On the road

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Sorry for any typos!💞

*everybody gets startled*

Ambilia: What's wrong Kameria?!

Yuri: you see something?

Kameria: no. It's sun rise. We have to look for food and a shelter. Right? Jabili

Jabali: It's pronounced Jabali, and yes we have to go searching thanks Kameria.

Touri: well. Let's go searching.

Yuri: *looks out window* it seems that the monsters have passed.

Jabali: *takes out map* lets search willows bay. That's over by tankerson. It's like 20-40 minutes from here.

Yuri: okay. That's a plan. Let's go.

Ambilia: I feel sick guys.

Kameria: morning sickness at it finest.

Yuri: *rolls down window* Throw up out the window.

Ambilia. *throws up out the window*

Yuri: *pats her back and pulls her hair back out of her face*

Jabali: when will morning sickness for her be over with?

Kameria: well my mother she had morning sickness up until month 7. My mothers brothers sisters cousins uncles brothers sisters aunts brothers sister had her morning sickness up until 5 weeks in. It's different for everybody.

Jabali: oh..I see you remember the whole bloodline..

Kameria: gots to, so I can see who's in my family and who isn't. It's people around here that'll say they're cousins with you but it's a lie to get you to trust them.

Jabali: Oh..okay. Ambilia you're ready to move?

Ambilia: I'm okay now.

Yuri: *rolls window up* whew girlll.

Touri: ... I don't know what to say after witnessing that.

Ambilia: it comes with the pregnancy.

Jabali: *pulls off and heads towards tankerson*

Kameria: I also can't help but notice your ankle Ambilia.

Ambilia: yeah, I hurt it a while back and never got it checked on.

Kameria: let me see. *grabs her foot* hmm. Seems that you have a sprained ankle. You need to prop it up and let it rest.

Ambilia: how- how do you know this?

Kameria: my mother taught me how to survive. She taught me how to help myself if I'm hurt or if my siblings are hurt back in Jamaica..

Yuri: that's so cool.

Touri: She also gave you lessons to help deliver a baby?

Kameria: yes. See where I was we didn't have much money so we made whatever we had work.

Ambilia: can you make my ankle better?

Kameria: yes, I can. See in your condition I'll need big leaves with some strong sticks and rope or anything that is strong enough to hold together the leaves and sticks.

Jabali: good thing we're heading to tankerson. Over there it has all of those things. The leaves sticks and rope.

Ambilia: good. *calms down*

Kameria: in the mean time prop your ankle up here and let it rest. It heals like that also.

Ambilia: okay. Thanks kameria!

Kameria: Thank my mother. Anyways...

Jabali: anywho. Let's all have a deep conversation. I feel like it'll make our relationships stronger and get chips off of our shoulders.

Yuri: I agree.

Touri: I guess. It really wouldn't make a difference with me, honestly.

Kameria: this will be sooo interesting.

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