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"One by one, I will call your name and you will be sent to your living quarters." Autolycus continued, holding a scroll aloft that had appeared in a tinier puff of smoke than he had come through.

He sounded bored, like this was a formality for him rather than a job of actual importance. Alessa remained steadfast at Marcus' side, fearful they would be separated so soon. She hated to admit it, but she needed him, at least until they made it to The Trials.

"Just stay calm." Marcus murmured, "Keep your head down. It'll be alright, no one can hurt you here."

Glancing around at the men built like one of her chicken coops she couldn't bring herself to agree with him on that one.

"Now, group Theta." Autolycus frowned at his scroll and my stomach dropped instantly, "Jonas, Orion, Sebastian, Leon, Marcus, Atticus and...Alessa."

A wave of deep gasps flew over the room as the men turned their heads wildly, searching for Alessa. She swore and kept her head firmly down as Marcus remained standing in front of her steadfast. At least they wouldn't be separated just yet. She hated having to depend on him for a form of security but in that moment she was just grateful it was an option for her.

"Can group Theta please follow the servants through the door behind me." Autolycus kept his gaze trained on the room at large, eyes scanning through the crowd.

Alessa sighed and lifted her head, meeting his gaze head on as she followed closely behind Marcus. The god's eyes widened but he didn't say a word as she walked past him. The murmurs grew louder as she reached the front of the room but she decided to keep her chin high and her eyes on Marcus' back until they disappeared through the slim doorway at the front of the room. She exhaled a breath that burned in her chest as they entered a dim hallway, lit only by small sconces adorning the walls.

"Good job." Marcus murmured, "You're safe."

Alessa exhaled, smiling even though Marcus couldn't see her and kept moving as they were led by the servant up ahead. At the end of the hallway the servant stopped in front of a door and waited for everyone to catch up. Once they had, she folded her arms and addressed the group.

"These will be your chambers for the next few days. You are advised to remain civilised for the duration of your stay." She raised an eyebrow, "Due to your...extraordinary circumstances, there will be a guard on patrol day and night to ensure her safety. We are not in the business of starting a bloodbath before you reach the arena. Any foul play will be punished. Do I make myself clear?"

The men muttered their assent and the servant stepped out of the way, opening the door on her right side and gesturing inside. The moment Alessa's foot crossed the threshold the door slammed firmly behind her, trapping them within. The room held more grandeur than what she had seen so far but still fell short of her expectations. The room was large at least, with seven beds spread far apart throughout it. That was all the room contained, beds, a few wooden shutters that likely kept out the sun and a large skylight above.

"Well, Ómorfos, you didn't mention you brought company." Jonas drawled, perching himself on the nearest available bed and fixing Marcus with a smirk, pointedly ignoring Alessa, "You just get more interesting by the second."

"You don't touch her." Marcus stated, hand closing over Alessa's wrist protectively, "None of you do."

"Please, that's the last thing I want to do." Jonas scoffed, his face screwing up with distaste, before settling back in his signature smug grin, "Does she speak? Or is she a mute?"

"I speak." Alessa said, ignoring the pointed squeeze Marcus gave her wrist.

"Excellent. Well, you have a great decision to make here. You could have either a very powerful ally or a very powerful enemy."

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