Chapter : 14

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With the elevator shrouded in darkness and the suffocating stillness pressing in, Priya's fingers raced across her phone screen, the stark beam of her phone's flashlight cutting through the gloom as she desperately tried to find a way to restart the stalled lift. Her actions were frantic, almost frenzied, driven by a surge of panicked energy that coursed through her.

As she persisted, her breaths coming in ragged gasps, she felt a gentle yet firm grasp envelop her trembling hand. Startled, she turned to see Ram's silhouette, his features illuminated by the faint glow of her phone's light. His touch was grounding, a steady anchor that momentarily pulled her back from the grip of her mounting fear.

"Priya, it's okay," his voice came as a soothing murmur, the calm reassurance enveloping her in a cloak of solace. "Let's try to stay calm and wait."

Ram's concerned inquiry hung in the air, his eyes scanning Priya's trembling form in the dim light. "Priya, what's wrong? Why are you so desperate to leave? Is something scaring you?"

Priya's chest heaved with exertion, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to contain the rising panic within her. She could feel the beads of sweat gathering on her brow, her body betraying the fear that had taken root in her mind. "Ram, please, don't come near me. If anyone sees us like this, it will only make things more complicated."

Ram: Priya, are you really going to marry Ved? That will be so stupid.

Priya: Please, Ram, don't talk bad about him. He's a good person, even better than you.

Ram: *chuckles* are you trying to fool yourself  or me ?

Priya: *with anger in her eyes*

Ram: *meets her gaze* You are making a mistake, Priya. It's going to affect all of us.

Priya: *jerks off his hands from hers* I know exactly what I'm doing.

Ram: *holds her hands again and pins her against the wall* Why can't you be more mature, Priya? I know you love me. I see it in your eyes, I feel it when I touch you. It feels right. Why are you still declining it?

Priya: *struggling* Let me go, Ram. You know it's not that simple. We can't do this. And Stop pushing yourself on me all the time! Is it just because of that night you think you have the right to do it?

Ram: *taken aback* Priya, it's not about just that.

Priya: Fine! If you just want to have sex, then do it. I'm ready. Maybe then only you will be satisfied and stop following me everywhere.

Ram stood there, astounded, as Priya's words sank in. His chest tightened, and the world around him seemed to crumble. Everything he thought he knew about their connection shattered into a thousand pieces. It was as if the ground beneath him had vanished, leaving him suspended in a void of disbelief and regret. In that moment, he realized the gravity of his actions and the profound impact they had on the woman he cared for deeply.

As the lights flickered back on and the doors swung open, Ram wasted no time in leaving the place. He stormed out, his mind reeling with the weight of Priya's words. Meanwhile, behind him, Priya crumbled to the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks. She whispered to herself in a broken voice, "Forgive me, Ram. I had to say this to you. It was the only way to push you away from me." Her heart shattered into a million pieces as she watched him disappear into the night, knowing that the path she chose was the only way to protect them both from an inevitable heartbreak.

In the following days, Ram and Priya's paths never crossed. Both seemed to have vanished from each other's lives. Alisha, Ram's fiancée, kept him engaged in wedding preparations, sparing no effort to ensure their special day was perfect. Ram threw himself into the chaos of arrangements, keeping himself occupied and purposefully avoiding any situation that might lead to an encounter with Priya.

Even as the wedding day drew closer, there was an unspoken heaviness in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the rift that had formed between Ram and Priya. Despite the hustle and bustle surrounding the upcoming celebration, a palpable tension lingered beneath the surface, a ghost of the emotional storm that had recently engulfed them. As the big day approached, Ram's determination to keep himself away from Priya only grew stronger, masking the turmoil within his heart.

As the weekend approached, Alisha extended an invitation to Priya for a girls' night out, insisting that they both deserved a break from their routines. Priya, who had been grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, found herself hesitant at first. However, the prospect of a much-needed respite from the mounting stress proved too alluring to resist.

Alisha's infectious enthusiasm and warmth slowly melted away Priya's reservations, and she eventually agreed to the dinner. Amidst the flickering candlelight and the vibrant hum of the restaurant, the two women found themselves immersed in a world of laughter and shared anecdotes. Gradually, the burdens of the past days seemed to loosen their grip, allowing a sense of lightness to permeate the evening. Alisha's genuine camaraderie and understanding became a soothing balm for Priya's troubled soul, providing her with a much-needed sense of solace and companionship.

As they savored the flavors of their dinner, Priya's question hung in the air, laden with a curious mix of anticipation and apprehension. Alisha paused for a moment, her eyes shimmering with an undeniable tenderness as she contemplated her response. With a soft smile gracing her lips, she spoke of her profound affection for Ram, her voice carrying a delicate blend of admiration and warmth. Alisha shared her hopes and dreams, painting a vivid picture of the future she envisioned with Ram by her side.

With each word, Alisha's genuine devotion and unwavering love for Ram became palpable, filling the space between them with an unspoken sense of joy and contentment. As she spoke of the new chapter awaiting her, there was a subtle glow in her eyes, a reflection of the boundless happiness she anticipated in her forthcoming journey with the man she cherished. Priya, listening intently, couldn't help but be touched by Alisha's sincerity, finding solace in the genuine affection that radiated from her words.

As Priya absorbed Alisha's heartfelt account, a profound sense of clarity washed over her. In that moment, she understood that love was not merely about holding on, but also about letting go. It was about being selfless, about giving without expecting anything in return. With a serene determination settling in her gaze, Priya realized that her decision to step away from Ram wasn't a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to the depth of her love for him.

She comprehended that true love didn't always demand possession, but often required sacrifice and understanding. It meant prioritizing the well-being and happiness of the ones she cared about, even if it meant relinquishing her own desires. With this realization, a sense of inner peace enveloped her, as she found solace in the notion that her love for Ram would endure, even if it meant letting him go for the sake of everyone involved.

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