Finally; FREEDOM!

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It's been twenty long evaluating years;
All this while trying to fight these overwhelming fears.
Trying to find my supposed stability,
Fruitless, but at least I still hold on to sanity.

You'll bleed to death if you clutch on thorns for a long time;
You feel the pain but decide to enclose your options in a frame.
Don't allow it; it might seem lovely but the road to there is bumpy;
You are suffocating yourself by leaning on what supposedly might-be.

I found Freedom; I'm obliged to say I found Freedom;
Freedom from MYSELF; freedom from what I couldn't reach on the shelf.
I started living life instead of living FOR life;
In my depths, I searched to find my better half.
I learned to differentiate between dreams and actual reality,
Momentarily, I lost actuality finding my way in the world of fantasy.

Stop determining your life on what could-be; defining your entire existence with possibility.
All you need is to embrace the truth and start living your present happily.
Nobody knows their tomorrow; you don't know what your future holds.
The Heavens are not fair; Almighty might decide to press STOP.

So live with a smile, live in fulfillment;
Because every day is uniquely different, it has no replacement.
Base your life on facts don't waste time living in your head;
With one step at a time, work for what can actually be found, don't waste time in your bed.
I've been there, I know it hurts to let go;
But you'll find a way out of the circle once you finally move on.

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