Chapter : 5

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Ram heard a knock on the door while looking at Priya's old picture, so he swiftly folded it back into his purse. He then went to open the door, finding Alisha there. Surprised, Ram let her in without a word. He closed the door and followed her, asking why she was there at this hour.

Alisha: I wanted to stay the night.

Ram: We've decided not to share a room until we get married, especially with our parents here.

Alisha: (Chuckling) Oh, come on. I'll be out in the morning before anyone even knows. Just relax.

Alisha comes closer, placing her hands on Ram's shoulders and whispers.

Alisha: I promise, it'll be our little secret.

Ram: Let's just sleep tonight, Alisha. I'm so tired right now.

Alisha: Getting irritated, she holds his hand.

Ram turns back and lifts her in his arms. After laying her down on the bed, he gently pecks her forehead, then brushes his lips with hers. He leans in close to her ear.

Ram: Good night.

Alisha : Oh Karan why are being like this tonight

Karan laid down next to him and switched off the lights and pulled Alisha close to comfort her in his arms

So Alisha didn't said a word and they fell asleep

As the family gathered around the breakfast table the next morning, Ved's sudden announcement about his urgent trip to Milan caught everyone off guard. Priya, seated across from him, visibly startled, rose to her feet in a mixture of surprise and concern. "Why didn't you say this earlier?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry. The rest of the family members looked on with a mix of surprise and curiosity, their expressions mirroring the sudden disruption of the morning routine.

Ram arrived at the breakfast table and quickly glanced at Priya, but decided to keep his distance. Sensing the unusual silence, he turned to Alisha and asked, "What happened?"

Alisha, breaking the silence, explained, "Ved just got an urgent call. He needs to leave for Milan for a couple of days."

Ram's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he absorbed the news. He nodded quietly, his thoughts seemingly preoccupied with the sudden turn of events.

Ved, with a solemn expression, declared, "I'm leaving the responsibility of taking care of Priya to both of you until I return. You both need to keep her entertained." As his words hung in the air, Priya abruptly excused herself from the table, her demeanor showing signs of distress. Concerned glances were exchanged among the family members, their attention now focused on Ved's instruction to lift her spirits. With a determined look, Ved rose from his seat and swiftly followed Priya, leaving the rest of the family in a tense hush, wondering about the sudden turn of events.

As Priya walked briskly towards her room, Ved called out her name, but she didn't stop. Determined, Ved hurried after her, reaching out to grasp her hand. "I wouldn't go if it wasn't urgent," he assured her, his voice laced with sincerity. "I'll be back to you as soon as possible."

Priya, her gaze fixated on the ground, attempting to steady her emotions, felt the tension in her shoulders dissolve as Ved folded her into his embrace. They shared a heartfelt hug, the unspoken reassurance of their bond weaving a sense of comfort and solace in the midst of the sudden upheaval..

In the quiet afternoon, as Priya bid farewell to Ved, they engaged in a heartfelt conversation. Unbeknownst to them, Ram, from his balcony, caught sight of the intimate moment. As Ved's cab pulled up, the farewell reached a poignant climax, with Ved gently placing a kiss on Priya's lips before departing. Ram, engulfed by a sense of inexplicable discomfort, swiftly discarded his cigar and retreated into the solitude of his room, wrestling with the conflicting emotions that stirred within.

The entire evening, Priya remained secluded in her room, lost in her own work. However, around 8 o'clock, Alisha's persistent knock compelled her to open the door. Alisha inquired if she was free, proposing a night of clubbing. Priya, hesitant, expressed her disinterest in such activities. Despite her reservations, Alisha's determination to bring her along eventually persuaded Priya to reluctantly agree to the outing.

Expressing her concern about not having suitable attire for clubbing, Priya voiced her apprehension. In response, Alisha chuckled and assured her, "You're with me now. I'll take care of it." Taking Priya by the hand, she led her to her room, where she presented a sleek, black cocktail dress from her expansive wardrobe. "Get ready soon," she encouraged, leaving Priya to prepare for the night ahead.

Upon arriving at the bustling club, Priya initially felt uncertain about how to spend her time there. However, as the night progressed, a sense of relief washed over her. With a couple of drinks in hand, Alisha enthusiastically pulled her onto the dance floor, and soon, the pulsating music and infectious energy of the crowd swept them both into a whirlwind of excitement and joy. They lost themselves in the rhythm of the music, sharing genuine laughter and creating unforgettable memories in the vibrant atmosphere of the club.

Returning home in the middle of the night, the two friends stumbled in, singing at the top of their lungs, holding each other's hands in merriment, their giggles echoing through the hallway. However, their joyous revelry was abruptly interrupted as Alisha's phone began to ring. Glancing at the screen, she saw that it was Ram calling.

Clicking her tongue in mild exasperation, Alisha remarked, "Looks like we got a little carried away." Priya, catching on, reassured her, "Go upstairs, I'll go to the room in a while." Alisha questioned her sudden departure, to which Priya quickly explained that she had left her purse in the car and needed to retrieve it. With that, she swiftly made her way out of the hotel to fetch her belongings.

As Alisha disappeared into the elevator, Ram emerged from another one, making his way outside. In the midst of his search for Alisha, he unexpectedly collided with Priya, causing her to lose her balance. Reacting swiftly, he reached out and grasped her hand, their eyes locking in a deep, meaningful exchange. Priya's reddened eyes held an intensity that tugged at Ram's emotions, prompting him to gulp and avert his gaze, a sudden turmoil brewing within him.

With Alisha already gone upstairs, Ram and Priya made their way back inside, waiting for the elevator to arrive. As they stood in silence, Ram couldn't contain his curiosity and inquired, "How did you end up here from India?" Priya, about to respond, was interrupted by the arrival of the lift. They stepped inside, the confines of the elevator enveloping them as they embarked on the brief yet loaded journey upward.

Within the confined space of the elevator, the atmosphere grew charged with an intoxicating blend of alcohol and Priya's lingering perfume. Breaking the silence, Priya murmured, "It's a long story. I'll tell you some other day." Ram met her gaze, his eyes conveying a sincere longing, as he replied, "I would like to hear that." Time seemed to stand still in that suspended moment, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging in the air between them.

Drawing closer, Ram's proximity caused Priya's heart to skip a beat, her nerves tightening. "What are you up to?" she asked, a hint of tension in her voice. Ram extended his hand, delicately plucking an eyelash from her cheek and placing it on her palm. Priya chuckled softly, using humor to diffuse the tension, and remarked that she didn't believe in such gestures. As the elevator reached their floor, she swiftly exited, the lingering moment fading into the backdrop of the evening's events.

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