Chapter : 4

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The way they were looking at each other Ved's inquisitive gaze fell upon Priya, prompting him to ask if she knew Ram. Intrigued, Alisha's curiosity piqued, prompting a shared moment of intrigue. Priya, with a soft chuckle, sought to lighten the atmosphere, reminiscing about their common ground. She revealed how they had crossed paths in their high school days in Shimla, with Ram taking on the role of her senior. As the tale unfurled, Ram's agreement added weight to the nostalgic narrative. Alisha, brimming with excitement, eagerly absorbed every detail, her eyes sparkling with newfound intrigue and connection.

Amid the hum of casual chatter, Alisha gracefully excused herself to mingle with other guests, leaving a trail of animated conversations in her wake. As she disappeared into the gathering, Ram found himself in a lingering state of confusion. Uncertainty clouded his thoughts, causing him to question whether Priya had perhaps forgotten their shared past or had never truly taken it to heart. Lost in this maze of contemplation, his attention wavered, and a subtle air of distraction settled upon him, rendering him somewhat disconnected from the present moment.

On the other side, Ved, still absorbed in the marvels of fate, remarked to Priya, "What a small world it is, isn't it?" Expressing his anticipation about getting to know the man who would eventually become his sister's husband, he nudged Priya for insights. However, her furrowed eyebrows and hesitancy painted a picture of distant memories. With a subtle sigh, she responded, "How am I supposed to say that? It was a long way back, and we were just common friends, that's all." Her words, veiled in a hint of guarded distance, hinted at a time long past, leaving Ved to ponder the enigmatic nature of human connections and the passage of time.

As the conversation between Priya and Ved threatened to ebb into silence, Priya, sensing an opportune moment, requested Ved to fetch some drinks, citing a sudden thirst. Responding promptly, Ved excused himself to attend to the request. However, just as Priya prepared to re-engage in conversation, Alisha made a sudden return, exuding an infectious energy. Urging them with an inviting smile, she insisted that they join her on the dance floor. Her insistence laced with warmth and excitement left Priya and Ved momentarily captivated, a shared sense of anticipation hanging in the air.

Ram's gaze lingered on Priya as she danced with Ved, a subtle mix of curiosity and admiration evident in his eyes. He watched her graceful movements, noting every sway and twirl, as if he was entranced by her presence on the dance floor. Though he was part of the group, it seemed that his attention was drawn more to Priya, almost as if she held an undeniable charm that he couldn't resist.

And then when they need to change partners Ram approached Priya, and a subtle tension seemed to fill the air. Priya's gaze flickered momentarily, a hint of reservation evident in her demeanor. With a cautious step backward, she maintained a gentle yet visible distance between ram asked if she is feeling a little uncomfortable ? She met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and guardedness. In a hushed tone, she responded, her voice barely concealing her unease, "I just prefer to keep some space, Ram."
Despite her inner agitation, Priya managed to compose herself and continued to dance, albeit with a slight uneasiness lingering in her movements.

Priya's steps quickened as she broke free from the dance floor, an air of urgency propelling her escape. Sensing the weight of the situation bearing down upon her while leaving the place she mistakenly dropped her bracelet there Ram's fingers brushed against the delicate bracelet lying on the floor, a silent witness to the fleeting moment shared between him and Priya. As he picked it up, a contemplative expression crossed his face, mirroring the internal struggle brought about by the unexpected turn of events.

Priya's hurried footsteps echoed as she retreated to the balcony, seeking solace amidst the evening's turmoil. Clutching the wine glass, she downed its contents in a single swift motion, attempting to quell the rising unease within. However, her fleeting moment of respite was interrupted by Ram's arrival. With a slight agitation in her tone, she confronted him,

Priya: sighs deeply and turns to face Ram Why are you following me around, Ram?

Ram: softly Priya, I... I just wanted to return this. holds out the bracelet

Priya: takes a deep breath, her gaze flickering to the bracelet You didn't have to

Ram : I think you are worrying about something

Priya : No I am not..its your wedding don't stay here go and join Alisha please

Ram : Are you okay ? Is there anything bothering you

Priya : Nothing I said actually I am not into these kind of gathering so that's all

As Ram didn't wanted to bother her more he quitely left from there

Ram, trying to shake off the confusion caused by Priya's distant demeanor, turned his attention toward Alisha. The bustling room seemed to fade away as he made his way through the crowd, each step feeling like a deliberate decision to leave the past behind. Alisha, with her graceful poise and warm smile, stood amidst the flickering lights, drawing Ram's gaze like a beacon in the night. Her eyes, gleaming with a hint of mischief, welcomed him as he approached, momentarily easing the weight of uncertainty from his shoulders. With each stride, a sense of familiarity and comfort enveloped him, allowing the turbulent echoes of the past to fade into the background, as if Alisha's presence had the power to mend what was broken within.

Ved's voice, laced with concern, cut through the evening air as he found Priya on the balcony. The distant hum of laughter from the party below seemed to fade into the night as he gently called out her name. Priya, her gaze fixed on the starlit sky, turned to face him, her eyes reflecting a tinge of vulnerability. With a soft sigh, she confided in him, revealing her discomfort in navigating the labyrinth of social gatherings. Ved, standing beside her, leaned in slightly, his words carrying a reassuring warmth, emphasizing the importance of embracing the gathering as a part of their shared journey into a future that awaited them. In that fleeting moment, the evening breeze seemed to carry a sense of solace, as if their bond was strong enough to weather any storm, even in the midst of life's intricate complexities.

In the dimly lit room, the amber glow of the whiskey glass cast a fleeting warmth on Ram's contemplative face. Restless thoughts of Priya's enigmatic behavior swirled within him, intertwining with the impending reality of his impending marriage, adding layers of complexity to an already turbulent emotional landscape. With a heavy sigh, he reached for his purse, fingers fumbling through the contents until they grazed upon something unexpected. Pulling out a weathered photograph, the corners curling with age, his gaze fixated on the image that materialized before him. It was a snapshot frozen in time, a relic from their carefree school days, capturing a radiant, youthful Priya, her laughter echoing through the captured moment, etching a bittersweet pang in Ram's heart. Amidst the sepia-toned memories, the weight of unresolved emotions seemed to converge, reminding him of a past he couldn't easily relinquish, even in the face of an uncertain future.

Until I Found YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz