Chapter 16 - A Framing Most Foul

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The next morning Henry caught me after I had dropped off the newspapers outside the library – the last I had for the day. I asked why he wasn't in school and that's when he explained what happened. Apparently, Ms. Blanchard – Mary Margaret - had been arrested, her fingerprint found on the inside of the box that Ruby found last night. We both agreed she was obviously being framed (especially given the incredibly violent and aggressive nature of what she was being accused of). When I asked how he knew all this he explained he'd overheard his mom talking to someone on the phone before she had dropped him off at school for the day.

He dragged me towards Mary Margaret's loft, insisting we needed to prove her innocence. Emma's police car was parked on the sidewalk outside when we got there. 

We walked up and found Emma looking for signs of a break-in at the loft. She noticed Henry first and asked why he wasn't in school before glancing over at me with the same question on her face. I told her he'd come and dragged me over here, telling me what happened to Mary Margaret. Henry exclaimed that we all needed to help Ms. Blanchard and Emma explained why she was at the loft and how it was to help Mary Margaret. She also explained that she believed Mary Margaret was being set up, the only problem was that there was no motive to frame her. 

Henry mentioned his mom had a motive – she hated Snow White – but Emma simply responded that "hating Snow White" wouldn't hold up in court.

After a bit of looking, it was clear there were no signs of a break-in at the loft. When the heat kicked on, however, there was a weird rattling sound that came from a vent in the floor. 

My stomach turned to lead as Emma kneeled down and fished the object out of the vent. She unwrapped the bundle she had found in the vent and revealed a hunting knife – the exact weapon used to cut out the heart that Ruby had found, according to the lab results.

I took Henry to Granny's while Emma did her police thing – he was taking the new evidence against Ms. Blanchard pretty hard. We entered Granny's and Ruby was back at work, having made up with Granny and taken her old job back after the craziness of last night. She must have been able to tell we needed a pick-me-up because she gave us both hot chocolate with cinnamon on top, Henry and Emma's favorite, after we sat at the bar. 

August noticed us at the bar and sat on the other side of Henry, motioning to the untouched hot chocolate in front of him, knowing exactly why Henry was upset - the news about the school teacher being arrested already having made its way around town. 

August talked about where to find answers to Henry's problems - if he was looking for those types of things. He cast a glance over Henry's head at me as if making sure I was listening before he went on. August told Henry he knew the book wasn't just a book, but a book of stories. Not just any stories, but stories that actually happened.

He glanced at me, his eyes catching mine, before looking back at Henry, whose mood was now much improved and excited to hear someone talking about Operation Cobra, to confirm he believed the book was as real as he was. When Henry asked him how he knew the book was real, August responded simply that he was a believer who wanted to help others see the light.

Another glance and my heart began to race slightly, a shiver running up my spine as I listened to the rest of their conversation. He was here to get Emma to believe – another long look at me as if silently saying "You too," going on to explain that he couldn't just tell Emma it was true - some people could go on faith, like Henry and him, while others like Emma needed proof. August captured my eyes once more and held them for a long moment, his emphasis being noted and not at all appreciated. 

He tapped Henry's book in his backpack, explaining that he'd find all the answers he needed right there in those pages before leaving. Henry opened his book and started combing through the pages. I took a deep breath to settle myself before looking around and noticing Mr. Gold. 

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