Finishing Projects and Logos ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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For the next couple days you work on turning the rough sketches into final drawings. You also work on Marks logo and it's almost done. You'll finish it today along with the drawings. You have to go into the office to present your final drawings to your bosses tomorrow so you clock in on your app as usual and spend several hours finishing up your drawings. Once you're satisfied with the final drawings you clock out and sit back with a sigh of relief. You admire your work and smile. You're proud of it you worked very hard on it. Mark comes in and sees you on the couch and sits down next to you.
"Done yet babe?" Mark asks.
"Yep just finished want to see the final products?" You ask.
"Of course!" Mark says.
You show him all the drawings and look to him for his reaction.
"Wow babe these are amazing you'll definitely land that client. I like this one the best." Mark says pointing to your favorite drawing.
"Me too and I hope so that would be a great start to my employment at the company." You say.
"They'd be stupid not to these drawings are incredible." Mark says and you blush.
"Thanks babe now to finish your logo." You say.
You get out your personal laptop and open a drawing program that you purchased. It's the same drawing program you use for work. You've been playing around with it to get more experience. It takes you a couple more hours to finish Marks logo then you save it and call him over.
"Voila the finished logo." You say.
"Holy crap babe this is amazing!" Mark says in awe.
You giggle.
"Thanks babe." You say and blush.
"Would you be able to make me a banner too?" Mark asks sheepishly.
"Yeah I can do that." You say smiling.
"Thank you you're amazing!" Mark says.
"Aww it's nothing babe anything for you." You say and smile.
"I'll upload them both together because it'll look better." Mark says.
You nod.
"Good idea." You say.
You then realize you smell something amazing.
"Did you make dinner babe? I was so in the zone I didn't realize." You say chuckling.
"Yep I did it's all ready for you I left it on low because I figured you'd be done soon." Mark says.
"Awesome thank you." You say.
"No problem." Mark says smiling.
You go use the bathroom then head downstairs to see Mark putting two plates of food on the table.
"That looks incredible babe." You say.
"Aww well I hope it tastes as good as it looks." Mark says. Then you hear him mumble under his breath.
"You sure do." Then bites his lip and looks at you.
"I heard that." You say and smirk. Mark blushes.
You start eating and you talk to Mark as you eat. Once you're done eating you decide you want to play Call of Duty so you load up a game of zombies and you and Mark play together. You play for a while until you get tired then you get ready for bed. You let Chica out and give her a treat then once you're ready you snuggle under the covers. Mark gets in and snuggles in behind you. You push back against him to snuggle closer and gasp when you feel he's rock hard. You bite your lip. You've been so occupied with work that sex has been the last thing on your mind you've been constantly thinking about how you can make your drawings better and worrying if the client will like them. Fuck you need some stress relief. Luckily the solution is lying right behind you. You giggle and move your hips against his erection causing Mark to groan.
"Babe don't tease me." Mark groans.
You giggle and turn around threading your fingers through his hair and kiss him wrapping your legs around him and moving your hips so his crotch rubs against your clit. You both moan into the kiss and you deepen it your tongues moving together. Mark reaches down and pulls your pants and panties off then his boxers all without breaking the kiss. He tosses them aside then reaches down and touches your pussy. Mark breaks away and groans.
"Fuck you're soaked already you wanted this bad didn't you?" Mark growls.
"No. I needed this I need daddy to fuck my stress away." You moan.
"I can do that princess." Mark growls. He then surprises you by flipping you over so you're on your knees facing away from him. You gasp and moan as he pushes into you not being slow at all.
"Daddy's going to fuck you hard and fast so you forget about everything that's stressing you. When I'm done with you you won't be able to remember your own name. The only name you'll be able to remember is mine while you're screaming it out." Mark says pounding you hard and fast.
"Oh god daddy yes!" You moan.
Mark continues pounding you hard and fast then reaches down and rubs your clit. He then takes some of your wetness and lubricates his fingers with it then pushes them in your ass thrusting them in and out while rubbing your clit and fucking you hard.
"Oh daddy I'm cumming!" You moan.
"Cum for daddy sweetheart." Mark says pounding you hard and fast while thrusting his fingers in your ass and rubbing your clit.
Your orgasm erupts over you at his words and when it does you almost collapse but Mark holds you up. Your vision goes black and you see stars.
"Oh fuck daddy yes daddy!" You moan as you explode around his cock.
"Jesus Y/N you feel so damn good I want to fuck that ass now too." He groans.
"Yes daddy fuck my ass please!" You moan.
Mark grunts takes his cock out of your pussy and slowly pushes it into your ass. He groans as it goes in and when he's fully in he lets out a loud moan.
"Oh fuck babe I forgot how damn tight your ass is." Mark hisses out.
You moan as he thrusts in and out slowly at first as he rubs your clit then picking up speed.
"Oh my god daddy yes!" You moan.
"Fuck babe I'm not going to last long." Mark moans.
You thrust your hips back to meet his thrusts and moan as he pounds into your ass fast and hard. Then he pushes two fingers into your pussy thrusting while he fucks your ass and rubs your clit.
"Oh god daddy I'm going to cum!" You moan.
"Me too." Mark grunts out.
"Cum in my ass daddy!" You moan and his thrusts grow faster and harder. Mark moans and you feel his cock throbbing as spurts of his cum go in your ass. This causes your orgasm to explode rushing through you like a tidal wave.
"Oh god daddy yes yes yes!" You moan your ass and pussy clenching milking the cum from Marks cock. You both moan in ecstasy and when your orgasms finally end Mark pulls out of you. He then carries you to the bathroom and you wash each other then dry off and head back into the bedroom and get back in your pajamas. You then kiss Mark and you both get under the covers and snuggle in to each other.
"Goodnight Markimoo I love you." You say.
"Goodnight princess I love you too." Mark says and you both soon fall asleep in each other's arms.

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