Chapter 4: Fire and Scales

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Chapter 4: Fire and Scales

Ever since their meeting at Waterstone, Maria tries to find time to meet Madesi at his stall. So far, the Argonian's expression lit up the moment she greeted him. Most of the time, he would be forging his jewelleries at the Scorched Hammer or counting his money.

As for the Imperial herself, the ones who love to come to her store were Constance Michelle at the Honorhall Orphanage, Bolli the fisherman from Riften's fishery and Ingun Black Briar. Despite them being her regulars, Maria wished for more people to enjoy the comforts of a good book.

"Afternoon, Lady Maria," he greeted her with his sharp-toothed smile. "See anything you fancy?"

'You.' She wanted to say that but instead, she peered at the jewelleries that were displayed at the counter. Gemstones of different kinds with gold and silver to tie them all together. She checked the silver bracelet that was on her wrist.

"It looks beautiful on you," said Madesi, averting his gaze from where he stood. Maria blushed, her hands gently taking out another neatly wrapped parchment paper with string. "Thank you, Madesi. After all, it was crafted beautifully by the best jewel-maker."

Now it was his turn to blush, to which he covered his face with his sleeve and pretended to cough. "Years of practice. I am glad that you enjoy my craftsmanship, Lady Maria. Do I detect a scent of spices and apples?"

Maria giggled and nodded. "Yes, it is and please, just call me Maria. We are friends, right?"

He blinked, then a small smile was creeping its way onto his face. He gingerly took the parchment from her, their hands briefly touched. "Friends..." he enunciated the words carefully in his sibilant tone. "Yes, that does sound nice. Very well, Maria."

Just as the situation was getting warmed up, Maria was needed back at the shop because Bolli wanted a few self-help books about love and marriage. She felt sorry for the man since he was kind and welcoming when she first came to Riften.

Besides Svana, Bolli was one of the other residence to greet her in a friendly manner while she had nothing except her two trunks full of books and essentials.

"Morning, Bolli," Maria greeted him as she fretted over things at the counter. She prayed to any gods that things would go smoothly. "Do you want stories about couples or any help with your marriage with Nivenor?"

Bolli laughed. "Oh no, I just dropped by to see if there's anything new. I hope I wasn't interrupting your talk with Madesi."

Maria blushed, clearing her throat. "O-oh, not at all! I wanted a bit of fresh air and Madesi was one of the vendors that was up early. So, what can I do for you?"

The middle-aged Nord gave her a knowing look. "I'll buy this book called Love Bites if you tell me the details." Maria had her hands on her hips. "Details?"

"How long have you been courting Riften's Argonian jeweller?"

Maria checked out every corner of her shop in case there were other patrons coming in. She immediately led him to the back where she would baked her pastries. Despite the mess, the scent of spices and cooked apples never ceased to make her mouth water.

"Now then," Bolli began as he sat on one of the chairs. "Are you in love with Madesi?"

The Imperial woman almost spilled the drink she was pouring in the cup. Hesitantly, she nodded as a blush was formed on her face. Bolli smiled and patted her on the back. "Congratulations, Maria. Does he know?"

The young woman's expression fell as she shook her head. "No. We're friends and that's already good enough for me, Bolli. Come, let me find more books and a few pastries to pack for you before anyone suspects my sudden closure."

"Alright then," he sighed. Before Maria could excuse herself, Bolli took her hand in his. "But if you ever need support or advice, I'm here to lend a hand. I have been around Riften for as long as the  newlyweds at the Bee and Barb."

"Thank you, Bolli but I will be okay."

With that, the subject was dropped and Maria resumed to her bookshop ownership.


That evening at the bunkhouse, Madesi was on his way to have his dinner before walking down to Beggar's Row. As usual, his regular customers were Nivenor and Haelga. He was not only going to the bunkhouse for a meal, but to also deliver the items the owner had ordered.

"Ah, Madesi!" Haelga greeted him with a coquettish smile. "Are those for me?"

He laid the sack onto the counter, which was filled with Marks of Dibella gems. It does not matter what the Nord woman does around town as long as she paid the amounts for the orders. With a satisfied smile, she gestured for him to sit down.

She ordered Svana to take down his order while the older woman moved around the bunkhouse to interact with the other guests. Madesi thought nothing of the humans or others that stared at him with such disgust.

If he had a lot of money, he would leave Riften for good.

'But what about Maria?' a voice inside of him asked. He chewed his food slowly as he thought of the young Imperial woman who smelled of cinnamon and fresh apples. Madesi would be lying if he wasn't curious about holding her soft frame against his hard, scaly one. How warm her smile was when she greeted him and just the thought of her-

He shook his head. Madesi was well aware of how nervous she was as she handed him the parchment full of pastries he happily snacked on during the day. Was she afraid of him or trying to lure him into something sinister?

"She wouldn't," he thought out loud with an irritated hiss. Just then, a familiar figure stormed into the bunkhouse. The sounds of her iron boots clopped the wooden floorboards. Those sounds stopped when the said owner of those footsteps was in front of him.

"Evening, Grelka," he greeted her politely, "made any sales today?"

The Saxhleel jeweller almost took out his iron dagger from his belt when the Nord woman slammed her fists onto his table, causing a few guests to stare at their direction. "Are you saying that I'm a poor saleswoman, lizardman?"

"I am merely asking since we are both vendors," said Madesi, wishing he had shut up if he doesn't want to cause any trouble. However, he opened a can of worms that he could not take back. Grelka sneered at him.

"Surprise you haven't been turned, boots," she remarked, feeling proud to call him in such a degrading manner. "Then again, who would ever want the likes of you?"

Madesi growled, claws almost scrapping against the wooden table. He finished his meal quickly and then left since everyone at the bunkhouse were expecting him to attack. Unlike bossy Nords or brutish orcs, reptilians like himself were a hit or miss.

Not wanting to think too much about it, Madesi stopped in his steps. In front of him was the sign of the Waterstone bookstore.

And it was dimly lit inside.

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