Tokyo Train 痴漢

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The transition from the void to the new location was swift and seamless. One moment, Scarlett was engulfed in darkness; the next, she felt as though she'd opened her eyes to an entirely different world. She blinked a few times, adjusting to her new surroundings.

Before her eyes, the bustling cityscape of Tokyo came into view through the train window. Skyscrapers soared into the sky, adorned with vibrant digital billboards displaying ads for everything from futuristic gadgets to traditional Japanese cuisine. The city was alive with energy, and the train moved with precision through its urban veins.

Scarlett couldn't help but be captivated by the scenery outside. "Wow," she whispered in awe, her breath forming a mist on the glass in front of her. It all looked so realistic, as if she had truly been transported to the heart of Tokyo.

Her curiosity piqued, Scarlett reached out to touch the glass. To her amazement, it felt cool and smooth under her fingertips, just like real glass. As she gazed at her reflection, her heart skipped a beat. She was no longer in her own body; instead, she appeared to be wearing a short Japanese school uniform. Her physique had changed; she noticed her body was now more petite than her own, yet with one striking difference—her curves had become significantly more pronounced, her chest adorned with notably larger breasts. However, her face and hair remained the same as her own, unmistakably Scarlett.

Scarlett's own reflection startled her, but she didn't have much time to dwell on it. She turned her attention to the interior of the train car. It was packed with Japanese businessmen in sharp suits. The car was filled to the brim, with people standing shoulder to shoulder.

She realized that she was not just an observer in this scene; she was an active participant. Scarlett could feel the men standing around her, their bodies occasionally bumping into hers as the crowded train jolted and swayed along the tracks.

Scarlett couldn't help but marvel at this new pinnacle of technology. "This is something completely groundbreaking," she whispered to herself in awe. "So immersive... I can feel, hear, and even smell everything around me."

As she was lost in her thoughts, savoring the authenticity of the experience, her reverie was abruptly shattered. A hand, with an unsettling familiarity, touched her ass. Scarlett's heart raced, and she gasped in shock. "Wait, what?" she exclaimed in disbelief. "God, the collision detection must be faulty or something."

Scarlett's attempt to locate the responsible NPC amidst the tightly packed train was futile. The carriage was so crowded that she could barely move, let alone see anyone's faces. As the throng of businessmen shifted slightly, she found herself almost pressed against the glass in front of her, the urgency of the situation making her heart race even faster. She desperately needed to find a way out of this inappropriate situation.

Packed between all those men, not even able to reach the hand that was still caressing her, all she could do was press her thighs together. But the persistent hand didn't seem to care about her discomfort. 

As Scarlett struggled with the unwelcome touch on her behind, a strong arm emerged, wrapping around her under her breasts and effectively immobilizing her arms, pressing them firmly against her body. Scarlett let out a surprised squeal and began to wiggle her body, attempting to escape the arm's invasive grip. However, her efforts only seemed to make her breasts bounce with every futile struggle and her sounds attracted even more hands. Her top and bra were quickly pushed down by two new very rough hands. Her breasts now exposed, they started to circle and pinch her nipples, while the hand on her ass slowly moved between her legs, making it's way under her panty.

"Fuck,", she thought, as a small moan escaped her lips. This felt too real and her body was reacting to the sensations in a way she wouldn't have expected. She wondered, if she had stumbled into a scenario, programmed by a lonely perverted nerd. A part of the program, that never should have been included, but was overlooked.

By now the hand was cupping her private area, two fingers slowly tracing her slit and clit. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!", she squeeled, trying to wiggle herself free again. This felt good, but it wasn't appropriate, this felt wrong, but good, but also wrong, she felt oh so confused.

As her legs were suddenly pulled apart, she felt the hot breath of someone against her neck. A husky voice whispered into her ear. "Enjoying the ride? Yes you do, you are so wet already and we just started."

To her surprise, Scarlett reacted with a burst of sexual excitement, a deep moan forming as the hand was pulled away and she felt something else between her leg, something thick and hard.

Scarlett's mind was swirling with arousel and confusion, but a glimmer of rationality cut through the chaos. She knew that this was a program, and there had to be a way to stop the simulation. Desperation drove her to try different commands, as her nipples were pulled and the cock between her legs moved teasingly slow towards her entrance. "S..St..Stop, a..abort sim..ugh..lation"—but none of them seemed to work. 

Then, amidst the chaos of feelings, a moment of clarity struck. She remembered the name of the helper program—DOM. With a trembling voice and a surge of hope, just as the cock was pushed inside of her with a single thrust, she screamed out, "DOM, abort dive!"

The voice of DOM appeared, calm and reassuring. "Dive aborted," it declared, and in an instant, Scarlett felt herself being transported back to the void, everything around her dematerialising into nothingness.

Back in the void, gasping for breath, she had a sense of relief washing over her. Quickly, she began to feel her body with her hands, making sure she was indeed back in her own familiar form. Everything felt normal, her breasts, her ass, the only difference was her still racing heart and slight contractions between her legs.

"What the fuck was that?", she screamed, still confused.

"Recalibrating interaction protocol," DOM's voice reappeared, catching her off guard. "User Scarlett's reaction indicates anger at the interruption of the dive. Protocol updated."

"Wait, no... I didn't mean to... Urgs," Scarlett began, realizing there wasn't enough time to wrestle with settings. She had to get ready to meet her friend. "DOM, I'd like to exit the program."

DOM's voice responded with a mechanical assurance. "I apologize, User Scarlett, but you cannot exit the program before completing your six dives."

Scarlett's frustration flared as she explained her prior commitment, "I have plans, DOM, I don't have the time for this."

DOM continued in its programmatic tone, "Rest assured, User Scarlett. Time inside the EcstaDive operates differently. What feels like hours in the virtual world is only seconds in the real world. You'll have ample time to complete your dives and fulfill your plans."

Throwing her hands up in the air, Scarlett sighed in frustration. "Fine," she muttered before turning her attention back to the list of available dives, it was clear that she had no choice but to continue. It had been bad luck to pick the one perverted dive of a lonely programmer, time to see what the EcstaDive was truely capable of. She scrolled the list for a while, before finding something that sounded interesting and more like what she had expected.

"This one DOM.", she said, while pressing the list item infront of her.













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