K for Kitchen Table - Vinny

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"Lottie finally messaged in the group chat with us girls, said things are better and that they are visiting Vinny's family.  She said she is ready for their letter as well if you have an idea of what we should send them," Mia tells Chris, pulling him into a hug from behind as she looks at him with a smile.
"I'm glad things are looking better for her, I hope the break really helped.  Think we should give them something crazy, or something fairly easy?" Chris asks her, thinking out loud.
"Could do kitchen table, nothing that crazy.  If they can't during the day then they could sneak down there in the middle of the night or something," Mia suggests, smiling when Chris turns and wraps his arms around her.
"I like the way you think, that is better than any ideas I had... sucks they weren't here last night with everyone else but I get why," Chris says softly. Sometimes as the leader of the group he feels like he is responsible for their problems, and knowing Lottie and Vinny are struggling with something has been weighing on him.
"At least things are getting better for them, I'll let her know what their letter is.  Lottie also agreed that they'll come visit us tomorrow once they get back so we can check on them.  All is well Chris, promise." Mia gives him a soft kiss before pulling away from him.
When she starts to wander away Chris laughs, watching her as she limps slightly in the process. "Was trying to pull one over on me and taking charge worth it?" He calls.
She just flips him off and heads towards the bathroom, where she was about to take a hot bath to soothe her aching muscles before she got distracted and had to tell Chris she finally heard from their friend.

