"Man...they both are very scary! First Aleph-0, now this bitch?! I couldn't help it but forget what happened before. Hehe..." You are going to your room and just lay down on your bedroom, open your phone, scrolling and dunno what to do about it, and also watch your favorite fandom. That's all. But sometimes you are getting bored.

You start to do some works that you have to do and you are so lonely in there. But there a loud sounds out there. It looks likes, a cat sound. You open the door and see there is a cat. It is a cute cat. "Hehe...so cute! Are you lonely? Me too..." You bring the cat to your house and give some milk to the cat.

"I'm so lonely...but it was so happy to meet an animal friends likes you, cat!" You said with a smiles on your face. The cat is also happy and 'meowing'. The cat sit on your lap and 'purring' on your lap.

"Aw...cutie pie~ where is your owner?" You ask to the cat. The cat just meowing. You don't even know what the cat's means. But you just hold the cat happily.

"Hm...you know what? I have a boyfriend...but he is so hot tempered. He also cheat on me and i am so sa about it. I thought he only loves me...but he didn't. He is a trator!" You talk to the cat angrily.

"Also the girl, the stupid girl! I hate her! She stoles my boyfriend! She is a naughty girl! Now she wants me?! She is a bitch on my eyes!"
"Oh, hehehe...sorry cat... please don't be so offended because I said something dirty?"

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