the dragon

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Receiver's POV

I was really excited. Why? Well turned out, my dragon was actually pregnant! And Even more exciting, one of the dragons had decided to choose Bay Bay. And I wouldn't be all alone in this anymore. And now Bay Bay has a lifelong companion, because dragons tend to live pretty long and riders had their lives expanded at least a couple of hundred years. I wasn't really sure as to whether or not Bay Bay is immortal or not by default, but still I thought it was pretty cool. But I just don't know how I'd like The changes that Basil what eventually be undergoing. Dragons often influenced and changed everything around them so...

Excited, I just allowed Bay Bay a little privacy with his dragon. He really likes the dragon and the dragon obviously really likes him. Oh my God I couldn't wait to figure out what its name was! I was really excited for that and couldn't wait for Basil to finally have the chance to actually tell me what the name was that he had chosen for his dragon. I was happy for them and it made me nostalgic and fondly remember when I had gotten Saphira. And now I was feeling overwhelmed and proud that my dragon was now a proud mother to a bunch of beautiful baby dragons despite the baby dragons not having hatched. By The color of their eggs, I would assume that they would be the same as the egg shells but I'm not really sure. You can never really tell with dragons. You could have a dragon egg that has a solid black eggshell, but then it might hatch and then you could get a yellow dragon. I'm not really saying that's actually how having a dragon works? I'm just partially assuming here. As far as I know, the dragon is the same color as the egg. Giving The fact that my dragon was blue just like her own egg was.

"And have you decided on what you want to call your dragon?" I asked Bay Bay.
"Hellfire. I just hope that the dragon is a male," Bay Bay replies.
"Oh. Yeah I definitely also hope that the dragon is a boy as well. You don't really know what The gender of the dragon is going to be until it gets... Gets to be a little bit older." I said. And I'm not sure why I was even feeling so embarrassed right now. I knew what gender my dragon was and it wasn't like I was dealing with a baby dragon. And Basil's going to have a much longer way to go than I would with his dragon. The both of them are seriously going to have to work on building the bond that they share. Saphira and I don't really have to worry about that much... Well I mean anymore. Oh my God I remember how fucking long that it took for us to build the bond between each other that we had now. Oh my God Bay Bay I love you, but you are in for a very wild and very long ride.
"I've been observing you with your own dragon and... I should say that I am very excited for the moment to come when I shall be able to communicate with my own dragon through the ways of our thoughts alone." Basil said.
"Oh my God I love that. Oh my Bay Bay I think that That's probably my most favorite part of having a dragon. I mean don't get me wrong flying is fun and all, but like... Having a telepathic communication with such a wonderful creature it's just... Oh my God Basil there are just no words for that."
"Is it true that you will be able to feel whatever your dragon feels and vice versa?" Bay Bay asked me.
"Oh yes and you guys will also be able to see through each other's eyes as well." I replied. I didn't really want to tell him about the part about if he gets killed then the dragon would die along with him. I knew though that I probably should... At least I probably should eventually tell him. I knew that I couldn't keep that part away from him forever. And Basil hated to be coddled. Was I coddling him by doing whatever I could to protect him and doing this? Don't know... And I'm not sure what exactly I should be doing now. I had never been the mentor to another dragon rider before and... I have no fucking idea what I'm doing!

"Are you ok?" Basil asked me.
"Oh me? Oh umm... Oh yeah I'm fine... I... Guess." I said. I just knew that Bay Bay wasn't really convinced. I even wasn't sure and I was trying my best to reassure him right now.

And oh no I really don't think that I'm doing a really fucking good job at doing that. And in fact, I think I'm doing the total opposite and also, I think that I actually really fucking suck. And I think I really shouldn't be all that surprised. Even Basil is able to see it from a fucking mile away. What is the fucking matter with me? Why do I have to fucking be this way? I don't get it and I don't even think that I ever really will.

Oh and don't get me wrong I knew that we were all stressed out right now but I mean... Like God fucking damn! I felt like such a goddamn idiot right now. What is wrong with me? Seriously.

And as though he could hear my thoughts, Bay Bay then proceeded to ask me. "Receiver please do tell me, are you absolutely positive that you're all right? I love you and..." Oh my god wait! He was actually fucking in love with me too?

Oh. Oh my God...

Oh what the hell am I going to fucking do now?

Basil's POV

Oh my God what the hell! What is the problem with me? I really should not have done that! I really should not have said that! I don't even know why I said it in the first place! I just knew that this wasn't the right time and here I went! And then now she was likely going to reject me. Oh my God I just couldn't believe that I had went on doing something so stupid like that! I deserve to be rejected. Oh my God I should have fucking known better!

And I was going to be going pretty soon to meet with Davros.

Oh my God somebody please kill me now?

Oh no actually I don't really want to regenerate quite yet... More like I don't want to regenerate quite ever. But I just don't know how I could actually stop that from happening.

As if things couldn't get any fucking worse for me. And I'm not only having to go speak with Davros, but I have to deal with the fact that pretty soon I would be regenerating! And I'd be eventually leaving my baby Gallifrey behind!

I'm not going to hold my breath, but perhaps maybe, just maybe... There could possibly be away for me to not have to worry about regenerating and having to turn into another reincarnation of myself. And therefore I wouldn't have to worry about leaving my baby Gallifrey.

A broken hearted old man could only hope...

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