"So Vin, Mia told me that our task is Kitchen Table? That might be a bit hard considering where we are," you say softly, curled up into his side while the two of you watch his mother cooking dinner. Making sure that she can't hear what you said.
"That'll be easy, so long as we are quiet we will just do it tonight when everyone is in bed.  They all sleep upstairs so it shouldn't be that hard," he responds, his hand resting on your thigh. 
This break away has really been good for you mentally, with everything going on you just needed to get away from work, from social media, from everything and his family is always so welcoming when you visit.  You have met them a couple times but this is the first time the two of you have made a trip out of it and you are loving it.  Feeling even closer to his wonderful mother than you were before, almost feeling like you actually have a family.
"Are you sure you don't need any help mom?" you ask her, feeling slightly awkward calling her mom still but she insisted that is what you should call her. "I feel bad just sitting here while you cook."
"Nonsense dear, you are our guest. Plus it is your last night with us, let me take care of it okay?" She says, giving you a warm smile where you sit.
She adores you and Vinny together, she can tell that you really are in love with her son, that you treat him well.  She can also tell that Vinny is absolutely infatuated with you, she notices the way he is always watching you, making sure that you are enjoying yourself.  The two of you are absolutely adorable and she is glad that he has found you.
You listen to Vinny and his father talk about something, you aren't even sure what, but take comfort in listening to the two of them.  You are enjoying that they all get along so well, his brother and sister also present and in the dining room present and welcoming you warmly.  They all have made you feel right at home.
"Dinner is ready," his mom says, setting the last dish on the table before everyone starts to dig in.  His family all tell you funny memories they have with Vinny, some that have him blushing while you can't help but look at him with a smile.  Squeezing his hand under the table as a silent thank you for bringing you to spend the last few days with his parents.
You and Vin volunteer to take care of the dishes in thanks for the lovely meal, refusing to take no for an answer when his mother insists that you are a guest and shouldn't have to.
Before you know it the kitchen is clean, his siblings have gone home to their houses, and his parents are in bed for the night.  The two of you in his childhood bedroom, curled up with each other in the small bed giggling as he tickles your sides.
"I think this is the happiest I have seen you in awhile," Vinny says softly, his breath ghosting over your face as he lets go of his teasing grip on your sides.  His eyes meet yours with a smile, hoping you can tell how sincere he is at the moment.
"It is, thank you for bringing me here.  Your parents have made me feel right at home, like part of the family.  I have really enjoyed this Vin," you respond softly, leaning forward to give him a soft kiss. "I really needed this break away from everything, for loving me and helping me through the funk I have been in."
"Of course, I am here for you both during the good and the bad baby, I love you," he acts like he is going to leave a kiss on your cheek but then licks it, making you laugh all over again.
"God, you're so weird, but I love it.  I love you," you say softly.  Your lips now actually meeting each other this time as you both continue to lay on your sides close to each other in this tiny bed.
"I haven't heard anything in awhile, I think mom and dad are actually sleeping.  Are you okay with still doing this?" He asks you, slowly pulling away from the kiss so he can look at your face.
"Yeah, how are we doing this though?" You ask him, a slight blush gracing your cheeks as you can't believe that you actually are agreeing to do this.
"Well, I figure we do a lot of the work up here and then sneak down for the actual sex on the table." He says, brushing a piece of hair out of your face.  Admiring how beautiful you look when you are actually happy like this, you may not have your hair done or makeup on but you look stunning like this.
His lips find yours again, slowly molding with your own as he takes his time.  Not wanting to rush this as it's the first time you two have done anything since your breakdown the other night.  He wants you to not feel rushed, like he is actually enjoying doing this with you, which he is.
He moves slightly, pulling you on top of him and is happy to find that for once you don't protest the fact that he is under you.  Instead you lightly grind your hips against his, both of you gasping at the friction from the act.  Taking advantage of that his tongue finds yours, slowly molding with your own as the two of you continue what you are doing.  Both of you taking your time as you rub against each other, as your hands begin to explore each other like you are doing this for the first time again.
His hand moves from your hips, sliding underneath the tanktop you have on against your bare skin before settling on your breasts.  Happy when he remembers that you had already taken your bra off for bed tonight.  He gently cups them, squeezing and molding them in his hands as your lips continue to move against his.  Your movements against his hips telling him that he is doing something right, that you are enjoying this.
His fingers now lightly tease your nipples, making them harden beneath his touch before he slides the bottom of your tank top up enough that he can remove his lips from yours and wrap them around one of your now hard nipples.  You gasp, not expecting the sudden shift that he made but enjoying it, finding yourself grinding your hips against his at a harsher pace. 
"Shit," you gasp, feeling yourself getting close from just rubbing yourself against him while he continues to toy with your nipples.  Even you are surprised at how well this feels when you can let go of your thoughts and focus on the moment.
"Want to try something new Lottie? Sit up for a moment for me," Vinny says softly, helping you both sit up, you on his lap.  "Grind yourself on my thigh baby, you were enjoying the friction before.  Let me watch you fall apart on me."
Before you can protest his lips are on yours as he shifts you so that your thighs are draped over one of his, his kiss distracting you as he moves slightly, pulling you down on his thigh so that you feel that pressure again. His hands settle on your hips as he makes you shift against him, sending a wave of pleasure through you.
"That's it, keep going baby," he says, brushing hair out of your face before you move, burying your face in his neck as your hips continue to rock, bringing you friction that you need to climax.  Getting close you let out a whimper, trying to keep yourself quiet so his parents won't wake up and hear what the two of you are doing.
"Cum for me Lottie," he says softly, somehow the command does it for you and you come undone on his leg, shuddering as the orgasm washes over you.  You lightly biting the skin of his neck to keep yourself from moaning out into the night, trying your hardest to be quiet.
"Fuck, that was hot.  What do you think, are you ready to head downstairs?" He asks you, your only response being to whimper a yes in his neck, still coming back into your senses after you come down from your high.
Both of you quietly make your way down the stairs, making sure to try and keep all noise to yourselves in hopes of not waking his parents.  The thrill coursing through your veins, you didn't expect to be so aroused at the thought of possibly getting caught, it doing more to you than you cared to admit.
As soon as you step foot into the dining room Vinny helps you settle yourself on the table, quickly stripping you of your panties and shorts before stripping himself of his own.  Stepping between your thighs as he teases you, rubbing himself against your damp folds.
"Remember, we have to stay quiet Lot, think you can do that for me?" he whispers, right before he sinks himself inside of you.  Both of you biting your lip to hold back groans that threaten to escape you.
Your back slides against the cool wood as he starts pounding into you, figuring the sooner the two of you get off the sooner you can rush back up and not get caught. But also finding that he is enjoying the thrill that is running through his veins, he can't remember the last time he took this risk in his parents home.  Even in his teens he never dared to try anything outside of his room.
The two of you do your best to keep quiet as you both draw closer and closer to your releases. Vinny reaches down to roll your clit between his fingers, groaning when he feels you grow wetter at the action, feeling you clench around him as you draw close.  You can't help the couple of whimpers that slip out of your lips, it's just starting to feel too good, and you are so close. 
Vinny can tell what is coming and he rushes to cover your mouth with his hand when your second orgasm of the night hits you, which wound up being a good thing as you can't help the moan that escapes your lips as you come undone around him, clenching around his length in a way that has him finishing behind you, leaning forward to pull your lips into a kiss.
The two of you take a few moments to collect yourselves before rushing to slip your clothing back on and making your way upstairs to his bedroom after cleaning up the table, covering up any evidence of what you had done before cleaning yourself up in the bathroom upstairs. 
Both of you now spent, and cuddling up laughing about the fact that you actually did that and somehow was not caught.  Neither one of you realizes before falling asleep that you have forgotten something.

Next Morning

Vinny wakes up before you the next morning and decides to let you sleep in, slipping down to the kitchen to get some coffee from the pot that he knows his mom always makes in the morning.  She has always been the first one to wake and always makes it, some things never change.
He gets his cup and sits down at the table, glancing up to notice his mother smirking at him from the other side of the table.
"Did you two have fun last night?" She asks him, laughing when he damn near spits out his coffee and starts to blush.
"Mom, what? How?" He sputters, struggling to ask her how she knew.  He made sure that he cleaned the table damn well and that the two of you were quiet, how the hell did she catch you.
"Oh, you may have forgotten her panties down here.  Don't worry, nobody else has woken up yet so your secret is safe with me," she says cooly, taking another sip of her coffee before pointing at where they are balled up on the floor.
"Oh god," Vinny groans, pocketing them before anyone else wakes up and notices.  Hell he doesn't even intend to tell you that until after the two of you have left their house later this afternoon because he knows you, you will panic and not want to show your face at his parents again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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