Chapter 2

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Daria Pov,

"Dad?" I called him as I knocked on the door, eagerly awaiting a response, but the silence remained unbroken.

"Good Morning, Daria! you're an early bird today. How come you're here so early?" Ms. potter asked as she smiled. "It's Dad. He's not answering. Is he not here?" she looked at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes, offering a gentle pat on my head. "He's not here my dear. He took off to another city for a week-long business trip early this morning and he mentioned that I should let you know" I frowned at her. Again?

"I told him to make time for today but he didn't" I mumbled, letting the sadness consume me. Ms. potter wrapped her arms around me, trying to comfort me the best she could as always. After mama's death, dad engrossed himself in so much work that he barely had any time for me. But Ms. Potter, she's been a guardian-figure for me as long as I can remember. Back when I was a kid, she would share all sorts of stories, tales with me, especially about Harry Potter and with her last name being Potter too, I actually used to believe that she was from Hogwarts.

And whenever I asked about my mama, she'd say she went to Hogwarts to get me a magic broom. I used to hope that one day she'd come to me with a magic broom, but she never did.

That one day never came in my life.

" It's okay. Don't be sad, my dear. Sir is just caught up with work, but trust me, he cares about you so much" she said reassuring me. I forced a smile like I always do.


"Alright, time for me to head out! I don't want to be late for college" I said as I headed to my room to get my stuffs. She nodded "Have a fun day, dear!".

Have a fun day? yeah with my canvas board, colors and a paintbrushes. Is it weird not to have any friend? I've tried making friends. In high school, I just really didn't fit in and It seems like in the adult world, I don't fit in either. But I actually made a pen pal a year and a half year ago. And now she is my Best friend by Fate.


Dear Bella,

Once again, my dad didn't have any time for me. It's disappointing because I dedicated that painting to him. I had such a great plan to surprise him by taking him to the exhibition. I thought he would be so happy when he found that I dedicated that painting to him. But he ended up going on a business trip. He is so mean and on the top of that he haven't called me yet .

Don't you think at some point we humans are pretty mean? I mean like, I just called my dad 'mean' because he couldn't make time for me but somehow that makes me mean for calling my dad 'mean'. And There's God who seems to have dealt me a tough hand. First, Taking my mama away from me and then keeping my dad distant because of work. Huff, I guess it's just how things are meant to be, there's nothing I can do. It is what it is but lowkey I wish it wasn't how it is. See It is the human tendency to desire what is prohibited, Isn't it?

But I have you, My Best friend forever.

Don't be mad, okay? well, I didn't shown up to the exhibition as dad went on his business trip, a feeling of unease washed over me. The thought of facing those judgmental gazes with no one by my side weighed heavily on my heart. I just couldn't go there. So, Instead of stepping into the polished hallways of the exhibition, I venture into the untamed embrace of nature's sanctuary. I just find solace here in the embrace of nature and it's art while everything else seems so chaotic. Maybe it's just me being a bit chaotic too.

I wish you were here with me, Bella.

You were wondering why I'm so drawn to painting the sky all the time, right? Well, Back when I was a kid, my mama used to take me to the park, and after playing, we'd lie down and gaze at the sky. But I had this fear that the vastness of the sky would swallow me up. I used to close my eyes and hide on my mama's lap, but she would say,' Don't be scared of the sky, my dear. The sky is full of art, try to understand it. And remember, those who doesn't understand art doesn't understand themselves as well'.

Ever since then, I would gaze at the sky, searching for the art within it. But as time went on, I realized that the sky itself is a masterpiece, adorned with fluffy white clouds against a serene blue backdrop.

It feels so unreal that the sky that once frightened me has now become my inspiration. The immense expanse that once seemed overwhelming now attract me to get lost in its endless beauty.

Oh yes, I've created a painting specifically for your bakery! And don't tell me not to make anymore as I've already said that I want my paintings brightening up the walls of your amazing bakery. Waohh, I'm seriously counting down the days when we will meet, when you will see those paintings and when you'll proudly display them on your bakery walls. I know you'll love these paintings. You will, right?

Alright, I've gotta run now. Ms. potter must be waiting for me. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love you so much.



A/n: Hello my people, hope y'all are doing well if not then here's a hug🫂.

hope y'all enjoyed reading this chapter! :)

Thankyou for reading!

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