Chapter: 6

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Priya entered her room, her footsteps hesitant as she made her way to the comforting embrace of her bed. She lowered herself onto the soft mattress, feeling its familiar contours gently enveloping her. As she lay there, her mind drifted to a poignant memory, one that shimmered in the depths of her consciousness like a cherished keepsake.


As the rain persisted, leaving the school premises deserted, Ram and Priya lingered, hopeful for a break in the weather. Observing Priya's lack of an umbrella, Ram hesitated briefly before approaching her. "Is it okay if we share an umbrella?" he asked. Priya met his gaze and nodded in agreement. They set off together, the sound of raindrops pattering against the sheltering canopy of the umbrella. Suddenly, a crack of thunder resounded, startling Priya, who instinctively clutched Ram's hand in fear. Reacting swiftly, Ram encircled his arm around her, guiding her to a nearby sheltered alcove, shielding her from the downpour and the turmoil of the storm.

The rain enveloped them, leaving them both partially drenched, as they stood side by side in the sheltered alcove. In a moment that seemed to suspend time, their eyes locked, conveying unspoken emotions that hung heavy in the charged atmosphere. As if drawn together by an invisible force, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, rain-kissed embrace, the world around them fading into insignificance as they shared an intimate moment, a fusion of emotions and unspoken desires finding solace in the downpour's gentle cadence.

Her heart skipped a beat, a subtle tremor coursing through her entire being as Ram's lips gently met hers in the tender embrace of the rain. The world around them seemed to recede into the background, leaving only the sensation of his touch and the electric current of their shared intimacy, heightening the intensity of the moment. In that ephemeral yet profound instant, the rhythm of the rain blended with the fluttering of her heart, etching a memory that would linger long after the rain had subsided.

Flashback ends..

Her heart in disarray, Priya slowly rose from her bed, her fingertips pressing lightly against her temple as she grappled with the overwhelming surge of emotion. Whispering to herself in frustration, she acknowledged the tangled mess within her, recognizing the haunting familiarity of a long-lost love or perhaps merely an infatuation rekindled. However, the weight of her commitment to Ved loomed heavy in her thoughts, a reminder that such musings were best left unexplored, relegated to the confines of a distant memory that should never breach the boundaries of her present reality.

As the morning sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, casting a soft, golden hue across the room, Priya stirred from her slumber, drawn back to consciousness by the insistent melody of her ringing phone. With a sleepy yet eager sense of anticipation, she swiftly reached for her phone, feeling a rush of excitement at the sight of Ved's name illuminating the screen. Hastily gathering her tousled hair into a hasty bun, she adjusted her posture, ready to engage in the virtual embrace of his familiar presence. With a faint smile gracing her lips, she accepted the call,

Priya: *yawning* Hello?

Ved: Hey there! Good morning! Sorry to wake you up.

Priya: Oh, it's okay. I was just about to get up anyway. How's everything?

Ved: Not bad. I miss you, though. I'll be back in two days.

Priya: *sighs* Finally! What should I do in these 48 hours?

Ved: Why not explore the countryside of Paris? It might be a nice change of scenery.

Priya: Hmm, that sounds like a plan. I could use a little adventure.and some ideas for my paintings

Ved: Exactly! You could visit those quaint villages, take in the fresh air, and enjoy some peaceful time alone.

Priya: That does sound lovely. I will make a plan soon

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