Chapter 3: Crafts and Creation

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Chapter 3: Crafts and Creation

Maria's heart was pounding with excitement at the thought of Madesi coming over to her store. 'Just calm down,' she scolded herself. 'He's just like any other customer except he has the most vibrant feathers on his head and that voice...'

Oh yes, she was down bad for the Argonian jeweller!

"Have some Canis root tea," Tawnyfrost held up a hot mug in front of her. Her tail was swishing rapidly. "Khajiit is getting agitated with your pacing, Maria. If he comes, he comes. Or else, it will be tomorrow. Tawnyfrost can see that Madesi is a good man- er, lizard man."

Maria slowly settled down, her breathing slightly hitched. She was so worked up over Madesi coming over, she had forgotten her Dragonborn cat friend was here in the store, sitting on one of the arm chairs while her tail was neatly wrapped around her legs.

"Sorry, Tawnyfrost. I guess I'm nervous since..." Maria trailed off, her thoughts still on Madesi, "I never had the courage to really tell Madesi how I felt. His kindness, smile everything...

Tawnyfrost lets out a mrrow of laughter. This could be a potential quest that she would turn down any rewards except to see her friend happy. Gulping down her own drink, she stalked towards the pacing Imperial woman. Taking her hand in her furry one, she gave Maria a comforting squeeze.

Just then, the front door opened, revealing a familiar scaley face. It was Tawnyfrost's cue to leave, the tip of her tail brushing against Maria's leg to assure her. However, the poor woman was like a deer that just spotted a sabre cat.

"Greetings, Lady Maria," he greeted her with a bow. Maria mimicked his bow before gesturing him to come close. "I'm really glad you could make it, Madesi. I hope I didn't steal you away from oncoming buyers."

The Argonian laughed. "No need to worry, land-strider. I'm closed up for today. So, this is the Waterstone bookstore I have heard so much about..."

"Take a look around and let me know what you would like. I'm just going to the back to pull out something from the oven."

That was an excuse, of course. In fact, she was stumbling her way behind the store to put in the apple dumplings she had made a few hours ago. She couldn't stop the constant beating of her heart whenever she was near him.

Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe it-

"Excuse me," Madesi's voice called from the front. "I think I may have found a book for myself."

Maria went over to the front with her head held high. She prayed to any divines watching her for safety, in case Madesi caught her blushing too hard or staring at him. "So, what are you buying? Ah, The Wolf Queen, a classic."

Thankfully, Maria's shopkeeper side was already in motion as she sold the first two volumes to the Argonian. When she passes the books to him, her soft hands briefly touched his scaled ones. It may not look like much but it was sending shivers down her spine.

'By the Gods, what's wrong with me?' she asked herself, clenching her fists. Madesi tilted his head at her direction. "Are you alright?"

Maria gave him an assured smile. "I'm fine. Do you want to have some of the pastries? I think I baked too much today- if it's alright with you, of course. I know you need to get up early to start up your stall tomorrow."

The Argonian's orange feathers began to relax as a warm smile was etched at the corners of his reptilian mouth. "I'd love to, my lady. Please lead the way."


The wafting scent of baked goods made Madesi salivate. However, he closed his mouth since most humans don't like Argonians hanging their jaws open. Could it be that they were afraid of their razor-sharp teeth?

Whatever the reason, he was basking in the warmth of the shop and the scent of spiced apples and freshly inked books on the shelves. As for the shopkeeper herself, he could hear her fussing about something about not having enough apples or berries.

It was the first time he had ever entered a home since he wasn't welcomed at the bunkhouse except for meals. Argonians and Khajiits weren't the most popular people to be welcomed in Skyrim. Then again, he had encountered that furry Dragonborn who pawned him in exchange for money or buy rings for herself.

"Madesi, here are my apple dumplings and snowberry pie," Maria offered, placing both plates of the delicious treats on the round table, probably used for customers who wanted to have a snack while reading books.

Inhaling the scent, the jeweller began to take a bite out of the apple dumpling. By the Hist, the flavour it self could make him weak to the knees!

"Is it okay?" Maria asked, pouring him a mug of warm root tea. Madesi nodded, his smile was still plastered on his face. "It's very good. Do you like baking?"

The Imperial woman nodded, pushing back strands of her hair behind her ear. "I do. It helps me to be in control whenever I feel like I'm falling apart. Books on the other hand, they can teach you a lot of things, whether it is language, a world to fall into to escape this harsh reality or give us new ideas for another recipe."

Madesi listened attentively, noting how her voice sounded sweet like warm honey while her cheeks were flushed red. Could it be the constant attention to the oven while running the bookstore?

"It does sound wonderful, at least to a Saxhleel like me," he hissed at the thought. "To be honest, I never had this kind of leisure before. This is nice, really."

Maria smiled her warm smile and handed him something wrapped in a greasy parchment paper. "I have some more of my baked goods that were unsold today. I usually give them to the Honorhall Orphanage or the poor since I don't want those treats to go to waste. It makes me happy knowing that they have something to eat."

'You have no idea.'

When the both of them glanced outside, it was already dark. That would be his cue to leave since he had to sort some things out for his stall tomorrow. He gave her a sad smile. "I'm afraid I will have to take my leave, my lady. Thank you for the delicious pastries and for your kindness. Do come to my stall, since the bracelet does suit you."

Before he could leave, Maria placed a hand on his shoulder. "And you are welcome to Waterstone anytime. Whether you want to buy something or curl up with a book, this place will always welcome you."

He wondered if it was the pie that was causing his heart to feel lighter than usual?

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