Chapter 5

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Daria Pov;

Tomorrow is the day I'm finally heading to  LA, California and I can't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, I'm absolutely amazed at how time has flown by and how everything is about to change. It's like I'm stepping into a whole new world, leaving behind the familiar and embracing the unknown. when I imagine myself walking across the stage, graduating form my dream college, it fills me with excitement.

But at the same time, I can't deny the nervousness that creeps in. Leaving my comfort zone is always a bit scary. I wonder I'll be able to navigate through the challenges that come my way.

Will I find my way around the city? Will I be able to get along? If not then I don't know where I belong.

It's a mix of anxiety and anticipation, but deep down, I know that this journey will shape me in ways I can't even imagine.

At first, I was convinced that dad wouldn't allow me to leave Paris and live in LA, California all alone. But guess what? Turns out, he actually has a close friend in LA, California, Leo Cabot.

It's like even fate wants me to go there in LA, California.

Dad wants me to stay at his friend place when I first move there. I tried telling him that I can handle living on my own, but he's worried about me being all alone in total new place. So, he insisted that if I wanted to go, I had to stay at his friend's house for at least the first few months.

It's not like I don't want to stay at his friend's place, but it's just that staying with people I don't know feel really akward. The thing is I feel more comfortable being on my own, but when it comes to living with strangers, it's just a different story, even if it's my dad's friend's house.

But I have to stay there. Even though I have to stay there for few months, it might feel a  uncomfortable at first. But, it's just temporary. After that, I'll be back to my own space.

Jesus, give me much strength to be able to get along.


"Make sure not to skip any meals, okay? Make sure not to overwork and lastly don't forget your old MS. Potter" she chuckled, her words carried a mix of concern and love, leaving a bittersweet feeling in the air.
I could see a glimmer of sadness in her eyes. She's been here with us since I was 7 and even she works here, she always loved me no matter what.
And I love her too no matter what.

"Ohh Ms. Potter, Is there even a chance that I'll forget you? Don't worry ms. Potter I'll take proper care of myself. You take care of yourself, okay?" I smiled, making her nodding. She stepped forward for a warm goodbye hug and she caressed my head as she said with hint of emotion in her voice "You are finally chasing after your dream. God bless you, my child". I could tell she was trying to hold back her emotion.
As I was giving my goodbye hug to Ms. Potter, right at the moment, Dad's men came up to me and said " I've got all your stuffs and luggage in the car. You ready to go?" It's kinda bittersweet because even though it's my departure, dad didn't personally take me to the airport. Instead,  he assigned his man to do it. I feel a bit sad about it but sometimes it's just the things that don't go exactly as we want.

Arriving at the airport, I hopped out of the car and grabbed my boarding pass and headed towards the check-in counter. I could feel the anticipation building up inside as I handed my pass over the airline staff. It was like a key to unlocking the adventure ahead.

I couldn't help but smile as they scanned my pass and gave me the green light to proceed.  It was a small moment, but it made me realize that my journey was officially beginning.

Landing at LA, California, all I could think about was Bella, surprising her. I didn't tell her I was coming because I wanted to see the look on her face when she sees me for the first time.

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