The Call

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It's a couple weeks after Mark left and you're on the phone with him after work when you get another call.
"Hey babe I've got to take this I'll call you right back love you!" You say.
"Ok love you too!" He says. You hang up the phone on Mark and answer the phone. You think it might be one of the companies you applied for a job at in L.A.
"Hello is this Y/N?" A woman asks.
"Yes this is she." You say.
"This is Rachel from (video game design company because you've always wanted to be a video game designer since you went to school for it but never had the opportunity) I was just calling to let you know we looked over your application and would love for you to come work for us." She says.
"Really? That's amazing! Thank you so much!" You say.
"When would you be able to start?" She asks.
"I was thinking the beginning of January because I'm moving out there at Christmas time so I want a little bit of time to adjust." You say.
"Great how about January 15th as your start date?" She asks.
"That would be perfect!" You say.
"Awesome I'll start the paperwork right away. The first day will be you signing the necessary paperwork and learning the ins and outs." She says.
"Sounds great is there anything else I need to do?" You ask.
"Nope you're officially part of the team. We look forward to working with you." She says.
"I look forward to working with you too." You say.
"Glad to hear it have a great day and I'll send you an email with all the necessary details." She says.
"Thank you you too and sounds good bye Rachel." You say.
"Bye Y/N." She says and hangs up.
You spend the next 5 minutes jumping up and down and squealing. You can't believe this. It's a dream come true. Everything is falling into place. You call Mark back.
"Hey babe." You say.
"Hey babe you look happy what was that call about?" He asks.
"Oh nothing serious just B/F/N calling from a friends phone because her phone died and making me laugh." You say laughing.
"Oh ok." He says laughing.
"So I'm going to book the flight to L.A. for Christmas what date do you want me to fly in?" You ask.
"Ummm how about the 22nd? The 23rd would be expensive because everyone virtually flies out on that day." Mark says.
"Ok I'll book it now and I'll book the return flight for the 3rd." You say.
"Ok sounds good." He says. Little does he know you're not booking a return flight.
"What's your address again I want to send your Christmas gifts over so I have less in my case." You say.
"I'll text it to you." He says.
Mark texts you his address. Perfect.
"Thanks babe." You say.
"No problem." He says.
You talk for a while longer until it's dinner time.
"I'm going to go babe I'm starving I'm going to make dinner I'll talk to you tomorrow I love you!" You say.
"Ok I love you too!" He says.
You check your email and Rachel has sent a confirmation email to you. You squeal again and look it over. Basically it's saying congratulations welcome to the company and telling you what to expect moving forward and what paperwork you'll need to fill out on your first day. It also says that you will be working from home 95 percent of the time and only need to come into the office to meet with clients which is awesome and a reason you wanted to be a graphic designer. You've always wanted to be able to work from home. You then go visit your landlord and inform them you will be moving out on the 22nd of December. She wishes you well and you pay the rest of the money you owe her. You head back up to your apartment and start going through your stuff to see what you can donate, sell, or trash so you have less stuff to move. You order pizza and eat while you organize your stuff. You have less than 3 months before you're moving so you have a lot to do.
You book the one way flight to L.A. and squeal. Your dreams are finally coming true. You take a screenshot of the one way flight and you're going to print it out and surprise Mark with it on Thanksgiving. You didn't want to wait too long to tell him because you want his help moving. You print the screenshot out and a screenshot of the email confirming your job, staple them together and write on it: Surprise Markimoo!' You giggle. You can't wait to see his reaction.

The next day after work you take everything you want to donate to goodwill and everything you want to sell you put online. Whatever doesn't sell you'll give to goodwill. You think to yourself. But luckily everything sells. You're very happy because that will give you more money to spend on Mark for his Christmas presents.
You go online and search for a while to find the perfect Christmas presents for Mark. You finally do and know he will love them. You order them with a smile and head to the store for groceries. You buy your groceries then head back home and put them away. You FaceTime Mark while you make dinner and he makes his dinner too. When you're both done cooking you sit and eat dinner together while taking. It's nice it's almost like he's there with you. After dinner you say bye to Mark then go clean up your dishes and turn your dishwasher on. Because you're feeling productive you also do a couple loads of laundry and take a shower before watching a movie. You then change your sheets which you didn't want to do because Marks scent is still on them. But you have to because they're gross. You get your stuff ready for work the next morning then get ready for bed. You get under the covers snuggling close to Marks shirt wishing he was there with you to cuddle you. You miss him so much. You sigh and close your eyes falling asleep pretty quickly.

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