How to tell the doctor...

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Orion's POV

I went to check on the receiver. I saw her in bed... Her stomach large and swollen as though pregnant. What? Don't tell me.

Oh! Please don't let it be the Dalek! I'm probably not going to be able to keep him alive for much longer if that's the case. I didn't want her to go anywhere near him! Yet she went behind my back anyhow! I probably shouldn't be all that surprised though. I try to tell my companions to not to do something, but they end up doing the exact opposite regardless of my advice. Perhaps I'd probably be better off if I just let them learn on their own. I don't know whether or not to go see if she actually is pregnant...

Perhaps I should probably just leave it be. I can't really do anything about it now.

I saw somebody in there with her in the bed... Oh please God no!

It was that Dalek!

"You!" I yelled.

Receiver's POV

"You!" Orion yelled at the top of his lungs. Sek and I both woke up at the same time looking around frantically.
"Orion what the hell!" I hissed.
"I'm not going to be nice. Receiver just please tell me. Did the Dalek impregnate you?"
"I didn't breed her with baby Daleks if that's what you're asking of me, doctor." replied Dalek Sek.
"oh yeah I'm sure you didn't. Oh I don't trust you for a second, Dalek. You probably just got her pregnant without a care!"
I just sigh. "Orion calm down! I'm not pregnant! Sek just filled my stomach and pussy with cum."
Orion blushed. "I'm..."
"oh lord. Orion don't assume! It'll make an ass out of you."

Sek chuckled.

"I'm sorry. Oh gosh please forgive me. I really do apologize. I didn't mean..."
I just sigh again. "Please. Just don't go fucking with Sek. I love him, Orion. I am now his mate."

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