Treatment Plan Part 3

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"Starting phase 3", the robotic voice announced, shortly followed by an electric pulse making Scarlett groan in pain. This shock felt more intense than the last ones. How many fucking phases would she have to endure? 

Figuring out what prevented her from being shocked through ass and nipples in phase 2 hadn't been too difficult. All Scarlett had to do was move her head along the big dildo. But now she was back at square one, hurrying to find out what this phase expected from her. 

More tongue? Scarlett did her best to run her tongue around the tip of the dildo with some pressure, but her efforts were rewarded with another shock. She cursed internally, trying to ignore the feeling of her sore nipples.

Faster? Scarlett moved her head faster, taking in two thirds of the giant dildo. Spit was running down her chin, a small puddle forming on the floor under her. She braced herself for the next shock, but this time, there was none. "Bingo!", she thought to herself, the muscles in her neck were already aching, but she knew she had to push herself to keep the pace, the alternative was being shocked again. 

Pushing her head on the dildo again and again, she peaked to the side. Georg was still sitting on a stool, reading a magazine, not paying her any attention whatsoever. Would she have to fuck him, to end this dive? A shiver was running down her spine at that thought, and for a short moment she lost her concentration and with it her pace. 

"Aaarg!", she screamed around the dildo, her body once more convulsing. Scarlett heard a small chuckle from Georg, but she wasn't sure if he was amused by her pain or something he had read in his magazine. 

She scrambled to get back into the right pace and when she did, her thoughts continued. There had to be a way to end this dive. What had the perverted version of a doctor said? Something about her being a slut. Scarlett frowned, as the pictures he had shown her, sprang back into her mind.  The way her face had looked in all of them haunted her and the memory made her frown. Flushed cheeks, a half opened mouth and worst of all: her eyes glazed-over with lust. 

Scarlett's eyes widened as she noticed something else the memory brought forth, a deep wetness spreading between her legs. But there was no time to contemplate that fact as the robotic voice announced the next phase.

"Starting phase 4"


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