F is For Facesitting - Vinny

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"Are you trying to get me killed, there is no way Lottie is going to allow me to do that with her tonight," Vinny groans as he sends the message in the chat back to Chris, wanting to fling his phone across the room.
"Why not? It's not even that weird or anything, is it like Mia said about how she needs more confidence?" Chris responds quickly, making Vinny want to bury himself in a hole.
"She hates doing anything where she has to be on top because she is worried she's too big, no matter how much I try to convince her otherwise it never works.  Hell last night she was off because she was embarrassed about being around all the girls in the pool because she is the only "bigger" one and she isn't even that big.  It's a rough subject okay," he hits send, now worried if you found out that he said something if you'd be upset.
"But she isn't even that big, listen, give her a really nice night with a relaxing dinner, maybe a relaxing bath and then focus on her.  Let her know all you are aiming to do tonight is take care of her and maybe you can slowly coax her out of it, remind her how beautiful she is and that you are lucky.  If you build her up enough you will be able to get her to try and might help build her confidence some... and based off comments on the photo Mia posted of the two of you you may need to do that.  People are being assholes towards her."  Vin reads the message and immediately panics, pulling up Mia's instagram and suddenly feeling angered at some of the things that are being said.
"Fuck, how do I fix that? If she has seen it then she's gonna be a wreck when she gets home from work," Vinny thinks to himself groaning, "Why do people need to be assholes?"
Rather than saying anything he decides the easiest way to get the point across that he doesn't give a shit about any of it is to post a photo he has of the two of you that Rick caught a while ago, his favorite photo of the two of you that neither of you have posted before.  He doesn't remember what the two of you were laughing at but the smile on your face always makes him smile when he sees it. He makes a quick caption about how beautiful you are caught in the moment and left it at that, hoping that people would get the hint and lay off you.
He smiles to himself when he sees you respond to him comment with I love you.
He sends you a quick message telling you he is going to meet you at your place in a  little bit now that he knows you are off work and that he is bringing dinner over so you don't need to worry about anything.


