna play out. I told Nate the other day that we were going to meet up at my house to work on the project but I don't know if he's gonna show. Part of me wants him not to but another part of me wants him to come so I can get it over with. I sigh, we'll see..

I get home and change into more comfortable clothes. And it's around 4:30 so I have time to do stuff until Nate is supposedly coming. I decided to sit down and read. I open my book I'm currently reading which is twisted hate. And right now I love Jules. I felt like I could relate to her in some ways.. but Like in books I love the enemies to lovers trope but in real life I couldn't hate it more. Just thinking about Nate in a romantic way makes me wanna puke.. literally throw up..

but I get how In books it's so easy for them to fall in love.. All that sexual tension build up over the years of hating someone can do that to a person but honestly I have no sexual desires when it comes to Nate. Only hate. And will always be that way until he chooses to fix is cocky attitude.

To be straight with you, Nate doesn't only get on my nerves, it's his personality.. I hate how he acts all full of himself and proud when I know he's not like that.. I mean heck I've lived next to the guy for 11 years..

I know more than what he's showing on the outside.. like yeah I've never seen him really vulnerable but I have seen other things.. and when he acts like someone he's not it makes me so angry.. like why not just be yourself. Why put up a fake persona just to please others hm.. I never get him.. and probably never will..

Soon I hear a knock on my door downstairs and I look at the clock, it reads 5:30 pm. "Welp he's only 30 minutes late" I get up and walk downstairs and open the door. I see Nate standing against the door grinning. "Hey peaches, you ready to work on this project?" He expressed, No actually I'm not. I said letting him come in. "Why not? I thought you loved history." Actually Nate I hate history and will always hate it since you're in it.. "sure whatever you say." He said following me to my room.

We sit down and he examines my room. "Okay let's not look around my personal space, please" I uttered. "If you didn't want me to look you shouldn't have brought me up here." He shared, well we can't go to my living room because my parents will be home soon and if they see our next door neighbor that is MALE over, they might just freak.. "

well don't you think if they caught us in your ROOM it would be worse?" He grinned, fine then let's go somewhere else. I said standing up. But he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the ground. "Uh no it's fine we can just do it here, my legs hurt anyways I don't feel like getting up" I roll my eyes, whatever.. let's just get started so I can kick you out when we're done.

We start on the project and a couple hours go by.

"Emilia." He muttered, What. What could you possibly need now Nate. I exclaimed, "it's just your room doesn't look like what I pictured it to look like." He said looking around, What does that mean? "I'm just saying all these years I've been looking through my window and I'd see your room right across. I've tried to examine it before but never really got anywhere...

"It looks...you" okay what do you mean by "me" Nate? You're really getting on my nerves right now. "Calm down princess I'm just saying it looks good. Nothing like i pictured it" yea because you probably pictured it all dark and book-wormy or something right? Well you're wrong.. it's just like any other normal teenage girls room Nate.

"Yes I can see that.." he smirked, " but to bad you're not a normal teenage girl.." I cross my arms and glared at him, my tone slightly sharp. Just because I read books and don't dress like girls nowadays or some internet sensation doesn't make me not "normal" okay. I like girly things too.. I like going out to the mall or whatever so stop stereotyping me for being myself. I went off,

"Emilia. I'm not stereotyping anyone. And I never said you don't do normal girl "things" I'm just saying you're not like other girls and if you want me to say you are. then you are, but that isn't what I was talking about at all...

You jump to conclusions way too fast. And if we're talking about stereotyping people then we both know it would be me, right? So quit it okay.." He said frustrated, I-it doesn't matter.. I really don't care if you think I'm some nerdy bookworm because I'll be myself anyways. You can stereotype me if you want.

It's not like I'm not used to it already... I replied,

" you know what. Yea you are the stereotypical bookworm.. we can finish this project tomorrow right? I have to get going I told the boys I'd go out with them tonight so I'll see ya later okay." He said smiling at me, i-I uh yeah fine. Bye. I said and he got up and walked out of my room.

*Why is he acting all hurt now? He's the one who started it.. but maybe I was a little rude about it tho..*

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