Carnivals and Teddy Bears

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September 14th

It's been a week since Mark first showed up at your apartment and you two are getting even closer. You've given Mark a tour of your city and watched a ton of movies and shows on Netflix. You wake up in his arms and smile as you snuggle in closer to him. Mark groans as you do this and wakes up.
"Good morning." Mark says in his sexy deep morning voice which is even deeper than his regular voice which you didn't think was possible.
"Good morning." You say.
"How did you sleep?" Mark asks.
"Good how about you?" You ask.
"Great I've been sleeping better now that I'm not on that couch." Mark says with a grin. You giggle.
"Hey that couch is comfortable!" You say and you both laugh. You look into his eyes and your breath hitches as your feelings for him crash through to the surface. You love him. You can officially say that you do now no question about it. But you want him to say it first because you don't want to scare him away. He leans in and plants a soft kiss on your lips and you stare into each others eyes with your foreheads pressed together for a while. You swear you can see love in his eyes which makes you shudder.
"You want to go out for breakfast today?" Mark asks.
"Sure I don't feel like cooking." You giggle.
"Me neither." Mark says and you both laugh.
You both shower and get dressed then head out to the car. Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then goes to the drivers side gets in and shuts his door. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving to the diner with your directions. On the way there you notice a sign for a carnival in town that starts today.
"Hey Marky there's a carnival right there do you want to go after breakfast?" You ask him.
"Yeah I'd love to!" He says.
Your heart skips a beat at the word love.
'Get ahold of yourself Y/N.' You chastise yourself in your head.
"Awesome." You say with a grin.
Once you get to the diner Mark gets out and opens the passenger door for you then shuts and locks it once you get out. You then both go inside the diner.
"Table for two please." Mark says.
The hostess leads you to a table and you sit down and she hands you your menus. You order your drinks then decide what you want to eat. Once she comes back you order your food and talk while you wait. You both eat then Mark gets the check and pays then you head out.
Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then goes to the drivers side gets in and shuts his door. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving to the carnival.
Once you get there Mark gets out and shuts his door and opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get out. You then both go up to the ticket booth and Mark calculates it from the list on the booth and buys enough tickets for both of you to do everything plus some extra in case you want to do some things twice. You both do almost all of the rides and Mark wins you a giant teddy bear for knocking a stack of cups down 3 times. (Picture above of the teddy bear just imagine he's not in a suit lol) You both decide that the Ferris wheel will be your last ride as that is the only one you haven't done yet.
You wait in line then get on. As you're moving you notice Mark staring at you with a loving look in his eyes which makes you blush.
"I'm having a great time today." Mark says.
"Me too." You say.
"I know one way to make it better." Mark says.
"What's that?" You ask.
Mark takes a deep breath as if preparing himself.
"I know this is soon but I have to do this. I have to make you mine officially." Mark says making you gasp. No way is this happening.
"Y/N I know it may be soon to say this but I can't hold it in anymore. I love you. I love you so damn much it hurts. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Mark asks.
"Yes Mark yes!" You throw your arms around him  and kiss him your heart soaring in happiness then pull away.
"You don't have to say it back right away if you're not ready to." He says.
"I love you too silly." You giggle.
Mark sighs in relief making you laugh.
You both hold hands and stare at each other lovingly for the rest of the ride. Once the ride is over Mark helps you get out and you head to the car.
Mark opens the passenger door for you then shuts it once you get in. He then goes to the drivers side gets in and shuts his door. Once you're both buckled Mark starts driving back to your apartment. Once you get there Mark gets out and shuts his door and opens the passenger door for you then shuts and locks it once you get out. You then head to the door and you unlock it and go inside. You shut and lock the door then put your stuff down.
"I'm exhausted." You say as you both sit down on the couch.
"Me too." Mark says.
"I'm too tired to cook how about pizza?" You suggest.
"Sounds good to me." Mark says. You order the pizza and turn on a movie. Not long after there's a knock at the door.
It's the pizza guy. The same pizza guy who hit on you before.
"Hello again beautiful." The pizza guy says checking you out. Making you uncomfortable.
"Um hi." You say.
"You all alone in there? That outfit is too pretty to be wasted on a night home alone. It would look better off of you." He says looking you up and down while licking his lips now. Now you're really uncomfortable.
"Ummm no I'm not alone I-" before you even get a chance to finish your sentence you feel a strong arm wrap around you. You sigh in relief.
"You ok babe? Is this guy bothering you?" Mark says putting himself between you and the pizza guy.
You nod. Mark gives you the pizza.
"Go bring this over there I'll be right over." Mark says giving you a peck on the lips.
"Ok." You say. You bring the pizza over but are listening carefully to what Mark is saying to the pizza guy.
"Whats your name?" Mark asks icily.
"Ummmm Evan." The pizza guy says nervously. Mark nods.
"Listen Evan she's mine. If you know what's good for you the next time you deliver to this address, if there is a next time because I will be reporting your inappropriate remarks to your boss. You will smile, hand her the pizza and fuck off. If I hear you made her uncomfortable again I will personally hunt you down and make sure you never bother another woman again. And trust me I have the ability to. Do I make myself clear?" Mark says.
Evan nods furiously.
"Good now have a nice day." Mark says before handing the guy just enough money for the pizza and slamming the door.
Fuck. That was so hot.
Mark comes over and smiles at you like nothing happened.
"Ok let's finish our movie and eat our pizza." Mark says.
You nod.
You eat the pizza and try and watch the movie but you can't pay attention. You're too damn horny from Marks alpha male performance with the pizza guy.
Once you both are done eating you clean up and put the leftovers away then head back to the couch. You again try to focus on the movie but you know it's no use. You need him. Now.
You grab the remote and pause the movie.
"Hey what are you doing I was watching that." Mark says in a playfully annoyed voice but his expression quickly changes to lust when you straddle him. 
Tonight is going to be even better now.

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