Chapter 6: Wings and Tails

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Chapter 6: Wings and Tails

Maria was both in awed and afraid at the sheer size of the red dragon before her. When she was young, she had heard tales about them destroying villages and burning everything in their paths. But here, the dragon lowered his head to greet them in a bow.

"Krosis, I apologise for startling you," the dragon named Odahviing rumbled, his voice could cause a tremor in the ground. "I am told to lower Tawnyfrost to this place." He began to crawl, his deep breaths sent heat across both Maria and Madesi.

Madesi's eyes were wary at the flying reptile while Maria approached him slowly with a single hand out. She wanted to know what it feels like to touch a dragon. Were their scales as hot as a blacksmith's forge? Their wings as strong as a hurricane? Teeth that could blunt any sword?

"Maria, what are you doing?" Madesi hissed in alarm. However, a gentle paw was placed on his shoulder, assuring him that the young Imperial woman will be alright. With a gentle touch, Maria's hand landed on top of Odahviing's muzzle, causing him to growl softly.

It was like an Argonian's purr with a mix of thunder.

His scales were warm and so similar to Madesi. However, she pulled back when she realised how sharp his teeth were. Odahviing lets out a chuckle, "Many joor do find me intimidating. The Dovahkiin and I were flying until she spotted the both of you. Naal faal yolos...never would I find an Argonian and a joor such as yourself  being mates."

This time, both the Imperial and Argonian were in shades of red that could rival the dragon's scales. Maria wanted nothing more than to bury herself underground. "Tawnyfrost, we were in a middle of something."

"Khajiit can see that," Tawnyfrost lets out a mrrow of laughter. "And to think Riften is a safe haven compared to Markarth, no? Not with-"

Maria gestured her to stop, clearly not wanting that part to be brought up. Madesi tilted his head but the young woman averted her eyes. It was hard to escape from her old life but the dredges of her past were crawling back.

Giving a polite bow, Maria took Madesi's hand in hers as they walked back to Riften. Without turning around, she heard the confused tone from the red dragon:

"Los nii folaas?"


When they arrived at Waterstone, Maria began rubbing her shoulders to fight off the chills. Madesi was confused at her sudden change of behaviour. "Maria, are you okay?"

Still shaken up, she nodded before closing all of the blinds of her shop's window. Peering out, her shoulders sagged to show the relief she was experiencing. Madesi had never seen her so scared before.

Then again, the both of them lived in Riften and yet, something about her fear was making him feel all the more protective of her.

Settling down beside her on a comfortable bench, he asked, "Did something happen in Markarth before you settle here?" Tenderly, he placed a scaly hand over hers. Maria had not said anything but leans into him with her head resting on his shoulder.

He responded by nuzzling into the crook of her neck. "I'm sorry if I pressed on," he continued. Maria shook her head. " need to know what happened to me before I moved here. I only told Svana whenever I'm at the bunkhouse."

With a sighed, Maria began, "I grew up in Markarth with two parents and two brothers. One of them decided to join the army and never returned, while the other decided to work as a blacksmith apprentice under an Orc named Ghorza.

"My parents were proud people who wanted to see the city grow and will always support the businesses ran by the Silver-Blood family. They are the backbone of Markarth, so to speak..."

Just by the name alone, Madesi could tell that there was bitterness in Maria's tone. "I take it they offered something to your family that irks you?"

Maria nodded, resting her head on his shoulder before murmuring, "They offered silver and a lot of septims for my family to grow their reputation in exchange for my marriage into the family. They...they..."

Madesi could only rub her back in comfort, causing her to spit out the words with disgust. "Thongvor Silver-Blood...that bastard was always finding ways to usurp Jarl Ingmund so that his brother, Thonar, could be on the throne. His brother not only owned the mining business, he was the one that made Cidhna Mine."

Now, the Argonian had heard of that dreadful place through rumours among citizens and a few travellers that browsed his shop. Never would he thought that this sweet young lady had to deal with all of this for the sakes of her 'family'.

"I had to run away," Maria admitted, wiping the tears from her eyes, causing Madesi to emit a low hiss of anger. "It was either that or let them control me just as they were going to do to everyone in the city. Tawnyfrost was there when I ran away, escaping from the mine from something she was wrongly accused of."

The both of them held each other. Nothing could harm them while they are here in the safety of the bookstore. "I shouldn't have snapped at her," she sighed. "I don't know if she will want to talk to me again or asked her dragon friend to give me a little scare..."

This made Madesi grabbed both of her shoulders to make her look at his intense reptilian eyes. "Maria, you know better than that! The warm and friendly bookshop owner who showed me kindness and the people around her is afraid that a small tiff could end a friendship?"

Maria was struggling to contain a laugh, causing Madesi to loosen his grip and emit his own chuckle. "I'm sorry for suddenly grabbing you like that. It sounds as if you are hard on yourself, Maria. Please, if you need to talk or even need to vent, I'm here."

Before he knew it, she slowly wrapped her arms around his thick, scaly neck and began to peck him on the maw. If his blood were any temperature, it'd be boiling hot from the sheer passion he was holding on for this woman.

Letting her straddle on his lap, Madesi wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her close as they began to kiss again. This time, it was longer than expected. Hearing the soft moans coming from her, he nipped her bottom lip lightly to initiate something deeper.

Her hands began to roam his back, her fingers began playing with the feathers at the back of his head. This caused Madesi to growled, wanting more of her sweet scent. All his life, he had never met someone quite like her.

Madesi was about to leave a trail down her neck when a knock was heard from outside. Hissing in frustration, he watched as Maria kissed his cheek to assure him as she slides off his lap to answer the door.

It was the courier.

"I've been look for you. Your hands only," said the courier as he opened up a small note. "Hmm...oh, a letter from Thongvor Silver-Blood. Must be important if he was to write for you. Looks like that's it, gotta go!"

Madesi walked over to a stunned Maria, whose hands were clutching the letter as if she wanted to destroy it. Peering over her shoulder, the Argonian couldn't help but let out a growl at what the note  says:

You can never run from me, my pet. I will be at the Temple of Mara by sundown tomorrow. If you do not show up, that little shop of yours will be the best place to collect firewood. That is NOT a request!

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