Chapter 18 - Mom

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Jungkook couldn't get himself to go back to sleep. Jimin's scent lingered on him and he nearly melted and just basked in it. The omega had the most amazing scent he'd ever smelled. He licked his lips thinking over his talk wit Jimin and smiled a bit feeling like there was hope. 

He'd allowed him to hug him and it was the most amazing feeling ever. It felt so right, holding the small Omega in his arms. And he couldn't wait for the chance to do it again. 

He wondered how Hoseok was doing with his two Omegas, had he been able to get out of there before the cops came with a warrant? They were quickly piecing together the puzzle and would very soon link Jungkook and Hosoek to Mr. Jeon's activities. 

He wondered when it would be safe to go back, not that he really wanted to. Namjoon's place was so refreshing, the fresh air, the open lands, his kind mate, it was just a much healthier environment for him at the moment. 

As good as it felt to be away from his father and all the violence and criminal activity, he couldn't help but worry about him. Where was he? On the run? He knew that his dad had so many properties that were underground. They were either completely unlisted or under an alias. 

He had to admit he felt a bit betrayed that he wouldn't take him with him, that he would just leave him there to take the fall. Jungkook scoffed and wondered why he had such loyalty to his dad anyway. 

He looked down at his food moving it around with his chopsticks as he thought, it had gotten cold by now and he just pushed the bowl away. He was hungry before everything but after Jimin came in, his appetite disappeared. At least the one for his food, now his only appetite was for the small Omega. 

Jungkook sat at the table deep in thought until the sun rose and Namjoon came into the kitchen. 

"Hey bro, what are you doing up so early?" He asked heading to the fridge. 

"I've been up since last night. I spoke with Jimin." 

"Oh?" He asked taking a swig of orange juice from the jug. 

Jungkook just nodded and jumped slightly as Jin came in the kitchen yelling. 

"What are you doing!? Don't drink that like that, what are you a caveman?" Jin said talking fast and mumbling as he took a cup out of the cabinet angrily. 

Jungkook chuckled as Namjoon sheepishly apologized to his mate who was continuing to scold him faster than Jungkook had ever heard anyone scold. Namjoon just bit his lip looking ab it embarrassed as Jin poured the juice and put it back. Jin put his hands on his hips then looking at Namjoon. 

"I'm sorry babe." Namjoon said pulling him close. "You know I'm forgetful." 

"Hmp, more like downright clumsy and careless." 

Namjoon chuckled seeing Jin so worked up and kissed him gently on his pretty neck and Jin closed his eyes. He shuddered and put his hands to Namjoon's chest. 

"Don't cheat, I'm mad at you!" Jin snapped. 

Namjoon grinned and kept pressing butterfly kisses to Jin's neck moving down to his mark and Jungkook lifted his brow seeing how Jin melted in Namjoon's arms and moaned a bit. 

"I'm sorry babe." Namjoon whispered between kisses. 

Jin seemed to calm down but still scoffed at his mate. Namjoon lifted his legs all at once mounting him on the cabinet making Jin yelp in surprise. Jin put his hands on Namjoon's shoulders blushing. 

"Joonie! We've got company." Jin whined hiding into Namjoon's neck.

Namjoon chuckled darkly and Jin shivered. Jungkook bit his lip looking away. 

Lessons in Love - Jikook| OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now