Chapter Thirteen: The Queen across the Sea

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Staring up at her ancestral home, Daenerys Targaryen wasn't sure how she felt standing on the beach as she stared up at Dragonstone; behind her stood those who had served her well and believed in her mission. Finally, she had come home. 

After living in exile for twenty-four years, her entire life, spent cast away by the usurper who had tried to have her killed; she wasn't sure how she felt about being home. 

It had been through Viserys that she had heard stories about their home, about the bad men that had taken the throne and cast them out murdering their family and forcing them to live in exile. 

Ducking down, Daenerys grasped at the sand beneath her feet allowing it to slip through her fingers; her head bowed as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that she was really here. 

Daenerys took a moment to gather herself, getting back to her feet as a man approached them; he looked wary taking in the army that had arrived on his doorstep. 

"Lord Daeron Targaryen welcomes you to Dragonstone and awaits you in the throne room," the man said taking in the foreign Queen, he eyed her warily as he took in the people that gathered behind her. 

No doubt not one of them had ever stepped foot in Westeros, they were foreigners as much as the woman who had come to claim the Iron Throne. 

Daenerys paused at the greeting, a frown set upon her face as she pondered the words; the name holding no meaning to her not even the fact they shared a name.

Viserys had never made any mention of a Daeron ad her knowledge was limited on since she had no connections to main land Westeros since Jorah had been dismissed from her side. 

Missandei and Grey Worm shared a small look, neither of them sure what to make of another Targaryen especially when Daenerys had often talked about being the last of her House and now there was one sitting in her ancestral home. 

"Very well, take me to this Lord Daeron Targaryen," Daenerys stated, she clasped her hands in front of her and stared up passed the man towards Dragonstone. 

She would judge whether this other Targaryen would be a threat or an ally to her; she had no idea what to expect from this Lord Daeron and her stomach turned not knowing what to expect.


Entering the throne room, Daenerys held her head high as she followed the man with Missandei and Grey Worm following behind her; she couldn't stop herself taking in the room as she entered, everything feeling so foreign and unfamiliar to her. 

Finally her eyes rested upon the man at the centre of the room, her lips pursing at the sight of the him who looked far from what she had expected. 

Daenerys had thought that this Daeron Targaryen would look more like herself ad Viserys, that he would share the noted white blond hair that all her family shared. 

Instead, here she found a man that looked nothing like she would have thought a Targaryen would look; he looked no different to her than the man that had brought her to the throne room. 

Beside him stood a woman, who clearly held some Valyrian blood, the woman held her high proudly as she stared at Daenerys with a look that made her a little uneasy. 

"My Lady Aunt," Jon greeted awkwardly, despite the fact that they had known that Daenerys was coming from the reports that they had received about her armada coming into sight. 

Messages had been sent to King's Landing to let them know that Daenerys had come to Westeros, no doubt hoping to launch her invasion of Westeros from the Targaryen seat like the Conqueror had done. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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