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"Oh." Alessa said simply, "Hello."

The man raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his lips as he looked her up and down, his gaze briefly snapping back to Mela, who stayed still, satchel still in her grip. Her hand tightened on her sword in her grip and his eyes caught the movement, but he made no move to unsheath his own weapon, content to watch her with amusement dancing in his eyes.

He had clearly been camping by this lake judging by the small fire built and the clothes strewn about, some caked in blood and others nothing but mere scraps. He had been drinking from the lake when she had found him, so he stood by the edge, arms folded.

"Is that all you have to say?"

Alessa raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, would you like an introduction? A hug?"

She could feel the weight of Mela's gaze boring into the side of her head but she refused to tear her eyes from the man standing before her. She did not want to make the first move, but if she looked away for even a moment, he would pounce. She needed to be smart about it. The man's smile dropped briefly, before coming back in full force.

"So you're Alessa." He said simply, "Interesting."

"How so?"

"I expected...more, I suppose."

Alessa gritted her teeth, "Well, I'm all you get."

"Shame. And who might this be?" He craned his neck towards Mela, who had yet to utter a word.

There was something eerie about the way in which he spoke, like he was thinking carefully over every word that left his lips. He felt practised, cool and somewhat calculated in a way she couldn't decipher.

"Enough." Alessa said firmly, "You do not address her."

"I just find it funny that you have your princess bound. Never have I seen such a thing." His teeth seemed to gleam in the sunlight, sharp and ready to bite.

"We just want water, it does not have to end this way."

She kept her voice steady, refusing to let this man see so much as a tremble of her knee. He could not see any shred of weakness or he would pounce.

"Oh, but I think it does." He crooned, taking a miniscule step forward, but she noticed, her eyes fixed on the movement, "Because you are a problem. And you need to be eradicated before you can get any further."

Her patience was wearing thin, but she could tell by the bend in his knee and the hand behind his back that he was about to attack. She was unsure of if she could beat him in hand to hand combat, but it was worth her best attempt.

"I would avert your eyes, princess." He said, "This is going to get...messy."

He lunged forward, sword pointed straight and she leapt to the side, using her sword to clash his, straining against the pressure of his weight against it. She managed to shove him away but he moved forward instantly, swiping his sword.

She was able to meet his slashes, hit for hit, but her arms burned from the tension and he showed no signs of stopping. She was growing tired and she was cursing herself internally that, despite all her training, she was still coming up short.

"Hey!" Mela shouted in the distance, "Mister, look over here!"

Everything happened in an instant; before Alessa could even turn her head, she watched his eyes dart over, no more than for a brief moment. But he froze, his sword stopping midair and his body stiffening. His eyes flickered to hers, staring deep into her soul as they were suspended mid battle, locked in each other's eyes and swords pressed together.

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