First Times ⚠️ Smut! ⚠️

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You crash your lips to his opening your mouth to him letting his tongue slip in and moan as his tongue fights with yours for dominance. You don't even realize you're grinding on his cock until he pulls away panting.
"Jesus if you keep doing that I might cum in my pants." Mark says. You stop and giggle. You pull his shirt off then start kissing his neck finding his sweet spot.
"Oh Y/N." He moans.
"It was so fucking hot how you showed that asshole I was yours and you weren't going to take his shit. I'm so fucking turned on by you that I couldn't even focus on the movie." You say as you trail your kisses down his pecks and his abs until you reach his happy trail. Mark moans.
"I had to do it he was making you uncomfortable. Nobody makes my girl uncomfortable or messes with her and gets away with it." Mark says stroking your hair.
"I love you." You say looking into his eyes lovingly.
"I love you too sweetheart." Mark says.
You start to pull his pants down but Mark stops you.
"Hey no fair take your shirt off." Mark says with a grin. You take your shirt and bra off revealing your breasts which causes Marks bulge to visibly grow and he bites his lip. You giggle at the effect you have on him and continue your torture. You pull his pants and boxers down revealing his cock. You slowly suck the tip gradually going further. After a while you pull back.
"I'm not having you cum just yet mister." You say with a smirk.
"Fine but you are." Mark says with a grin. You don't even have time to register what he means before your pants and underwear are pulled down his glasses are on the side table and he's between your legs with his mouth on your clit.
"Oh fuck Mark!" You moan.
He sucks and licks your clit and runs his tongue up and down your folds slowly he then pushes his tongue in and out of your entrance teasing you before surprising you and sticking two fingers in and thrusting them in and out while continuing the pleasure with his mouth.
"Oooooohhh Markkkk!" You moan loudly.
This causes him to start licking, sucking, and thrusting even faster making your climax approach quickly. It's going to be a doozy.
"Oooohhh fuck Mark I'm cumming!" You scream then cum all over his face.
"Ooooohhh!" Is all you manage to say as your climax barrels through you.
"Fuck I need to be inside you." Mark growls.
"Yes Mark please I want you!" You moan.
"Are you sure?" Mark asks.
"Yes I'm sure." You say.
"Do you want me to use a condom?" Mark asks.
"No I trust you that you're clean and I'm clean and on the pill." You say.
"Ok but only if you're sure I don't want to pressure you into anything if you're not ready." Mark says.
"Yes I'm sure now fuck me Mark please I need you!" You cry and Mark growls and before you know it his fingers are replaced with his huge cock he slowly inserts it letting you adjust before he starts thrusting in and out of you fast and hard.
"Jesus Y/N so fucking tight. So fucking perfect." He groans. You thought your climax was over but it comes back and it's 10 times more powerful than before.
"Ohhhhh!" You whimper.
"That's it baby cum all over my big cock." Mark says thrusting even harder and faster.
"Oooooohhh Mark yes!" You say as you cum your pussy pulsing around his cock. In the middle of your orgasm Mark surprises you by turning you over so your knees are on the couch with your head bent over the side of the couch in doggy style. "Ohhh." Is all you manage to say as this new position increases the pleasure even more. Suddenly Mark hits your g-spot causing you to scream out.
"Oh fuck Mark oh god yes right there!" You moan.
He starts hitting you harder in that same spot each time.
"Oh god Mark faster!" You moan.
He speeds up his thrusts and he starts grunting and making the sexiest sounds you've ever heard.
"Oh god Mark don't stop I'm gonna cum!" You moan. Somehow this makes Mark thrust harder and faster which you didn't think was possible. You meet his thrusts with just as much enthusiasm. Your orgasm hits hard and as your pussy pulses you moan and you vaguely hear Mark say.
"Oh fuck babe I'm gonna cum."
You moan at this.
"Cum inside me." You say weakly.
"Fuck." Mark says lustfully. He drills into you hard and fast and soon his thrusts grow sloppy and you know he's about to cum.
You feel his cock throbbing and releasing his cum into your pussy which sets off an orgasm more intense then you ever thought possible. You cum so hard your vision goes black and you see stars. You would collapse if it weren't for Marks strong arms holding you steady.
"Oh god baby!" Mark moans.
"Ooooohhh!" You moan weakly your vision still black and you're still seeing stars as your pussy pulses milking the cum from his cock.
You moan weakly as he thrusts into you slowly riding out both of your orgasms. Once you both stop cumming he pulls out. You can't even move you're so weak from the intensity of your orgasm. Your legs are shaking and you're still in the exact same position you were in when he pulled out when you feel something wet and warm on your pussy. You slowly realize it's a washcloth. Mark is cleaning you up with a washcloth. You melt at his sweetness. You also moan because the feeling of the fabric of the washcloth against your sensitive pussy is intense. Mark notices this and chuckles. Once he's done cleaning you you sigh at the loss of friction.
"So needy baby." Mark chuckles.
You only whimper.
Mark comes over and gets behind you sucking your neck and you whimper as his hand travels slowly down to where you need him.
"Marrrkk." You whimper.
He chuckles and starts rubbing circles on your clit.
"Oooooohhhh." You moan.
With how sensitive and worked up you are it doesn't take long for you to cum all over Marks hand.
"Oh Mark!" You moan.
He keeps rubbing as you ride out your orgasm and when you're done he rubs your back as you bask in the afterglow of the pleasure.
"Fuck Mark I can't even move." You say weakly.
Mark chuckles and picks you up puts your underwear on then sets you in his lap. You curl up on his chest and realize he put his boxers on.
"Oh my god Mark that was amazing." You gasp out still weak from the force of all 5 of those orgasms.
"It sure was baby." Mark says kissing your forehead.
"That was seriously the best sex I've ever had." You say. Mark chuckles.
"Same here." He says and kisses you.
"You're seriously like a sex god." You moan out and snuggle closer to him. Mark laughs.
"Thanks baby." Mark says.
You snuggle and talk for a while then take a shower and get ready for bed. You both get under the covers and snuggle up to each other. You give Mark a kiss and snuggle closer.
"Good night baby." Mark says.
"Goodnight Marky." You say.
"I love you." Mark says and your heart soars.
"I love you too." You say and you fall asleep in his arms with a stupid grin on your face.

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