Vinny opens your front door and smiles when he hears the shower, knowing that you must have just gotten home from work if you are still in the shower.  Setting the food he picked up down on your coffee table he makes his way towards your bathroom, knocking before slipping in.
"Hey baby, just letting you know that I am here," He says, trailing off when he hears what music you have playing, it is what you listen to when you are in a bad mood. "Are you okay?" he asks softly.
"I will be, give me a few minutes to have my moment and then I'll be out," you respond, he can tell by the tone of your voice that you have been crying, his heart falling when he knows what it is about.
"Baby, get out of the shower, we need to talk about this," He says softly, hoping that you will listen and feeling better when he hears the water turn off, the curtain slowly opens just barely so you can reach your hand out, grabbing your towels to wrap around you and your hair before you open it the rest of the way and step out.
"Come here, let's go to the room. I want to show you everything about you that I find attractive, that others find attractive, baby," he says quietly, reaching for your hand so he can lead you towards your room. 
He is a little upset that you don't fight him, normally you put up a huge fight when he drags you somewhere so he knows you really are out of it.  He moves you and has you sit on the edge of the bed, facing your full vanity mirror, giving a kiss before he moves so you can see yourself in the mirror.
"Let's start with your hands, the hands you use to take care of children all day, that you use to wipe their tears away, clean their faces, cradle them when they need some love, play with them.  The few times I have witnessed you with your class I love seeing the way you use them to take care of the kids, to take care of everyone when you can." He gives one of your hands a light kiss before setting them on your lap.
"Vin, you don't have to do this.  I'll get over it eventually," you whisper softly, meeting his eyes in the mirror for a moment while blushing.
"I know but I want to Lottie," he responds, placing a kiss on your bare shoulder. "Your arms, the way they wrap so tightly around me and those you care about, the way you wrap them around your work kids when they run up to you when we go out and one of them sees you.  I would be lying if I said that I don't sometimes get jealous of the kids that you hold onto all day and love on in your arms, but I am the lucky one that gets to be in them at night, that you pull into your chest while you play with my hair and we just talk or I game for awhile," he says softly, rubbing his hands along your arms while you continue to watch him.
When his hands reach the top of your towel where it is tucked around you he notices you suck in a breath, the way you tense under his touch so he pauses for a moment. "Hey, it's just me, you don't need to be shy for me Lottie."
When he undoes it he lightly runs his hands along your stomach, one of the places he knows you are really insecure about. "I love that you are soft and cuddly, you are strong.  I love that when we curl up and you envelope me in your arms that I can be comfortable as I lay on your soft belly and chest.  It brings me so much comfort when I use you as a pillow, there is a reason why I try to lay my head on you a lot when we are cuddled up in bed. I couldn't do that with someone that is smaller, I love being curled up with you and comfortable.  My favorite place to rest my hands is on your waist when you are around me, I don't know why it just brings me comfort."
Before you can protest he moves so that he can leave a kiss on your lips, trailing down to make sure he leaves gentle kisses on your love handles and stretch marks, the places that he knows you are the most uncomfortable with, that you usually get annoyed with when he tries to touch them.
He stops when he gets lower to sit up and watch you again in the mirror as he settles back behind you once again, this time his hands resting on your thighs. "We're at my favorite part, I love your squishy thighs and butt.  They look so good in your jeans when you are walking, they are so comfortable to sit in or lay my head in.  They keep you up on your feet when you chase littles all day, and I know they love getting to sit in your lap with you.  I love the way you wrap them around me when I get you all needy and you want me to just get you past the finish line already." He ghosts his fingers towards your center when he says this, smiling slightly to himself when he feels you shudder.
"Now arguably one of my favorite parts of you, I would be lying if I tried to pretend that it wasn't," he smiles slightly when he hears you giggle at his words. "I love it when you get all wet and needy for me, when you draw my fingers and my cock in as you get closer and closer to falling over the edge, I love the way you taste when you let me taste you and get you going."
He runs a finger along your opening towards your clit, making you squirm in your spot as he begins to tease you slightly, knowing that he is getting you worked up and also raising your mood and confidence slightly. He uses his other hand to let your hair loose, brushing it away from one of your ears before leaning in to whisper, "Let me worship you baby, please ride my face tonight, take the pleasure you need from me."
He notices you freeze up but continues to tease you, the one hand still barely grazing your clit while the other reaches around you to lightly toy with one of your nipples, trying to get you to the point you won't think about it, that you will just let him do what he wants to do.
"Vin," you start to say with a sigh.
"You're not going to hurt me, if I need you to move I will let you know. Please, let me pleasure you, show you how much I love you and your body," he asks, moving to lay down on the bed behind you.
Hesitantly you move, leaning yourself over him but not sitting down like he wants you to, nervous to be trying something new, especially when you'd be putting your weight on him.
Getting impatient Vinny grabs your thighs, pulling you down on top of him so that he can begin to tease your folds with his tongue.  Running it from your entrance to your clit several times knowing that motion drives you nuts before finally sucking harshly on your clit for a second, making you arch your back and moan at the feeling.
"There you go, rock yourself on me, take what you want," Vinny encourages, moving his hands to your hips as he urges you to rock them as he continues to tease you with his tongue, knowing he is bring you close when you now are moving yourself, starting to take it into your own hands as you moan on top of him.
He moves a hand so he can slip two of his fingers inside of you, knowing that the added sensations of them working inside of you as you work yourself on top of him will set you off, and he is correct.  With a couple more swivels of your hips, with his tongue working at your clit you come undone on top of him. 
He lays his head back so he can watch you as your face tightens and you throw your head back as you ride out and slowly come back down from the orgasm he just gave you.  You slipping your legs over his head so that you can move and lay down next to him on the bed, chest rising and falling rapidly as you come down from everything that just happened.
"I told you that I would be fine, just because you aren't the smallest wouldn't mean you would hurt me.  I love your body baby, you do such amazing things with it and I wish you could see that... but I'll keep worshiping you and telling you until you believe me," he says softly, giving you a kiss and trying not to laugh when you grimace at the taste of yourself on his lips.
"I'm going to go brush my teeth and then reheat our dinner, go get dressed baby,"  he says softly, making his way back to the bathroom that you both left about a half an hour earlier so he can do that.
When you slip into the kitchen where he is warming dinner back up for the two of you you sneak behind him, wrapping your arms around his back as you rest your face on his now shirtless frame.
"Thank you Vin, I love you," you hum softly, feeling a lot better after all his praise and kind words. "I know I should ignore it, but it never gets easier having those comments directed at me, being the bigger one of all our group of friends."
"I know, but you aren't even that big babe.  And all that matters is that you and I love it and are happy, and I am.  I love you just how you are.  Now why don't we take our food and go watch (your favorite movie)?" He asks, turning around to wrap his arms around you as well, your head now resting on his chest.
"That sounds wonderful, thank you Vin," you say softly, following him towards your couch to go and do just that, curling up next to him the second the two of you are done with dinner so you can enjoy the rest of your night together.

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