Chapter : 3

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Ved's steps quickened as he alighted from the cab, a furrow forming on his brow. Priya, a half-step behind, noticed his tense demeanor and the glint of frustration in his eyes. "Can you see how my sister is spending all our family assets on her wedding?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with a tinge of resentment. "This is all happening because of my father; he's always treated her like a princess." Priya couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, her eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and amusement. "It seems like someone's feeling a tad bit jealous," she teased gently, trying to ease the tension in the air.

As Ved's frustrations unfolded, his voice softened, reflecting a sense of longing for simplicity amidst the extravagant display. "I just wanted a simple, cozy wedding for myself," he admitted, his gaze wandering to the modest surroundings. "These show-off things, I hate them. This is why I left my dad's business and built my own." Priya's eyes gleamed with admiration as she nodded in agreement, understanding the essence of his self-made journey. "This is why we are in good terms," she remarked, a touch of respect in her tone. "I like a self-made man, someone who carves their path with determination and integrity, regardless of the glamour and allure of inherited wealth."

Ved's playful demeanor persisted as he held Priya's hand, pulling her closer with a mischievous glint in his eye. "So you are saying you like me, huh?" he remarked with a wink and a subtle smirk, teasing her in a lighthearted manner.Ved's playful teasing caught Priya off guard, her cheeks flushing slightly as she attempted to maintain her composure. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, she lightly tapped his chest, her expression a mix of amusement and reprimand. "Behave yourself, we are in a public place," she chided, a hint of laughter in her voice. With a gentle tug, she guided him forward as they stepped into the hotel lobby, their footsteps muffled by the plush carpeting. The ambiance exuded an air of elegance, with subdued lighting casting a warm glow on the ornate furnishings and the hushed conversations of guests creating a soothing murmur. As they walked through the lobby, Ved's mischievous grin slowly softened into a warm smile, and Priya couldn't help but reciprocate, feeling a sense of ease as they ventured further into the heart of the hotel.

As Ved and Priya entered the hotel lobby, Ved's gaze landed on his father, who was engrossed in giving instructions to a staff member about the decorations. Spotting his son, a broad smile illuminated his face, and he swiftly made his way over to them. Ved's arms opened wide, and they embraced warmly, a familiar bond of love and affection evident between them. "Dad, you're really making this place shine," Ved complimented, patting him on the back. His father's eyes twinkled with pride as he replied, "Well, we want it to be perfect for your sister's big day."

Ved's father, with a warm smile, turned his attention to Priya, recognizing her presence with a gentle nod. "Ved, this must be Priya, right?" he inquired, his eyes reflecting warmth and affection. Ved nodded in affirmation, and his father's hand reached out to caress Priya's cheek tenderly. "Such a nice girl, Ved. I think you have found yours too,should we prepare your marriager soon" he remarked, a glint of hope twinkling in his eyes. Ved chuckled softly, a hint of discomfort flickering across his expression. "Please, Dad, don't. I don't want my marriage to be done this way. It will be a closed ceremony," he gently asserted, emphasizing his preference for a more intimate and personal celebration. His father nodded understandingly, his expression conveying a silent acknowledgment of Ved's wishes. The air around them seemed to soften, enveloping them in a shared understanding of each other's desires and aspirations.

Amidst her online meeting, Priya was interrupted by a sudden bang on the door. Apologizing to her colleagues, she swiftly excused herself and hurried to open it, only to find Ved standing there, a mixture of surprise and amusement evident on his face. "Priya, what are you doing? You're still not ready yet," he exclaimed, a hint of impatience laced with a playful grin. Glancing at the time, Priya's expression shifted to one of mild panic as she realized the situation. "Oh, shoot, Ved, I am really sorry. I had a meeting, but don't worry, give me some time. I will be there," she assured him, her voice laced with urgency and determination. Ved nodded understandingly, his features softening with a hint of reassurance. With a gentle smile, he turned and made his way back to the party, leaving Priya to swiftly prepare herself for the impending celebration.

Draped in a knee-length dress, Priya exuded an understated elegance, her hair cascading freely around her shoulders. With a touch of subtle makeup enhancing her features, she delicately applied a dark shade of lipstick that accentuated her confidence. A hint of her favorite perfume lingered in the air as she left the room, making her way downstairs to join the festivities. As she glanced around the bustling venue, a fleeting sense of unease crept over her. It was then that Ved's father emerged into her line of sight, his eyes lighting up as he took in her appearance. With a warm smile, he approached her, a glimmer of admiration evident in his gaze. "Priya, you look absolutely stunning," he complimented, his voice laced with genuine appreciation. "Ved is a lucky man to have someone as beautiful and accomplished as you by his side." His words carried a sense of warmth and sincerity, enveloping Priya in a comforting embrace of familial acceptance.

As Ved's father made plans to introduce Priya to others, Priya followed him, a sense of gratitude and respect filling her for his kind gesture. They soon reached Ved, who was caught off guard by his father's playful reprimand. "How irresponsible you are, man," he scolded in a teasing manner, a smile dancing in his eyes. "You left your guest wandering around here alone, take care of herself. Okay, wait here. I will call Alisha; she is eagerly waiting to meet you." With that, he left them, creating a moment of gentle camaraderie between Ved and Priya.

As Ved's father walked away, Ved's gaze fixated on Priya, his eyes mirroring a mixture of admiration and wonder. He seemed momentarily mesmerized by her presence, as if time itself had slowed down, allowing him to appreciate her grace and poise in that very moment. A soft smile graced his lips, as if he had just discovered a newfound layer of appreciation for the woman standing before him.

Amidst their conversation, Alisha's sudden voice broke the momentary intimacy between Ved and Priya. "Bro," she called out, catching Ved's attention. Ved turned towards her, and Alisha's eyes immediately fell upon Priya. "So, this is Priya," she continued, a tone of familiarity in her voice. Ved and Alisha embraced each other warmly, their sibling bond evident in the affectionate gesture. As they parted, Alisha's voice rang out again, this time with a touch of excitement. "Let me introduce you to my fiancé," she declared, beckoning her partner over. Ram approached with a relaxed gait, but as his gaze met Priya's, both he and Priya froze in shock, their eyes widening in surprise and disbelief. A palpable tension seemed to settle in the air, creating an unexpected and bewildering moment that left everyone momentarily speechless.

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