Chapter 1: Riften's Routine

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Chapter 1: Riften's Routine

Maria was recording her sales for the day with a piece of charcoal. The young Imperial woman had moved to Riften to start a new life after everything she had left behind in Markarth. Of course, she would visit her old home but now...

'Most of my materials are coming in,' she thought to herself as she finished writing her records. She owns a bookstore called Waterstone. She sold mostly books, quills, parchment paper and even a baked goods she had whipped up from her very own kitchen.

Riften had a beautiful climate despite the lurking Thieves Guild underneath the city and guards patrolling the town day and night. Unlike Markath, Maria had made some friends while she was here, mostly Svana from the bunkhouse and the so-called Dragonborn Khajiit, Tawnyfrost. But what struck her the most from this town were its residents.

Maria never knew that there were a lot of Argonians living in Riften, considering that their race were not welcomed elsewhere except the Black Marsh. However, they were welcoming when she first arrived, from the innkeepers at the Bee and Barb and...

'There he is,' she thought to herself as she watched from the window of her store. The Argonian jeweller Madesi was at his stall, selling his own handcrafted jewellery that shone through the sunlight. Like a dragon with gold, Maria found Madesi to be just as beautiful as his apparels.

However, she never had the courage to tell him how she truly felt about him unless it was about gemstones.

A customer came into her store, giving her something to distract her from thinking about the Argonian. Her shop, Books n' Bakes was perfect for those that seek the comfort in the world of stories with some delicious baked goods. She even had a few chairs and benches in her store in case some may want to curl up to read their books.

As she finished tending to her customer, she noticed that Madesi was either calling out to any passerby or forging new jewelleries at the forge. She never got tired of watching him craft his merchandise with those intense reptilian eyes. There were some occasions where she would put up a sign to tell customers that she will be back, only to browse at the stalls outside.

And that's what she decided to do after attending a young Nord customer.

When she exits out her shop, Maria took a deep breathe, savouring the crisp air of the evening before the sun sets. There were times where she wished she could go to the lake and watch the fishermen fish, but knowing Riften, even something as leisurely as fishing could lead her to be a guest to the Thieves Guild.

So, she wandered around Riften's town from the stalls, visiting the apothecary downstairs and visit Svana. She was still sweeping the floor of the bunkhouse despite there being little to no customers. Maria gave the owner, Haelga, a small nod despite the older woman's sneering face. Clearly, Haelga saw Maria as a distraction for her niece to stop working.

"Hi, Svana," Maria greeted the Nord woman, whose sunken expression slowly lit up at the sight of the Imperial woman. "Haelga giving you trouble again? Let me guess: Dibella arts?"

Svana scoffed, jerking her head at her aunt's direction. "I lost count at how many men has left her room," she talked in a low voice, afraid of Haelga eavesdropping her conversation. Maria decided to order her meal that consists of grilled chicken breast and baked potatoes with a side of ale.

It was the only decent food out of the bunkhouse for a reason...

"So any sales today?" asked Svana as she sat on the opposite side of the table. Cleary, she looked relief when there was no one else around except Maria. The both of them decided to chatter for a bit before the rest of the bunkhouse patrons arrive. "Only a few and it was mostly from the Honorhall Orphanage," sighed Maria.

"Hey, at least we both made a few septims for the day," Svana chuckled before she jolts back up at the sound of the door opening. A few patrons of the bunkhouse have arrived from those that worked at the Riften Fishery and even the sourpuss armour seller, Grelka. "Sorry, Maria. I gotta go," Svana gave her an apologetic smile before attending to the other patrons.

Maria watched her take down a few orders while she polished off her meal. She narrowed her eyes as the Dark Elf named Tythis Ulen, sauntered into the bunkhouse with swagger in his step. He would always bother Svana and no matter how many times she told her aunt or gave Maria a few target practices, he simply shrugs it off.

The young Imperial won't leave until Tythis leaves but it seems as though Fate decided to play a little game~


Madesi was exhausted after selling and buying a few piece of gemstones from his stall. He was a bit miffed at the sight of the fake salesman named Brynjolf, who keeps selling elixir that he damn well knew were fake.

'Who would even buy his products?' he thought to himself. Unlike other Argonians, Madesi preferred the cool and damp environment that reminded him of the Black Marsh. And the only place that had something equivalent to that was Beggar's Row, down the town where the sewers were. At least it wasn't near the Ratway, where the Thieves Guild may be lurking about.

With a corrupted city, a Jarl that cared more about the stains of her robes and thieves growing like rats, Madesi sometimes wondered why he stayed rather than move back to the Black Marsh or elsewhere. Then again, not many places in would allow Argonians into the city let alone start a business all by themselves.

He was slightly thankful for the Bee and Barb's owners and even Swims-In-Deep-Water to assure him that Riften was problematic yet manageable.

He entered Haelga's bunkhouse to have a decent meal before heading down to Beggar's Row. The owner greeted him with a slow, seductive smile. "Evening, Madesi. My marks of Dibella are in progress, I hope?"

"Of course, milady," he assured her, keeping his claws into his pockets. "Sapphires take time to be cut into the shapes that you requested. Don't worry, I will get it done in a few days."

The blonde woman nodded her head, resuming her task of counting money that was left on her counter. Some of the residents in Riften sleep in the bunkhouse since only a few made enough septims like Marise Arvel, to purchase a house.

Despite the struggles, Madesi thought of nothing about his situation except to make ends meet. He sacrificed a lot to make a future for himself and his Argonian- no, Saxhleel craftsmanship. He sat down, receiving a few disgusted glares from Grelka.

"I hope you close your mouth while you eat, greenskin," Grelka warned, pointing a fork at him. Madesi kept his claws under the table even though he would very much like to tear her face off. Then again, not many welcomed reptilian folks like him or the Khajiits.

'Let that Nord simmer in her own armour,' he thought to himself as he ordered his cooked beef with boiled cream treat from Svana. He pitied the young woman for working herself to the bone. However, that was short-lived when he caught an unknown face staring at him from her table.

Madesi wanted to give the figure a polite nod but was quickly met with face hiding behind a book.

He couldn't get a glimpse but he could tell it was a woman from her soft hands holding the cover of the book and the nice-looking green dress she was wearing. He sighed to himself as he ate his beef slowly. 'I guess she's no different than the others here...'

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