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There were few moments in life when Alessa felt genuine, wholehearted fear that overtook her entire being. There was the time Bessie, their prized cow, charged at her, murder blazing in her eyes as Alessa stood frozen, saved only by Alyosha tackling Alessa and dragging her out of harm's way. There was also the time that Alessa was walking home and encountered Arrian, the father of one of the boys Alessa's age, in the dead of night. She could never forget the feeling of his hand clasping her forearm and trying to pull her in close. There was, of course, the moment of watching Alyosha disappear in the distance on the boat, as he had opted to forgo the training centre.

Despite these moments, being attacked by Jonas simply did not instil that same level of fear within her. Time had slowed to an apparent stop around her as she observed his movements. His eyes were narrowed, a slight quiver in his jaw as he crouched and extended his sword, ready to fight. Alessa knew that without a weapon of her own, her odds of surviving a battle with Jonas were slim; but she was nothing if she wasn't resourceful. She jumped back at his lunge forward, trying to put as much space between them as she could as he paused.

"Jonas..." She tried, palms pointed towards him in what she hoped was a calming manner, "You don't want to do this."

"I do. You are nothing but a wretch and if I don't dispose of you now, you'll be a problem in those damned trials."

"I thought we were friends." She pleaded, eyes widening as his grip tightened on his sword, knuckles turning white.

"I'll admit, I'll miss your snarky commentary." He conceded, "But it has to end here. I'm sorry, Alessa. It's the only way."

Fine, she glowered in her mind, staring him down. If he wanted to kill her, he was going to die trying. As he thrust his sword forward again Alessa dodged to the side, grabbing his wrist with both of her hands until he howled and dropped the sword. She swung her ankle, sending it flying through the grass and out of sight as she turned back to face him. She smirked at the sight of his wide-eyes gaping at her and she tackled him to the ground, not giving him a moment to fight back before she put her hands around his throat and squeezed, digging her thumbs into his windpipe.

He spluttered, choking out a breath and clawing at her hands as he grew red in the face. His eyes began to flutter and an uncomfortable feeling flushed her entire body as she realised she didn't want to kill this man. But she was left with no choice.

"Why did you do this?" She screamed, her voice carrying through the silent night.

She knew there would be no answer to her question, but she kept asking. Over and over, screaming until her voice was raw scratching at her throat.

And then she was toppled, hands flailing as she found herself on the ground, with Jonas straddling her hips with a smirk as he cleared his throat repeatedly. Alessa closed her eyes, bracing for impact as he stared down at her. She was beaten.

"Nicely done, Allistair." His voice was hoarse.

Her eyes flew open to see Jonas beaming down at her, his hair flopping down onto his forehead, covering his eyes.

"You didn't think I'd actually kill you, did you?"

"I mean...I've seen you do a lot worse. What, you spared me because I'm a woman?"

The feeling of his thighs on either side of her hips had her wriggling uncomfortably, unsure of how to unseat him.

"Of course not! I was simply testing you."

"Testing me? You didn't even give me a sword!"

"You didn't even need it!" He folded his arms, "You've done well."

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