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As much as Alessa longed to witness the fight between Jonas and Marcus, Clymene did not give her a moment to breathe before she lunged forward with her sword. Alessa darted back, holding her makhairas aloft in shock as Clymene raised a perfectly arched brow, smirking. Alessa narrowed her eyes, adjusting her stance and gesturing for Clymene to come forward.

"Atta girl." Clymene murmured and Alessa flushed from the attention the Goddess was paying her.

She was more prepared for this attack, thrusting her swords in front of her face, crossing against each other and causing Clymene's sword to clang against hers. Alessa pushed her weight from her back foot, pushing herself forward and forcing Clymene back a step. Alessa used this momentary stumble to her advantage, lunging forward with her sword and grunting as it collided with the Goddess' perfectly placed shield.

Alessa could hear the shouts of men in the background and the piercing sound of swords colliding but she blocked them out, focusing on the Goddess before her who looked more amused than anything else. Alessa lunged forward again, slashing twice in succession and allowing a sense of pride to wash over her as the shield began to splinter in Clymene's grip. Her breathing came shallowly as heat overtook her entire body but she refused to stop for even a moment, using both swords to lunge forward and swipe at the Goddess before her.

Clymene's sword fell to the ground with a clatter that echoed throughout the room.

"Well, well, well." Clymene dropped her sword, "I may have gone easy on you but...that was impressive."

Alessa vaguely noted the sounds of fighting ceasing behind her but she kept her gaze locked with Clymene, chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath. Something swirled in her gut that she couldn't quite pinpoint, something in Clymene's eyes jolting her.

"Make note boys." She continued, folding her arms, "She's come to fight."

Alessa found her voice, straightening her back and forcing a smirk on her face, "I am."

"Excellent." Clymene cast her gaze over the men surrounding her, "Sebastian. You're out."

"W-what? You weren't even watching me!" The man roared, taking a step forward before quickly cowering under the force of her glare.

"You do not question me, boy. Out."



"I am a warrior! I am Zeus' successor!"

"Oh..." She raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

"Yes." Sebastian stepped forward, chin tilted upward as he glared at her with derision, "And I'll gladly smite you where you stand, woman!"

"I'm giving you one more chance to be an adult." Clymene was watching him with amusement, like how one would observe a child throwing a tantrum.

Alessa glanced at the doorway to see two guards standing there, swords drawn as they awaited Clymene's signal. She waved them off with a lighthearted giggle, shaking her head almost fondly as she stared Sebastian down. Alessa locked eyes with Marcus, who stood a breadth in front of Jonas, the man's hand clasped on his shoulder firmly. She raised an eyebrow at him playfully and Marcus scowled at her, but made no move to shake the other man's hand off.

Alessa made a mental note to explore that particular connection later.

"Prepare to die where you stand wench!" Sebastian roared, raising his sword and breaking into a run towards Clymene, who stood, amused.

Her arms remained folded and she made no move to block the attack. As Sebastian reached her, his sword swung out, looking to make purchase with her throat, but as soon as the sword was within a breath of her, he flew backwards as a clatter of lightning filled the room. He flew backwards, barrelling into Alessa who groaned as the air was shoved from her lungs, sprawling onto the ground.

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