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"I don't understand these!" Alessa threw her hands up, frustrated, "I do not wish to do this anymore."

"Alessa." Alyosha said calmly, flashing her a smile. They usually are able to settle her spirits but she is so wound up it doesn't have its usual effect, "This is important. I need you to watch carefully."

Alessa rolled her eyes but said no more. She hated these 'lessons' with him and it was hardly the time for it, when they could be caught at any moment. She despised any moment that made Alyosha out to be the older, wiser twin, like she was a child under his care. She was just as capable as him.

"This," He held out a round, dark blue berry, "Is belladonna."

"And that is safe, I know."

He raised an eyebrow, "And it is extremely poisonous."


"Exactly. Now this," He held up an identical looking berry, "Is honeysuckle. Safe, delicious and easy to forage."

"They look the same."

"They do not-" Alyosha cut himself off with a groan, "Look closely. The belladonna has a much more purple hue to it."

"I see." She did not see. But she humoured him.

It was Alyosha's turn to roll his eyes, "Gods, what would you do without me?"

Alessa grimaced, yet she couldn't understand why.


The time at the centre passed swiftly; so much so that she couldn't be certain that she was learning anything at all. Clymene was distant, yet kind to her throughout the following days but every so often Alessa caught her eye and had to look away, a blush climbing up her cheeks at the intensity she could clearly see. Something was brewing and she was unsure just what to do with it.

There was a change in herself, she had come to find, only in the brief glimpses she got in the mirror in the mornings. It was an emerald framed mirror, taller than herself and perched in the corner of the room. She peeked at herself out of the corner of her eye as they were herded to breakfast each morning. Her arms were leaner, more muscle than the flimsy flesh that they had been when she had arrived. Her calves too, now had slight definition and she found her stamina took her further.

It probably helped that she was properly eating for the first time in longer than she cared to admit. The guards were vigilant but uncaring, it was Marcus who ensured she ate at least two slices of bread and a handful of fruit each morning, scolding her if she didn't. Each time, Jonas would be nearby with a crude comment about Alessa 'stuffing her face' until Marcus shot him a glare and he would turn away, shooting her a quick wink as he did. They had reached a silent understanding in their time at the centre, one where they decided not to kill each other. And one where Jonas acted as though they were best friends. It was oddly endearing, his boyish charm that radiated from his very being, his wide beaming grin, his shaggy curls and his warmth that just drew everyone in. It was surprising to believe that underneath it all was a coldhearted killer, and the man who had thrown Marcus to the wolves.

She didn't fully understand why Marcus didn't want to reveal his identity to Jonas, the only thing she could think of was perhaps he saw it as a weakness, something that could be used against him. But it still baffled her regardless. Marcus had remained steadfast at her side in the following days, even going as far to take Leon's abandoned bed beside her. She fell asleep on her side, staring at his peaceful sleep, looking calmer than she had ever seen him in the light of day.

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