Chapter 10: Ends and Enjoyment

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Chapter 10: Ends and Enjoyment

A few months had passed after the wedding in Riften. Madesi was humming to himself as he forced the finest jewellery from Balimund's forge. Ever since he had left his mark on Thongvor Silver-Blood, most of the women were intrigued by his own tradition dagger that was made of bones and gemstones.

Tawnyfrost was happy to obliged, provided that she was given her daily fish instead of coin. That was one bargain the Argonian was willing to accept. As for his beggar friends that lived in Beggar's Row, both him and Maria had came up with a solution:

They could stay at Maria's store Waterstone in exchange for their services. It turns out that Snilf was excellent with baking, since it made him concentrate on his task rather than the long forgotten past. Edda on the other hand, was good at cleaning and was the best at drawing customers to purchase the books.

Besides the former beggars, Tawnyfrost and her Khajiit companion, Kharjo, decided to station Waterstone as their new home. Reason for this was because the Dragonborn was the Thane in all of the cities and had access to all of the houses.

The house in Riften will be Maria and Madesi's new home.

For the first time, Madesi finally had a warm bed to lay on and enough food to fill his belly. He was welcomed into the Bee and Barb, most places despite those that hated him like Grelka. Ever since the wedding, the sourpuss Nord was seething no matter where he stood.

It wasn't his fault that more customers were flocking to his stall because of his craftsmanship than harsh trainings that could put the sternest Daedra into a miserable heap. Nonetheless, he kept his distance because he knew he would get himself into trouble if he tried to stand up for himself.

His mind lingered until Bolli cleared his throat to get his attention. Blinking, he smiled his reptilian smile at the old man. "Bolli, what can I do for you?"

"Morning Madesi. I want to commission a few things if you don't mind," said the Nord. "You see, I recently learned that my ex-wife, Nivenor, was going behind my back by dating other men. I was horrified when I discovered her infidelity and wanted to cut things off. But she...she..."

"She had no one else but you despite her intentions?" Madesi concluded, earning a nod from him. "It is not my place to know, but all I can say is chin up. One loss might open up another found. You are a good man, Bolli. Riften is really lucky to have you."

This caused the old Nord to smile, clapping Madesi on the back. "And you are a good man too, Madesi, even with scales. In fact, how are you getting on with your wife?"

Ah, his wife. Ever since their marriage, both Maria and Madesi had decided to move into a proper house together, provided that they would still continue their job while raising their future offspring. If he had told his past self that he would be marrying a beautiful woman who lived across the street, he wouldn't believe it!

But here he was.

Right on cue, Maria waddled out of Waterstone, accompanied by Tawnyfrost. Despite the prominent bulge of her belly and dishevelled hair, she still looked radiant in the warm sun. "Ahh, it's my love, come to visit?" Madesi asked in his sibilant voice.


Maria blushed whenever Madesi asked her that. Something about the way he said those lines made her shiver. The both of them embraced each other, feeling his cool scales holding her waist gently. He was cautious about the life that she was carrying, a product of their love.

They wouldn't know whether the child would be more like the mother or the father. Regardless, they will be the most beautiful child that they will love.

"I thought I'd come to visit you, dear," Maria giggled as he began to shower her face with kisses while she stroked the orange feathers on top of his head. Ever since she announced her pregnancy, he had been so attentive to her and in return she would always baked the freshest bread for breakfast.

That and their little romps between now and then~

They were about to kiss when a loud roar rang through the air. Everyone except the Dragonborn herself ran for cover. The guards were about to fire but the sharp yowl from Tawnyfrost caused them to reluctantly put down their weapons.

It was none other than Odahviing, whose magnificent red scales became the muse of both Maria and Madesi with their work. Lately, she had received a few letters from authors from all walks of life. From an eager Bosmer from the College of Winterhold to the most established bards in Solitude's Bard College.

Despite her pregnancy, it never ceased to amaze her how much their child was quiet whenever she began reading a passage from the book. Most of the time, the kicks started when she would lay down in bed or tried to enjoy a nice bath.

Madesi often teased that their child was eating up every word she would say.

It was a peaceful change of pace compared to her old life in Markarth. Speaking of Markarth, the news of Thongvor Silver-Blood's missing eye and how half of his men died of fright were met with disputes with Jarl Ingmund.

The last she had heard of him was his strip of power and working in the mines his family had used as both business and bruises on the backs of innocent people.

Returning to the dragon, Odahviing bowed his head. "Drem Yol Lok, greetings, Maria of Waterstone and Madesi of the Saxhleel forge. I am in need of your assistance..." he muttered the last words, making both of them confused. Tawnyfrost twitched her whiskers with amusement.

"Khajiit saw him being mellow over a young Dunmer," said Tawnyfrost. "He needs your help with...ah, how to woo her with a gift that we mortals use, yes?" This made Maria and Madesi surprised at the revelation.

"Geh," the red dragon nodded his head, icy blue eyes gazed down at them. "Shall we begin?"

Interlacing their hands together, both husband and wife nodded. Life had never been sweeter than a happy ending to a romantic tale.

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