chapter 1

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 Rosh Pov,

"Promises are meant to be broken. you proved it." A voice whispered as the words echoed in the darkness. I woke up in a cold sweat, heart racing from those words that echoed in my dream. The weight of those words lingered in my mind, I couldn't think of anything but the promise I made years ago. As I lay there, staring at the ceiling, I couldn't help but question the validity of my own promise.

Had I really failed to keep the promise?  

  No, it can't be. I can't let it be. 

I got up from the bed as I reached over to the nightstand grabbing my phone, I headed to the balcony for some fresh air. I dailed caden's number, my trusted man. 

 ''yes, Boss? "Did you find anything, ANYTHING?" I inquired with a slight desperate in my voice.  "No, Boss. Not yet". he replied. "Hmm" I sighed as I cut the phone.

where are you? where on earth are you, Goddammit? No one should know about this and before anyone knows about this, I Gotta sort this out. 


"Rosh, honey. Are you all ready to go?" jasper's irritating voice sang as he entered the room. "shut up, jasper otherwise you don't want to get beaten early morning" I warned him as I put my gun in my waistband. I swear if he weren't my cousin, I would've killed him by now. How can someone be so dramatic, bothersome and annoying in one go? 

fuck you.

"I know, you are thinking that you would've killed me already if I weren't your cousin. Don't be so rude Rosh, I'm your best friend too. oh Jesus, why he's like this but anyway I won't complain anymore just send a beautiful girl for me" jasper fake cried with his ugliest face. He's like this irritating me and always wishing for the perfect girl to come into his life , such a hopeless romantic freak. 

"I don't have any time to fool around with you, just tell me did you dig up the background of the person we are having a meeting today?" as I asked his playful expression switched into a serious one. 

"yeah kinda, let's go. I'll tell you on the way" I nodded.

"His name is Justin Black, an Expert weaponologist. Previously, he worked with Keirs, but something happened between them that made him refuse to work with them anymore and now he wants to work with us" he explained. "What such thing can happened between them that he don't want to work with keir but with us and on the top of that keir is not that type of person who will let anyone go out of his hand that easily. He must be up to something" I said leaning back in the seat. "yeah, let's just meet that Justin first then I've plenty of work to do" he winked at me.

"you and your clubbing thing" I chuckled. 

keir must be up to something and if he is, then he better watch his back because I'm going to crush this game. It will be fun to beat his ass over and again.

Arriving at the building I walked along with jasper into the meeting room and Justin was waiting patiently there with 2 men by his side. He stood as soon as he saw us.

"Hello sir, I'm Justin Black" he said, offering his hand for a handshake but I stood my ground, so jasper stepped forward glaring at me and offered his hand instead. "Hello, Justin! It's jasper." we all took our seats along one of the tables.

The room remained quiet.  

"let's get into the main point without wasting any another second". I speak out grabbing everyone's attention on me. "yes, sir let's get into the point, the thing is that I want to work with you" he said. "well, you used to work with Keirs before, right? and what happened to you that you refused to work with them and now want to work with us" I asked leaning forward at the table, my eyes on him.

"yes, sir I used to work with them before but let's not talk about the days gone by and just know that they weren't trustworthy". he said looking at us. "How are you sure that you want to work with us and we'll want you to work with us ?" jasper asked. "well, who doesn't want to have a chance to work with the Mafia king of this underworld and I've heard that only loyalty works here so, I'm here" he said with confident in his eyes.

That fucking confident in his eyes, I'm curious if it's genuine. 

"Okay then you are welcome to work with us, Justin. You may leave now our men will tell you the next meeting schedule" I said making jasper glancing at me in frown. "Okay, Thankyou sir. Its really nice meeting you" Justin said making his way to the exit.

"why do we fucking need him when we already have professional expertise and we really know nothing about him except his name and his profession which may be fake as well" he said as he rubbed his forehead stressfully. "Exactly, we don't know him at all but keir do" I said propping my hands on the table.

He stayed quiet for a moment, probably waiting for me to explain further more and when I didn't say a word, he scowled " what are you up to, huh? and if you suspected him as an impostor then you could have sent him to sleep with the fishes right away. well, that dude wouldn't be the imposter at all! I mean did you not see that he was totally petrified of us. It was clear he's too chicken-hearted to go against us".

"Absolutely, jasper note this appearances can be super deceiving. Those who appear innocent are often the ones up to no good and surprise us the most" I explained making him nodded in agreement. "

"Then what's next? " he asked. "Nothing just play along, It's been long time that we haven't got time to play, right?" I said smirking.  

"Perfect, it will be fun" he said taking a drag from his cigarette.

I was about to stand up, but then my phone rang. It was caden calling.

"Boss, I've got the information to carry out the mission one step closer" he said. "Great, caden! I'll be in my office, catch me there". I sighed as i finally got to hear a good news after few rough months.


A/N: First of all, Thankyou for choosing to give my book, FATED TO LOVE YOU, a chance.

I hope you are as excited as I am for the  forthcoming chapters!

I'll be updating twice a week and a quick reminder that this is the first book I've ever written, it may be not perfect but i hope you enjoy it somewhat :)

This story has all rights reserved. I do not allow anyone to adapt and build on my work. 

About story these all are my imaginations. well, lets say these all came from my delulu mind. Any similarities this story has with other books is purely coincidental.


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