Taming Magic Part 1

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Scarlett found herself back in the void, but this time the transition was less jarring. As the world reassembled itself around her, she dropped to all fours and sat for a moment, panting and gathering her thoughts. A deep frustration welled up inside her, and she longed to curse at the absurdity of her recent experiences. However, when she tried to speak, all that came out was a disconcerting "Moo."

DOM's voice appeared, addressing the situation. "New ticket added to ticketing system: Voice restriction still active after dive." After a brief pause, during which Scarlett produced more bewildered moos, he continued, "Manually overwriting voice restriction."

Finally, Scarlett regained her voice, and her first words were a string of curses. She couldn't help but reflect on her recent misadventures, realizing the peculiar mix of emotions they had stirred within her. The memory of her previous ecstatic sensations lingered in her mind, leaving her feeling strangely conflicted about her ongoing virtual experiences.

Scarlett couldn't help but reflect on her recent streak of misfortune, having ended up in two peculiar and rather explicit dives in a row. However, she quickly devised a potential solution to steer her experiences in a different direction.

Addressing DOM, she inquired, "DOM, you are a helper program, right?"

DOM's response was immediate. "Affirmative. I am the Dive Orientation Manager, a program designed to guide you through your virtual experiences."

Scarlett pressed on, determined to take control of her next adventure. "Can you pick the next dive according to my wishes? I'd like something more fantasylike, with magic, castles, and adventure."

She hoped her request would lead to a virtual experience of a different nature, one that would align more closely with her preferences.

The glowing list of dives shifted to one called "Taming Magic," and DOM responded to Scarlett's request. "According to your specifications, this dive has what you are looking for. You are now ready to embark on the 'Taming Magic' adventure."

A moment later Scarlett found herself in a medieval-inspired world, the castle standing weathered but grand in the distance, and an enchanting forest flanking her. Her gaze fell upon her own attire—a mage's robe and a staff adorned with a glowing orb. A smile spread across her face as she exclaimed, "Fucking finally! That's more like it!"

As she admired her new appearance and surroundings, Scarlett's excitement bubbled up. Her fantasy world was complete with a classic element—a small slime creature wobbling toward her. Thrilled at the prospect of adventure, she pondered how to confront the slime. Believing herself to be a sorcerer or wizard, she aimed to tap into her magical abilities.

Scarlett raised her staff and began experimenting, trying to summon a spell to combat the approaching slime. Nothing she tried had any effect until she pointed her staff at the approaching slime creature, exclaiming, "Fireball!" With a flourish of her newfound magical abilities, a small ball of fire shot out from her staff, igniting the slime into a fiery blaze and reducing it to nothing but a pile of ash.

Ecstatic at her successful spellcasting, Scarlett couldn't contain her joy. She jumped up and down, reveling in the thrill of mastering her magical powers within this enchanting world.

 "All right, let's go kill things and loot stuff! But where do I start? The woods or the castle?" Scarlett contemplated her next move.

However, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the same sound she'd heard from the slime creature earlier, but this time it surrounded her. Scarlett looked around to find several new slime creatures approaching her. Unfazed, she quipped, "Well, leveling up on easy targets is always a good idea."

Scarlett unleashed a barrage of fireballs, efficiently disposing of the approaching slimes. But as the last one turned to ash, she felt a noticeable drain on her magical energy and her body felt weaker. She contemplated this and remarked, "I see, my mana is linked to the way I feel. Guess i'll have to be careful."

Determined to replenish her magical reserves, Scarlett decided to venture into the forest, expecting to find plants or other sources that could help restore her mana—a tactic reminiscent of the games she was accustomed to. 

The woods were lush and vibrant, with towering trees casting dappled sunlight upon the forest floor. The leaves rustled gently in the breeze, and the air was filled with the earthy scents of nature.

As she strolled, Scarlett spotted various woodland creatures. Squirrels darted among the branches, rabbits hopped through the underbrush, and deer grazed in the distance. She couldn't bring herself to harm these cute, fuzzy creatures, choosing to let them go about their business undisturbed.

While she scoured the forest for magical resources, Scarlett noticed the presence of a small river running through the woodland. Kneeling down by the water's edge, she marveled at her own reflection in the clear, shimmering river. Observing her reflection, she realized that her ears were unusually pointed, resembling those of an elf.

Lowering her hand to sip some cool water from the river, Scarlett was intrigued by this newfound discovery. She sipped again and admired her reflection. With a sense of delight, she uttered, "I'm an elf, nice!"

However, her moment of self-realization was abruptly interrupted as she noticed a large, grotesque face lurking behind her reflected in the water.

"Elf!", she heard the deep unsettling voice of the beast behind her.

Scarlett swiftly turned around, her staff in hand. Without hesitation, she pointed her wand at the towering figure, uttering "Fireball!" A small ball of fire shot out and struck the orc's hand, causing a minor burn. He growled in irritation.

Scarlett continued to cast fireballs, one after another, but none of them seemed to have a significant impact on the orc. Frustration mounting, she tried to conjure another fireball, but to her dismay, nothing happened. Weakened, she attempted to stand and flee, but her legs betrayed her, leaving her crawling backwards in a desperate attempt to put some distance between herself and the orc.

The orc's smirk revealed his giant teeth and cruel satisfaction. He taunted her, saying, "Weak now, silly elf." With a firm grip on her ankle, he dragged her closer, and Scarlett found herself in a dire predicament.

The overpowering orc, seizing her staff, snapped it in two with ease, rendering it utterly useless. "No magic!" he growled, his gravelly voice resonating with authority. Scarlett's last hope for defense had been shattered, and she now faced the menacing orc without any magical means of protection.

Scarlett braced herself for the impending death blow, her eyes tightly shut in anticipation of her in-game demise. She wondered, what it would feel like. However, the strike she expected never came. Instead, she felt herself being turned onto her belly, and her limbs being securely bound with leather strips. When she was turned back onto her back, she found herself staring up at the triumphant orc, her mind racing as she realized that this wasn't the outcome she had anticipated in the least.

"Fuck...", she wispered, but the monster heard her.

The orc gazed at Scarlett, a wicked grin stretching across his fearsome orcish face. "Elf likes Grulg. Good," he rumbled, his deep voice carrying a hint of satisfaction. "Fuck later."

His unsettling words left Scarlett both shocked and apprehensive. Grulg's intentions were becoming all too clear, and she realized that she had found herself in yet another perverted scenario. She started to scream for DOM , but again it fell on deaf ears as Grulg grew increasingly irritated. "Not DOM, Grulg," he grunted, his coarse hand pushing a vile-tasting piece of fabric into her mouth to stifle her cries. " Scream name later. Now quiet!" With her voice muffled, he lifted her from the ground and draped her limp form over his shoulder. As Grulg continued to carry her deeper into the forest, Scarlett could do nothing but lay there, powerless and at the mercy of the monster that captured her.











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