Chapter : 1

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Priya was in her art gallery, surrounded by her enthusiastic students. The walls of the gallery were adorned with colorful paintings and sculptures, each telling a unique story. Priya moved gracefully among her students, offering guidance and inspiration as they worked on their art projects. The studio was filled with the sound of creativity - the soft brush strokes on canvases, the clinking of sculpting tools, and the occasional burst of laughter as ideas flowed freely in this vibrant space of artistic expression.

But then suddenly her phone rang as it was ved she instant picked it up

Priya: Hello, Ved.

Ved: Hi, Priya! I hope I'm not interrupting anything important?

Priya: Not at all, Ved. I'm just at the gallery with my students. What's up?

Ved: Well, I was wondering if you could have lunch with me today. I have something important to discuss.

Priya: Lunch sounds great! Is everything okay?

Ved: It's a bit complicated. I think it's best if we discuss it in person. How about that new Italian place downtown?

Priya: Sure, Ved. I'll meet you there at 1 PM.

Ved: Perfect, Priya.

They both hang up, leaving Priya intrigued and eager to find out what Ved wants to discuss over lunch.

As they sat sipping their coffee, Ved suddenly disclosed his sister's wedding invitation in Paris, emphasizing that he wanted Tripura to accompany him.

Priya's eyes widened in astonishment as she processed the unexpected request,

Ved: By the way, I received a wedding invitation for my sister in Paris. I was thinking, it would be great if you could come along with me.

Priya: Wait, really? Paris? For your sister's wedding? I don't know what to say. I'm a bit surprised!

Ved: I thought it would be fantastic for you to experience the celebration with us. It'll be so much fun!

Priya: I've never been to such an event before, and I don't know anyone there. It feels a bit overwhelming.

Ved: Don't worry, I'll be there with you the whole time. Plus, you'll get to be a part of our family's special occasion!

Priya: Hmm, that sounds nice. It's just a lot to take in. But I appreciate the invitation and the opportunity.

Ved: Of course! It's important to me that you're there. We'll make sure you have an amazing time, I promise.

Ved: I really think it's time we take our relationship further. I want you to meet my family and get to know them better.

Priya: I'm not sure, Ved. It feels a bit rushed, don't you think?

Ved: We've been together for over five years now. It's not like we just met yesterday. I want you to be a part of my life in a more complete way.

Priya: I understand, but meeting the family feels like a big step. I need some time to process it all.

Ved: Of course, take all the time you need. I just want you to know that I'm serious about us and our future together.

Ved gently took Priya's hands in his own, his eyes filled with earnest affection. "I don't want to delay this any longer. I want to see you as my better half soon," he murmured softly.

Priya, feeling a rush of emotions, couldn't help but feel a touch of shyness wash over her. She lowered her gaze, her cheeks tinged with a rosy blush, silently conveying her joy and love for Ved in that tender moment.

Just as their tender moment was interrupted by Ved's ringing phone, he quickly picked up the call and learned about an urgent meeting that he needed to attend in just half an hour. Frustration clouded his expression as he realized the sudden intrusion on their precious time together.

Sensing his agitation, Priya offered a reassuring smile and encouraged him to leave for his meeting, understanding the demands of his work. They rose from their seats, and before parting ways, they shared a gentle, lingering hug, silently conveying their unwavering affection and support for each other in the midst of life's unexpected interruptions.

In paris

Ram sat across from Alisha, hunger gnawing at him as she continued clicking pictures of their beautifully presented meal. Growing increasingly frustrated, he finally spoke up, "Alisha, can you please stop showing off and let me eat? I'm starving here!"

Alisha, absorbed in capturing the perfect shot, looked up with a surprised expression, momentarily taken aback by Ram's sudden outburst. She paused for a moment, realizing her oversight, and then sheepishly put down her camera,

"Why are you being so impatient, Ram? This meal is worth a lot of money," Alisha retorted, trying to explain her intention of creating a buzz on her social media.

Ram, clearly exasperated, shot back, "You need to stop obsessing over social media and enjoy the moment, Alisha. It's not all about the likes and comments."

Alisha huffed in frustration, "I can't just stop, Ram. I'm a star now, and people expect updates from me."

Ram let out a chuckle under his breath and muttered, "How am I going to handle this woman for the rest of my life?" as he shook his head, half in exasperation and half in affectionate amusement at Alisha's spirited determination.

Ram's frustration mounting, he remarked, "You don't even know how the food tastes. Creating a fake post saying it's delicious is just deceiving people."

Alisha, feeling the heat of the moment, couldn't help but feel a surge of temptation to defend her perspective. "If you want to be with me, you have to accept all this, Ram. It's part of my life now," she asserted firmly.

Sensing her escalating emotion, Ram took a deep breath, his voice softening as he tried to navigate the tension. "I understand, Alisha. I respect what you do, but sometimes it's important to be genuine, especially with the people who follow and support you." He reached out and gently placed his hand over hers, hoping to convey his sincerity and support despite their differing viewpoints.

Ram, determined to salvage the moment, implored, "This is our moment, Alisha. Let's not spoil it. I just wanted to be with you here. I hope you understand my feelings."

Alisha, touched by Ram's sincerity, gently set her phone aside and gazed at him with an expression of love and understanding. Their eyes met, communicating a silent agreement and a rekindled connection.

Ram, overcome with affection, leaned in and softly kissed Alisha's hand, prompting a radiant smile to spread across her face. "Shall we start now?" he asked, eager to immerse themselves in the delightful meal and the cherished togetherness of the moment.

Alisha nodded with a warm, affectionate smile, her earlier tensions melting away as they both leaned in to enjoy the exquisite feast, savoring the flavors and each other's company in the enchanting ambiance of the Parisian restaurant.

Lost in her own world of creative expression, Priya sat engrossed, her stylus gliding across the smooth surface of her iPad, bringing her random sketches to life. Suddenly, a notification popped up, catching her attention. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized her ticket for Paris had been confirmed for the following evening.

Staring at the screen, a myriad of emotions swirled within her, leaving her feeling somewhat conflicted. Doubt crept in, and she pondered the significance of the trip. Would this journey bring any positive changes to her life? Would it be worth stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the unknown?

With a furrowed brow, she deliberated silently, contemplating the potential impact of this unexpected opportunity on her life's path.

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