Chapter 4

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Daria Pov,

Finally, I'll get to see dad after a whole week. I've been eagerly waiting for my dad to come back from his business trip. It feels like forever since I last saw him. I'm really missing him right now. He's swamped with work, but I have no doubt that he loves me the most.

I tell myself that a lot.

Wait, since he's gonna be here tonight, I think it's perfect chance for me to whip up a delicious dinner for him. I want to make his return extra special by surprising him with a homemade meal. The only problem is, I'm not the most skilled cook. But hey, that won't stop me!

I think I have to ask Ms. Potter for help. She's always been there for me, guiding me and teaching me new things. No doubt, Ms. Potter is absolutely the best.

But, If mama were here today, then we would have been cooking together for dad. I can still vividly recall those times when mama was cooking for dad. I'd always be eager to lend a hand, but she'd lovingly remind me that I was the littlest and promised to teach me cooking when I got older. But now that I'm grown up, she's not here.

Even though she herself did all the cooking, she'd proudly tell dad that we made the food together and dad would give me a big thumbs up for that.

I really miss those times, mama. I miss you mama and dad misses you too. Even though he doesn't show it, I've seen him many times, crying in front of your photo and gazing at it with so much love. He really loves you, mama.

I always miss you mama. We really miss you. Your presence is deeply missed every single day.

Why life has to be like this? It feels incredibly unjust when we lose someone we hold dear and we yearn for those precious moments we once shared, knowing that they can never be recreated.

A bittersweet wave of emotions washed over me and without realizing it, a tear slipped down my cheek. Startled, I heard Ms. Potter's voice, jolting me back to present and the tasks that awaited me. With a swift motion, I brushed away the stray tear, not wanting Ms. Potter to notice my momentary vulnerability. I turned towards her, mustering a smile to mask the emotions that still lingered within me.

"Yes, Ms. Potter?" I smiled.

"Are you okay, my dear? I waited for you to come and have your breakfast but you didn't" she asked, concerned.

"Yeah, Ms. Potter, I'm all good and I was just about to make my way downstairs" I said, giving her a hug.

The sheer audacity of human hearts, bearing boundless pain within, yet still uttering the words "I'm fine".

Cheers to the pain we choose to hide.

"Let's go downstairs, okay?" she said, pulling out of hug. I nodded.

As I was having my breakfast, It suddenly hit me that I had planned to cook a special dinner for dad tonight. With a mix of nerves and excitement, I mustered up the courage to approach her for help. I explained my plan, my desire to create a special meal for my dad and she knows my lack of confidence in the kitchen.

To my relief, Ms. Potter smiled warmly and agreed to lend a helping hand. She understood my eagerness to make this dinner a success and assured me that together, we would create something truly memorable. We had everything planned out, from deciding when to start cooking dinner to choosing what meal to prepare.

As I finished my breakfast, a newfound sense of excitement washed over me. With Ms. Potter's expertise by my side, I knew that this surprise dinner would not only be a delicious feast but also a heartfelt gesture of love for my dad.

"Okay, dear you take rest. I'll get going to order the groceries" she said, as I also got up and headed to my room.

As soon as I stepped into my room, I threw myself onto the bed and grabbed my phone. I glanced at my phone and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw an email from California University, LA. They accepted my application, which means I can study there! and the craziest thing is that I applied just a month ago, and they already accepted me. It's incredibly rare to get accepted in such a short period.

Is this for real? since when did luck decide to be on my side?

But I'm happy more than anything else now. I finally have the chance to pursue my passion and study at my dream college. It's seriously a dream come true.

This seriously can't be real. I pinched my arm, it hurt that means this is real.

As I couldn't wait to share the news about my application being accepted so, I rushed downstairs to find Ms. Potter and immediately gave her a big hug.

"What happened, dear? you look really happy" she said, smiling at me. " Ms. Potter, I applied to California University a month ago, and they actually accepted my application" I said, excitedly. "Really? That's great Daria. I'm so happy for you" she expressed.

Now, I really can't wait to see dad.


In the evening, I rolled up my sleeve and got creative in the kitchen. Ms. Potter guided me through every step of the cooking process, making it a fun experience.

"Ms. Potter, Thankyouhh so much" I turned to her. "You did well, Daria" she said, patting my head. And at that moment, 'Daria', I heard my dad calling me, which meant he was back! I quickly turned around and there he was. Without hesitation, I ran towards him, longing for a warm and loving hug.

"My daughter" he said, with a warm smile on his face. "How have you been, my girl" he asked, pulling from hug.

"I missed you, dad" I said, a mix of emotions swirling inside me.

"I missed you too, Princess" he said, gently planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Dad, I have two surprises for you! come with me" I exclaimed, pulling him towards the dining area. "Sit here, I made you a meal" I excitedly said. He frowned at me "You made a meal?, I know how terrible you are in the kitchen". "Well, Ms. Potter helped me" I proudly said.

"See, I tried to make your favorite The macaron and the onion soup. I know mama's version is the best, but...." my voice trailed off as realization hit me. My heart sank as I saw his face changed, his eyes filled with a mix of joy and sadness. I knew mentioning mama's cooking had stirred up deep emotions within him.

I gently reached out and held his hand "I'm sorry, dad. I didn't mean to make you miss mama even more". He pulled me into a gentle embrace, his voice filled with warmth and understanding. "It's okay, Daria. And see, my daughter is all grown up to make a meal for me. It means world to me that you made this meal. I'm truly happy".

"let's eat come on. I can't wait to dig in" he said, making me giggled.

I was on edge, watching dad take the first bite of the meal. The silence that followed made me anxious, but then his face lit up with a smile and a thumbs-up, just like he used to.

He liked it. He said that he loved it.

"what is the other surprise, you were talking about earlier?" he asked as he glanced at me. "well, I applied to California university a month ago, and they accepted it which means I can study there" I explained, nervously as I feared that he wouldn't allow me to go other country alone.

"Really? You want to go there?" he asked. "Yes, dad. It's my dream university and I do want to go there" I said, reaching for his hand "Can I go there, pretty please".

"Of course, you can go but how will you manage to stay there all alone by yourself" he concerned.

"Thankyou so much dad! Don't worry dad, I know a friend there, she lives there. I'm 21 now, an independent girl" I said. "Yes, yes, you are" dad chuckled.

I cannot be happy more than this, can I? Perhaps, good things are coming to me.


A/n; Hello, how are you doing? Hope you are doing well.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter:)

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